Title: ESAs are the Bridge
1 ESAs are the Bridge To the Future NSBA April
18, 2006 Brian L. Talbott Executive Director
2 The AESA Mission
- Serve as a national voice for ESAs
- Provide professional development, technical
assistance, advocacy and research - Help member agencies promote, distribute, and
leverage ESA knowledge, products, and services - Assist in the establishment of ESAs.
3 Educational Service Agencies
4 Regions
44 States
550 Agencies
4 Full Names of ESAs
- AEA Area Education Agency
- BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services
- CESA Cooperative Education Service Agency
- COE County Office of Education
- EC Educational Cooperative
- ESA Education Service Agency
- ESC Education Service Center / Cooperative /
Commission - ESD Educational Service District
- ESU Education Service Unit
- ISC Intermediate Service Center
- ISD Intermediate School District
- IU Intermediate Unit
- REC Regional Educational Cooperative
- RESA Regional Education Service Agency
- RESC Regional Education Service Center
- ROE Regional Office of Education
- RRC Regional Resource Center
- SC Service Cooperative
5 Today 44 States with ESAs
85 ofprivate schools
43 million students
87 ofschool districts
85 of certificated and classified staff
More than 100,000 ESA professionals nationwide
6 ESA Programs and Services
Teaching and Learning
- Direct services to students
- Operating schools and programs
- Professional development
Administrative Operational Support
- Business and financial services
- Certification and transportation
- Purchasing and others
7 ESAs
- Train teachers and paraprofessionals,
- Provide training which leads to alternative
certification, - Provide supplemental services for eligible
students, - Provide/coordinate expert teams for school
improvement - Help integrate technology into school improvement
efforts, - Communication and dissemination, and
- Provide feedback on regulations rules.
- 7
8 The Structure of ESAs Allows us a Unique
Opportunity to Partner
- LEAs
- SEAs
- Other ESAs
- Governmental Agencies
- Private Sector
9ESAs are Flexible and Cost Effective
- Loose/Tight Fit
- Entrepreneurial
- Take Advantage of
- Economies of Scale
- Key Communicators
10 Why are businesses interested in working with
- ESAs are
- The Marketing Channel (Go to Guys)
- Visible
- Closest to the Customer Monthly meetings
- Customer Focused
- Results Oriented
- Flexible
- Direct Link to LEAs
11AESA Schedule of Events
Educators Call to Action Federal Advocacy
Conference Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
September 13-15, 2006 Washington DC AESA
Annual Conference J.W. Marriott Desert Springs
Resort Spa Nov. 29 Dec. 2, 2006
Palm Desert, California
12 AESA STUDY Difference in Skill Sets
Between LEA Superintendents and ESA
Superintendent/CEOs by Dr. E. Robert Stephens Dr.
William Keane Dr. Brian L. Talbott 2006
13AESA Study of the Chief Executive
LEA Superintendent Experience Mean 11
years Median 9.5 years ESA
Superintendent Experience Mean 9.3
years Median 8.5 years
14(No Transcript)
15Cognitive Abilities
16Interpersonal Skills
17Intrapersonal Skills
18Knowledge Bases (Questions 7,9)
19Group Facilitation Skills (Questions 23, 25)
20Leadership Skills
21For More Information Contact AESA
- Visit our Website
- www.aesa.us
- Phone (703) 875-0739
- E-mail btalbott_at_aesa.us
22ESAs are the Bridge to the Future
LEAs Schools
Service Providers