Title: Emerging Air Quality Issues in Freight
1Emerging Air Quality Issues in Freight
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway
- Diane Turchetta
- 6/29/04
FHWA Environmental Conference Alexandria, VA
2Topics Covered
- Why does FHWA care about freight emissions?
- Overview of EPA regulatory actions voluntary
- What is FHWA doing?
- Research
- Idle-Reduction initiative
- Diesel engine retrofits
- Talking Freight Seminar
3Air Quality New Ozone Nonattainment Areas
4Air Quality Emissions
5Energy Energy Trends By Sector
6Traffic Congestion
Truck and Rail Flows
Freight Flows by Rail 1998 (tons)
Federal Railroad Administration
Freight Flows by Truck 2020 (daily truck volumes)
Federal Highway Administration
7EPA Regulatory Actions
- Heavy-duty diesel truck and bus engine and fuel
- standard
- Rulemaking finalized in 2000 requires new and
- cleaner control technologies and low-sulfur
- fuel (15 ppm) in 2007
- Vehicles will be 95 cleaner than todays trucks
- and buses
- Rulemaking finalized last month will cut
emission - levels from construction, agricultural,
and - industrial diesel-powered equipment by
over 90
8EPA Regulatory Actions Cont
- Reduces sulfur levels in fuel to 500 ppm by 2007
and 15 ppm
for land-based fuel in 2010 (locomotives and
marine vessels by 2012)
- ANPRM for Locomotives and Marine Engines
- Announced last month
- Emphasis is on PM reductions
- Standards could apply as early as 2011
9EPA Voluntary Programs
- Clean School Bus USA
- Retrofits buses with better emission control
- technologies - 65 M in EPA 2005 budget
- SmartWay Transport
- Voluntary program between EPA and the freight
- industry focus is on carbon dioxide
- Voluntary Diesel Retrofit and Replacement
Program - Addresses pollution from diesel construction
- equipment and heavy-duty vehicles in use
10What Are We DoingResearch
- Research Impacts of Intermodal Freight
Movement - on Air Quality
- Six MSAs selected (LA, Dallas, Houston,
Chicago, - Detroit and Baltimore)
- Freight profiles developed by mode (commodity
- flows and emissions)
- Identification of key issues and problems
- Preliminary look at mitigation
11What Are We DoingIdle-Reduction
- Working with DOE and EPA to reduce idling
emissions - from heavy-duty engines (on-board and
off-board - technologies
- Regional workshops (I-95 corridor)
- National conference (Albany, NY May 2004)
- CMAQ funding for idle-reduction projects (16 M)
- August 2003 policy guidance CMAQ Eligibility
- for Idle-Reduction Measures
- SAFETEA provision (Title 23 Section 111
12What Are We Doing.Diesel Engine Retrofits
- Heavy-duty diesel engine retrofits diesel
particulate matter filters oxidation catalysts - CMAQ policy guidance issued in Jan. 2003 on
Eligibility of Freight Projects and Diesel
Engine Retrofit Programs - FHWA participation in EPA School Bus, Retrofit
and Replacement Work Group - Issue related to allocation of emission
reduction credits (on-road vs off-road)
13What Are We DoingTalking Freight Seminar
- Collaborative between FHWAs Office of Freight
- Management and Operations and Office of
- Planning
- Monthly FHWA-sponsored net-conference seminars
- July 21 seminar will be on idle-reduction
technologies and initiatives -