Title: Kein Folientitel
1Frame Specs for the new 42V Battery Connectors
- 1) Electrical short circuits between poles should
not be possible using simple metal tools
(screwdrivers, wrenches) ? at least one of
the battery poles must be female, retracted
or in a niche of the battery case - 2) Bipolar connectors / plugs should be used for
simultaneous connection / disconnection of both
poles in order to promote usage of fully
confectioned cables (instead of crocodile clamps
and single wires) ? the two battery poles
should have short distance - 3) Preferably the connectors should be connected
/ disconnected without tools to allow fast
mounting ? Radsock or similar type connectors
(vibration specs ?)
2Frame Specs for the new 42V Battery Connectors
4) Size and shape of the connector should be
unique for 42V Batteriesto avoid connection to
the wrong voltage bus ? completely new
design, plug should not fit to 12V batteries,
12V battery connectors should not fit to
42V 5) The size of the connector should not vary
with battery capacity(or should it change in
length or width with capacity ???) ? current
capability of the connector must be defined by
the maximum expected current for
maximum capacity 6) Connectors / plugs must be
designed in a way, that a charger cable,a jump
start cable, and a cable to connect 42V Batteries
in series can exist without the risk of shorts
through accidential wrong connections
3Frame Specs for the new 42V Battery Connectors
7) What is the current, under which the connector
may be disconnected ? ? resistance to sparks
? (male contact more subject to wear?)
(less wearing contact on vehicle side,
cheaper contact on battery side) 8) Should the
connector be on the top, the side or the bottom
of the battery ? 9) It should be possible to
include the battery plug into an electronics box
which sits directly on, aside, or under the
battery ? no battery vents on this side (?)
4Possible Cell Configurations
long current path, high resistance
medium length current path, diagonal poles
adjacent poles, high resistance
shortest current path, poles on one side
Configuration with adjacent poles possible, but
not optimal