Title: Be healthy, be happy
1Crickhowell High School
Be healthy, be happy!
2Crickhowell High School Eco-School
- Green Flag Status first achieved Autumn 2004
- Second inspection Spring 2007 Second Green flag
3Personal, Social and Health Education
- The Programme of Study and Schemes of Work are
regularly reviewed for appropriateness and
relevance to pupils. After last years review it
was decided that Eco-schools would feature as a
unit of work delivered in Year 8 PSE.
Eco-schools healthy living lesson in action!
4Personal, Social and Health Education
- The school council is in place to ensure all
pupils views are reflected in curriculum
planning, teaching and learning and the whole
school environment.
School council meeting
5Personal, Social and Health Education
- Schemes of Work reflect appropriate involvement
of outside agencies. The roles of such
professionals are planned into the Schemes of
Work and their contribution evaluated
- School liaison officer discussing the impacts of
alcohol misuse
6Personal, Social and Health Education
- The school is a smoke-free site
- Pupils, staff, parents and governors have been
involved in the development of this and smoking
makes up a major section of the PSE scheme of
work taught in Year 9.
No smoking poster
7Healthy Eating
Chips once a week. Only allowed as part of a
full meal with fish and vegetables. Healthy food
in canteen. Great range of salad, fruit and
8Healthy Eating
Now- Since Sept 2006. Only water and juice
Then fizzy drinks
9Healthy Eating
We have 3 water fountains around the school and
encourage pupils to refill their bottles here
rather than buying a new one. Pupils are
permitted to take clear bottles into lessons and
encouraged to keep hydrated.
10Physical activity
The whole school gets involved with all staff and
pupils running a mile for charity every summer.
The fun run for comic relief.
Opportunities for exercise
11Physical activity
Safe routes to school campaign for a new zebra
crossing Walk to school weeks planned for the
12Physical activity
If pupils live too far to walk then we provide
facilities for them to cycle in. If this is not
possible we encourage pupils to use public
transport or car share.
Photo of bike racks
13Emotional Health and Wellbeing
At Crickhowell we have a clear policy on
bullying, which is understood and implemented by
the whole school community. Our policy is
clearly displayed in all classrooms and form
tutors make pupils aware of the importance of
tolerance and helping to prevent bullying.
- Competition winner James Murdoch with his anti
bullying poster.
14Emotional Health and Wellbeing
We have a dedicated pastoral team who identify
vulnerable individuals and groups and establish
appropriate strategies to support them and their
families. The school has plans in place for
working with other agencies to support
individuals and their families.
- Carole Phillips is our student support officer
15Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- The school has a system for recording bullying
incidents and a follow up process to monitor
young people involved in bullying incidents - Pupils report that they feel safe in school and
that they know where to get support when needed.
- Peer pals scheme volunteers
16Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- The Eco committee is one of the many
opportunities for pupils to participate in school
activities and responsibilities to build their
confidence and self-esteem
17Crickhowell High School
Aiming to be healthy and happy inside and out!