Title: Information Processing with a Number of Neurons
1Information Processing with a Number of Neurons
2Neural Representation of moving direction
- Two pieces of information are important for
representing the dynamical aspects of external
objects, namely, the moving speed and the moving
direction of objects.
- A. Georgopouloss group carried out a series
elegant - experiments to explore the neural representation
of - moving direction.
- It is one of the few examples in which the coding
- scheme is relatively well understood.
3Experiment observations
- In the experiment, the monkey is guided to move
the lever in the - center of apparatus to one of eight peripheral
- Neural activities in the motor area are recorded.
All pictures from M. Gazzaniga et al. Cognitive
Neuroscience, unless otherwise stated.
4Preferred stimulus and tuning curve
- Preferred stimulus for each neuron, there is a
stimulus value by - which the neuron
has the maximum response. - Tuning curve the function mapping between the
neural activity - (measured by mean firing
rate) and the stimulus value.
5Why population code?
- How is the moving direction encoded by neural
activities? - By the most active neuron? This sounds reasonably
if there is - no noise, but it does not work in practice
because of - large fluctuations in neural activities.
- By a population of neurons?
- All active neurons contain a piece of
information - about the stimulus, why dont we consider all
of them - jointly encode the moving direction. It has at
least one apparent - advantage of averaging out noises in individual
neurons, - since they are (partially) independent.
- Georgopoulos et al. proposed an idea to
reconstruct the moving - direction from the observed neural activities.
6Mathematical Modeling of Neuronal Response
- The smooth bell-shape tuning curve is often
modeled by the - Gaussian (or cosin) function
- For neural activity in one trial
7Population Vector
- Georgopouloss idea the neural system reads out
the moving - direction by the average of preferred stimuli
of all - active neurons weighted by their activities.
- This sounds reasonable since more active
neurons, whose preferred - stimuli are more likely close to the true
stimulus, and hence - should contribute more on the final vote.
8An illustration of Population Vector
9The paradigm of population coding
- Population vector demonstrated that information
can be accurately - represented by the joint activities of a
population of neurons in a noise - environment. This coding strategy of using a
population of neurons - to represent stimulus is called population
- The idea of population coding is also found in
the representation of - moving direction in other parts of cortex, and
the representation of - other stimuli, such as the orientation of
object and the spatial location.
- Population coding seems to be a general framework
for information - processing in neural systems, and worth to be
analyzed in more - detail theoretically.
10The mathematical model of population coding
Population vector is one of many inference
11Some interesting research issues
- How much information is encoded in a population
code? Because of noise, - finite number of neurons, and the decoding
strategy used, the inferred result is in general
different from the real stimulus value (the
error). A theoretic question is what is the
minimum error for any decoding strategy to
- What is the most efficient decoding strategy?
i.e., the one that has the minimum decoding
errormaximum likelihood inference.
- What is the effect of noise correlation? When
noises at different neurons are independent, they
can be perfectly clean out through population
average by a generic decoding method. However, in
real biologic system noise correlation is
inevitable, then a question is how much does the
correlation affect the decoding performance.
- What is the biologically plausible decoding
strategy? For a strategy to be - used in biological systems, we would expect that
this method is reasonably - efficient and can also be easily implemented by
the neural networks - architecture.
12Template Matching
- In the noise-less case, the population activity
profile (mean firing rates of all neurons) is
given by the tuning function f(x). In the noisy
case, we may use f(x) as a template to match the
observed noisy population activity, and choose
the solution as the one when the template has the
maximum overlap with the noisy hill. The peak
position of template then reports the estimated
- The noisy hill is the population activity
- when the stimulus x0.
- Among three positions, the red one ( )
- has the maximum overlap with the
- observed data.
- Mathematically, this is equivalent to
13The performance of template-matching (1)
- Maximum likelihood inference (MLI)
MLI is asymptotically efficient in many cases.
This means that when the number of neurons is
sufficiently large, its decoding error reaches
the lower bound, i.e., the inverse of the Fisher
information, called the Cramer-Rao bound.
An illustration of asymptotical efficiency. The
decoding error is measured by
14The performance of template-matching (2)
- MLI for independent Gaussian noise
15The performance of template-matching (3)
- For independent Gaussian noise, template-matching
is - equivalent to MLI, and hence is asymptotically
efficient. - For correlated noise which is always the case in
reality, - template-matching can be regarded as a decoding
method - that ignore the neuronal correlation, but
utilize - the knowledge of tuning function whereas,
population vector - can thought as a method which even ignore the
tuning - function (only the knowledge of neurons
preferred stimuli - is used). We expect that template-matching
outperforms - population vector in general cases.
16Comparing the performances of three methods
In terms of decoding error Population
17On the biological plausibility of a decoding
- For a decoding strategy to be used in neural
systems, accuracy is - only one aspect, simplicity, speed and whether
it can be implemented - in neural architecture are also important.
- MLI, though very accurate, is often too
complicated to be - implemented in neural architecture, especially,
when noises are - correlated.
- Population vector, may appears to be simple to
computers (just - some addition and times operations), is not
guaranteed to be also - simple in the view of neural systems (e.g., how
to carry out these - additions and times is not obvious). Moreover,
in some noise - correlation structures, population vector can be
very inefficient. - How about template-matching? In the below we
will show that it - can be naturally achieved in neural systems
through the idea - of continuous attractor.
18Attractor Computation
- Attractor a steady state of a neural ensemble
memorizes - a stimulus value.
- Information retrieval (associative memory) a
noisy input will - be attracted to a steady state of the system
that memorizing the - prototype of the input.
- Discrete vs. Continuous attractor
Point attractor the steady state is only the
bottom of the bowl.
Line attractor the system is stable on the whole
19The properties of continuous attractor
- The steady states of the system (the memorized
stimulus values) - forms a continuous space, on which the system
is neutrally stable.
- This neutrally stability allows the system to
change status smoothly, - following a fixed path.
- This property (not shared by discrete
attractors) is crucial for the - system to seamlessly track the smooth change of
- One drawback of continuous attractor may be that
the neutrally - stability implies the system is sensitive to
fluctuations along the - attractor space. This, however, can be overcome
through on-line - coding.
- Continuous attractor seems to be most suitable
for representing - continuous stimulus such as the moving
direction, but may also - works well for encoding discrete objects if
there is a continuous - underlying feature linking all these objects.
20The monkey experiment revisit
- In the experiment, the monkey to required to
compute the moving direction mentally (mental
rotation). - We observe that the representation of moving
direction in the system can smoothly change
states and follows a fixed path, indicating a
structure of continuous attractor.
The monkey moved the lever from a
initial direction to a target direction guided by
signal. Data was recorded in the motor
area. Population vector was used to
reconstruct the intermediate (mental) directions
every 10 ms.
21Neural implementation of template-matching
Three essential elements on the network
- One The steady states of the network must have
the same shape of - tuning function in order to generate
the template. - Two When no stimulus exists, the network should
be neutrally stable - on a line attractor (consider 1D
stimulus), parameterized by all - possible stimulus values. This enables
the network to be ready - to decode (match) any stimulus value
that may arise. - Three An external input that contains the
stimulus information drives - the template (the steady state of the
system) to the position - that has the maximum overlap with the
noisy population - activity (this is the final execution
of template-matching).
22A simple network model for line attractor
- The network structure (rate model)
The symmetry structure is the key. a the tuning
23The network estimation
- When no external input presents, the steady state
has the form - (the template)
- When a small or transient external input is
the network will be stable at one point on the
line attractor, with the position determined by
24Matlab demo for continuous attractor
Demonstrating the smooth tracking capability of
continuous attractor
25Matlab demo for template-matching
26Project 1 Modelling Continuous Attractors
- Aim to study population coding and recurrent
network models - to investigate that continuous stimulus is best
to be represented as - continuous attractor in neural systems.
- Requirement to build up a recurrent network
model with simplified - rate coding units. Using this model to illustrate
that when the recurrent - interactions have proper symmetrical structure,
the network is neutrally - stable on a continuous attractor with the steady
state being of the - bell-shape. Elucidate how continuous attractor
can be used to - seamlessly track stimulus change and perform
template-matching - for noisy input.
27Main References
1. Ben-Yishai et al. Theory of orientation tuning
in visual cortex. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 923844-3848, 1995
2. Zhang K. Representation of spatial orientation
by the intrinsic dynamics of the head-direction
cell a theory. Journal of Neuroscience,
3. Pouget et al. Statistically efficient
estimation using population coding. Neural
Computation, 10373-401, 1998.
4. Wu S. et al. Sequential Bayesian decoding with
a number of neurons. Neural Computation,
15993-1013, 2003. 5. Wu S. et al. Computation
with continuous attractors Stability and
on-line aspects. Neural Computation (in press).