Title: Podcasting and iTunes University
1Podcasting and iTunes University
- e-Learning 2.0 Conference- March 29, 2007 Brian
GallRussell Pritchard - Ilena Key
- Jason Slipp
2What is iTunes U?
- iTunes U is a free, cross-platform multimedia
distribution and learning environment wherein
educational content - course audio/video lectures
and supplemental course-related material - is
hosted online and made available to students. - In addition to course-related material, lectures
and presentations from public events, sports,
news broadcasts, and concerts can be delivered
through iTunes U.
3In the FutureLearning with Technology
Authentic Varied Evaluation (EVE)
Authentic Varied Practice Assessment (ASM)
Active Investigate, Discover, Apply,
Solve (ACT)
Student-Centered Responsibility (SCR)
Informed Collaboration (ICL)
4In the FutureLearning with Technology
- Influence (Rogers)
- Relative Advantage
- Compatibility
- Complexity
- Trialability
- Observability
- Channel of Communication
5iTunesU at Lehigh
- Instructor
- Upload/Storage/Accessibility/Delivery
- RSS feed creation
- Less back end work
- Student
- Portability
- Accessibility
- Learning Styles
- Cross Platform
6iTunes U Demonstration
7iTunes U - Nuts BoltsCreation of Material
- Record
- iPod, Wireless Mic, Digital Voice Recorder,
Digital Video Camera, PC/Mac - Edit
- Audacity Audio
- iMovie Video
- Garage Band Enhanced Podcasts
- Camtasia- Audio, Video Voice over Powerpoint
(PC only) - Profcast Voice over Powerpoint (mac only)
- Upload
- iTunes University
8iTunes U - Nuts BoltsCreation of Materials
9iTunes U - Nuts BoltsDesign of Experiments
10 11Contact Information
- Brian Gall gallb_at_philau.edu 215-951-6332
- Russ Pritchard pritchardr_at_philau.edu
215-951-2761 - Ilena Key ilk204_at_lehigh.edu 610-758-5045
- Jason Slipp-jqs7_at_lehigh.edu610-758-5343