Title: Telling time to the hour and the half hour
1Telling time to the hour and the half hour
- By Caitlyn and Kortney
- Your GEN-Y Students
2 Telling Time
- Telling time is easy once you get the hang of it.
First, you have to know how to count by 5s then,
you have to know the numbers on the clock.
3The Hour Hand
- The short hand is the hour hand it tells what
hour it is.
4The Minute hand
- The long hand is the minute hand it tells minutes.
- If the minute hand is on 3, than it is fifteen
minutes after the hour. Sometimes people say this
is a quarter past.
6More and More Minutes
- If the minute hand is on 6, then it is 30 minutes
after the hour sometimes people say this is half
7What time does the clock show?
8 Which one do you think it is?
9Now lets tell time to the half hour.
10Which one do you pick?
11What time does the clock show?
12What time does the clock show?
13What time does the clock show?
14What time does the clock show?
15What time does the clock show?
16Which clock shows a time when you might eat
17What clock shows a time when you might take a
18Which clock shows when you might eat Breakfast?
19What time does the clock show?
20What time does the clock show?