Title: Assessing and Developing Teacher Dispositions
1Assessing and Developing Teacher Dispositions
- Oregon Association of Teacher Educators
- Annual Conference
- February 24, 2006
- Roy Bunch, Corban College
2This session
- National Network for the Study of Educator
Dispositions (NNSED) - Definitions Revisited
- TED Examples Around the Country
- Emerging Patterns In Disposition Protocol
- Corban College (?)
- A Couple of Significant Issues (?)
- Where are you in the process with your
colleagues? How can we help each other?
3(No Transcript)
4Dispositions Framework and Protocol
- Framework
- Dispositions defined per institution mission
- Desired Dispositions identified
- Associated Manifestations/Behaviors listed
- Purpose Statement
- Protocol
- All necessary Instruments
- Schedule of Assessment
- Evaluators
- Common Procedures
- Remediation Procedures
5- Definitions. Revisited
- NCATE the one we all know
- The values, commitments, and professional
ethics that influence behaviors toward students,
families, colleagues, and communities and affect
student learning, motivation and development as
well as the educators own professional growth. - Dispositions are guided by beliefs and
attitudes related to values such as caring,
fairness, honesty, responsibility and social
6Other Definitions
- Characteristic manners of thinking and acting
- Habitual frames of mind
- Trends in actions that are intentional on the
part of the actor - Values, beliefs and intentions that are
discovered in consistent patterns of behavior - Attitudes, inclinations and personal qualities
that candidates hold toward teaching, learning,
students and colleagues - Habits of thinking and action regarding teaching
and children - Prevailing tendency, mood or inclination
7Definition Disquisition
Formal investigation or discussion, with the
connotation of seemingly endless conversation
without coming to a conclusion.
- No silver bullet or holy grail
- Define Dispositions through the lens of your
institutions unique mission and in light of
ongoing dialogue and discoveries in the
educational community.
- Consider the general nature of dispositions as
qualities more deeply held than observable
behaviors, but revealed in patterns of behavior.
- Most institutions are choosing to identify
dispositions as a broader category with
associated behaviors or manifestations.
- Some going to the use of commitments as
defining term for dispositions - for good
8Eastern Kentucky University
- Empathy
- Positive View of Others
- Positive View of Self
- Authenticity
- Meaningful Purpose and Vision
Assessment at various stages in the program,
using Human Relations Incident. This is
similar to a case study prompt and training is
required for all faculty evaluators.
9University of Vermont PADA Professional
Attitudes and Dispositions Assessment
- Collegiality
- Reliability
- Interpersonal Skills
- Intrapersonal Skills
- Attendance
- Oral Communication
- Written Commun.
- Non-verbal Expression
- Response to Feedback
- Desire to improve teaching
- Diversity
- Collaboration
- Pedagogical Knowledge
- Attitude toward St Teaching
- Adheres to Policies
Assessment is by an online Likert scale, up to 25
times by various faculty and supervisors during
the course of the program. Students have
immediate access to results.
10Washington State Examination of the
dispositions frameworks of 22 teacher education
institutions led to the following categories of
- Character
- Leadership
- Human interaction
- Communication
- Self-development
Framework and Protocol vary by institution but
assessment strategies include interviews, Likert
scales, student self-assess, institutional
assessment and student responses to case studies
and prompts.
11Asbury College (Wesleyan Methodist Heritage)
- Moral and Ethical Integrity
- Respect and Compassion for Others
- Personal and Emotional Wellness and Vitality
- Passion for Teaching
- Spiritual Sensitivity and Purpose
Assessment at various stages in the program,
using interviews, case studies, moral dilemma
analysis and 50-item Asbury Dispositions Rating
12Asbury College (Wesleyan Methodist Heritage)
- Focus on DEVELOPMENT of the dispositions rather
than - assessment for selection and admissions. Choosing
to see the - candidates potential and teaching and supporting
them as we - do in the development of knowledge and skills.
- Triadic Approach Dispositional Development
- Developing KNOWLEDGE of the Dispositions
- Developing the IDENTITY with the Dispositions
- Enacting the Dispositions (ACTION)
13Emerging Patterns in the Design of Dispositions
Framework and Protocol
- Dispositions are deeply held orientations
revealed in behavior patterns, and an
increasingly common approach to assessment and
development is to address the specific behaviors.
- Development of the actual disposition depends on
many variables, including the depth of the
orientation and how we approach the endeavor with
- Teacher educators are moving more to disposition
frameworks that emphasize development more than
admissions or selection criteria.
14Emerging Patterns in the Design of Dispositions
Framework and Protocol
- Asbury College Triadic Approach to Disposition
Development is a model for how many are thinking
Knowledge, Identity, Action
- As in all teaching and learning, assessment is
not the heart of the dispositions matter. What
we are doing to help our students develop the
desired dispositions is the more pressing issue.
15Emerging Patterns in the Design of Dispositions
Framework and Protocol
- Strategies for Development of Dispositions
- Demonstrate the high value of Dispositions from
the beginning - Full-day Workshop early in the Program
- Prescribed teaching and learning activities in
specific courses - Squirms, Vignettes, Written responses to Prompts
- Multiple opportunities for self-assessment
- Multiple institutional assessments, by multiple
- Conversations with students based on assessments
- Remediation only in cases of significant
deficiencies - (Punctilious in your protocol)
16Emerging Patterns in the Design of Dispositions
Framework and Protocol
- Along the Way
- Building Trust
- Continual Reinforcement
- Providing Support
- Modeling the Dispositions Ourselves
17Corban College (Framework and Protocol still in
Definition Characteristics and commitments
essential in the teaching and learning
environment which we expect our graduates to
cultivate in themselves and demonstrate in their
classrooms and schools
Purpose We are developing a Dispositions
Framework and Protocol because we believe that
being an effective teacher requires more than
content knowledge and pedagogy skills. We also
believe that our responsibility as teacher
educators includes guiding our students toward
personal reflection and growth, emotionally,
socially, professionally and spiritually. This
endeavor is a purposeful application of the
Corban College motto, Dedicating Heart and Mind
to God.
18Corban College (Framework and Protocol still in
- Dispositions
- Respect and Compassion for Others
- Commitment to Personal and Professional Growth
- Moral and Ethical Integrity
- Capacity for Leadership
- Manifestations
- An inchoate list of 35-45 characteristics and
behaviors aligned with each of the dispositions. - Such as collaborative, teachable, adaptable,
seeks opportunity to serve, speaks well of
others, above reproach in matters of conscience
and personal vitality
19Significant Issue Bad Press and Legal
- Dispositions perceived as a whacking stick to
ensure conformity to political ideology - WSU, Boston College, LaMoyne College
- NCATE Behaviors not ideologies (youre on your
own) - Even the critics see no problem with most
dispositions (collaborative, professional
development, adaptable) - Social Justice is the usual lightning rod
20Significant Issue Bad Press and Legal
- How are teacher educators dealing with the issue
- Remaining true to the institutional mission
- Self-reflection Considering any truth in the
critics voice - Punctilious Protocol
- Demonstrating the relationship of teacher
dispositions to student achievement
21Significant Issue 2 Paucity of Research
- 70s and 80s Research made demonstrated
correlations between some qualities we call
dispositions and effective teaching. - But effective teaching not defined strictly by
student learning gains. - 90s and 2000s same pattern continues.
- We need to fill the gap.
- NNSED is hoping to facilitate.
22Assessing and Developing Teacher Dispositions
- Oregon Association of Teacher Educators
So where are you with your colleagues in this
process?Did you pick up anything new or helpful
today?How can we help each other?