Title: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
1National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
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2Why Accreditation?
- Professional Community
- Commitment to Growing a Professional
Consensus - College of Education is a Professional School
Commitment to Prepare Individuals for Licensure
in Field
3Measures of Success
- 615 accredited institutions
- Approximately 100 candidates/precandidates
- 50 State Partners
- 33 national professional organizations
- 1,200 volunteers
4Measures of Success
- A majority of states have adopted or adapted
NCATEs unit standards as their state standards
for teacher preparation
5Measures of Success
- NCATEs 50 state partners have adopted NCATEs
national professional content standards (math,
science, etc.) or have aligned state content
standards with those standards. - Licensing Assessments in a majority of states
are now being aligned with NCATEs professional
6Measures of Success
- Teachers prepared at NCATE institutions are
well-prepared. These teachers - -know the subject matter
- -demonstrate knowledge of effective teaching
strategies - -can teach students from different backgrounds
- -have been supervised by master teachers
- -can integrate technology into instruction
7NCATE 101
The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
8The Standard of Excellence
In Teacher Preparation
An accrediting body for schools, colleges, and
departments of education recognized by the U.S.
Department of Education and the Commission on
Higher Education Accreditation
9IMPROVEMENT of teacher performance through
quality teacher preparation
ACCOUNTABILITY to children, their parents, and
the public at-large for quality teacher
10NCATEs Constituent Members
State Local Policymakers
Teacher Education
Specialized Professional Associations
Executive Board provides overall leadership
Unit Accreditation Board (UAB) makes
accreditation decisions, writes standards,
oversees Board of Examiners
Specialty Area Studies Board (SASB) approves
program standards
State Partnership Board (SPB) approves state
12NCATE Standards
- Developed by professional community
- Public process
13NCATE Standards
- Candidate Performance
- Candidate Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions
- Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
- Unit Capacity
- Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
- Diversity
- Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and
Development - Unit Governance and Resources
14Components of Standard
- The Standard
- Rubrics
- Supporting Explanation
15Candidate Knowledge,Skills, and Dispositions
Standard 1
16The Standard
- Candidates preparing to work in schools as
teachers or other professional school personnel
know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical,
and professional knowledge, skills, and
dispositions necessary to help all students
learn. - Assessments indicate that candidates meet
professional, state, and institutional standards.
17Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates
(Initial and Continuing Preparation of Teachers)
Unacceptable Acceptable Target
Teacher candidates have inadequate knowledge of subject matter that they plan to teach as shown by their inability to give examples of important principles or concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards. Fewer than 80 percent of the units program completers pass the academic content examinations in states that require such examinations for licensure. Teacher candidates know the subject matter that they plan to teach as shown by their ability to explain important principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards. Eighty percent or more of the units program completers pass the academic content examinations in states that require such examinations for licensure. Teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that they plan to teach as described in professional, state, and institutional standards. They demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of the subject. All program completers pass the academic content area examinations in states that require such examinations for licensure.
18Supporting Explanation
- The public expects that teachers of their
children have sufficient knowledge of content to
help all students meet standards for P12
education. - The guiding principle of the teaching profession
is that student learning is the goal of teaching.
NCATEs Standard 1 reinforces the importance of
this goal by requiring that teacher candidates
know their content or subject matter, can teach
effectively, and can help all students learn. -
- All professional school personnel are expected
to carry out their work in ways that are
supportive of student learning.
19Program Reviews as Evidence of Meeting Standard 1
National Reviews by SPAs (Specialized Professional
State Reviews by the State Agency Responsible for
Program Approval
20New NCATE Program Review Process
215 Sections
- 6-page Context Statement
- Course of Study
- Number of completers
- Brief information about faculty
- List of assessments, scoring guides, and data
tables being submitted - Table aligning assessments to SPA standards
22- Discussion of assessments and data
- Content knowledge
- Pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills
and dispositions - Effects on student learning
- 3 pages delineating how faculty have used data to
improve the program
23Data available from national ( sometimes state)
program reviews
- State licensure exam for program area (if
availableotherwise another content based
assessment) - Content Assessment
- Assessment of Planning (e.g., unit plan)
- Student teaching/internship assessment
- Assessment of candidate impact on student
learning or providing a supporting learning
environment - Other assessment to show SPA standards are met
24Alignment of Program Review with Standard 1
- Content
- Professional Pedagogical Knowledge, Skills,
Dispositions - P-12 Student Learning
- Rubric elements 1-2
- Rubric elements 3-5
- Rubric elements 6-7
25The NCATE Process
26- 2-3 years
- before visit
- 3 semesters
- before visit
- 1-2 semesters
- before visit
- Intent to Seek
- Accreditation
- Preconditions
- Program
- Reports Due
27- Institutional
- Report Due
- Previsit with
- Team Chair
- The On-site Visit
- 60 days before visit
- 30-60 days before visit
- Visit Date
28Board of Examiners Teams
Teacher Education
Specialty Policy
29Team Report
- NCATE format for the team report
- State addendum (optional)
30- BOE Report
- Finished
- UAB Meeting
- Notification of
- Accreditation
- Within 52 days after visit
- March/April October
- Within 2 weeks after UAB
31Organizing to Determine Accreditation
Audit Committees 4-5 Members with 6-9 cases
Joint Audit Committees 2 Audit Committees
Consent Agenda
Full UAB 32 Members
Recommendations for Denial, Probation, or
32Accreditation Decisions by NCATE
- Accreditation
- Accreditation with provisions or conditions
- Accreditation with probation
- Deny or revoke accreditation
33First Accreditation Visit
Within 6 months
Within 2 years
Written Documentation
Focused Visit
Within 12-18 months
34State Partnerships
35State Partnerships
- Type of Visit
- Joint State NCATE Visit
- Concurrent State NCATE Visit
- NCATE Only Visit
- Standards
- State Unit Program Stds
- NCATE Unit Program Stds
- Combination
- State Program Stds
- NCATE Unit Stds
36BOE Team Composition for Joint Visits
- Voting Members
- 3-8 NCATE Board of Examiners members
- 2-7 or fewer state representatives
- Non-voting Members
- State consultant from the State Agency
- Observers from state affiliates of AFT NEA
37- How does your state use the NCATE program review
and accreditation decisions in determining state
38And Remember Why We Are Doing All of this Work