Title: Student Teacher Supervisor Meeting
1Student Teacher Supervisor Meeting
The Office of Student Teaching and Field
Experience August 21, 2014
2Welcome new Supervisors
- Valerie Humphrey
- Barb Rickenbacker
- Leslie Smith
3Parking Lot and Index Cards
- As we move through afternoon jot down your
questions on the post it notes or on the chart
paper on the wall marked Parking lot
4Changes to the College of Education
- New President Dr. Scott Scarborough
- Dr. Susan Clark continues as the Interim Dean
- Dr. Sandra Coyner has been appointed as the
Interim Associate Dean - Move to Central Hower
- COE will be located on the third floor
- Zook is being renovated
- The COE continues to go through an assessment and
restructuring process. - Budget cuts have been deep in the COE.
- New CAEP Standards Move towards a clinical
model for field and student teaching.
5Shift to meet CAEP standards
- Shift from traditional field course that
included observation and maybe teaching a lesson
or two, to a clinical model. - Clinical Model more time and experience rich.
Will provide more opportunities to practice their
teaching skills and learn about the school
culture. - Should provide for earlier interventions of
students in the program. Focus is coaching and
feedback to students. - Student Teaching Internship Expectations of
school districts are very different. They expect
a certain level of foundational skills and
knowledge when they begin their student teaching
6- Last year there were several committees working
on the CAEP Standards. - Standard 2 is the Clinical Standard.
- This committee made a recommendation of a
clinical model and it was passed in College
Council - We will be moving to a model in which Teacher
Candidates will have four clinical experiences. - There will be continued work in designing the
clinical model this year. -
7CAEP Continued
- CAEP Standards have driven many changes that we
will talk about. - Compliance of the standards
- Primarily creating systems that allow us to
collect and analyze data in a systematic manner. -
8House Keeping Items
- All materials that you, the mentor and the
student teacher needs is on the Student Teaching
website. - All Student assignments were sent electronically
- Updated Date organizer
- Updated checklist of materials to turn in- no
more - disposition form.
- New recommended student teaching schedule for
- AYA and non AYA licensure areas.
- Co-teaching brochure from the state.
- Please pay close attention to the date organizer
that includes important dates and deadlines, as
well as the checklist of what needs to be turned
into the office. - Please review the materials on the web with the
mentor and the student teacher. - We developed an on-line training module for the
9Number of Visits Required
- Eight site visits required within 16 week
semester - Should include introductory visit and meeting.
- Five to six formal observations.
- Final evaluation and wrap up meeting.
- On the off weeks you will communicate and touch
base with your student(s) via email or phone or
even Skype with your students.
10Visits continued
- There will be students that may required
additional coaching or problem solving meetings.
Contact Wendy if those issues arise. - With fewer site visits, the ones that happen need
to be comprehensive and robust.
11MILEAGE POLICY No major changes
- Please use the form from the website each time
you submit. If you save and reuse the form, it
may corrupt the file. The controllers office
requests that you use a new form each time. - Katie has created new directions with visuals and
voice overs. This on the website under forms - When recording your visits, please list the
visits in the order you completed them. - You will turn in your mileage to our office two
times in a semester. Once at the mid-term and the
second one at the end of the semester.
- Please try to plan visits to accommodate best
routes. - Mileage will be calculated on shortest distance.
Either your home or the University. This is the
existing and past University policy. - You can claim mileage from your home (if that is
a shorter distance than UA) to your site visit(s)
and back to your home (if that is a shorter
distance the UA. - Current mileage rate .560
- When you submit your mileage, you will submit the
form directly to Katie. She will then forward
them to Wendy for approval. - Katie goes through the mileage forms checking for
any errors. We use map quest to check mileage and
have a five mile cushion. - If there are circumstances that require
additional travel or visits, please send Wendy an
email or call her. We understand there will be
circumstances that will require additional
- Please make sure you fill out all the required
areas. - Please make sure you save the document according
to the directions. This becomes critical when
trying to track your mileage - Copy of Travel_ RPT_Jewell_Wendy_010114_033014
15Housekeeping continued
- Emp Center Time Cards
- The Affordable Health Care Act requires employers
to report all workers times to ensure that
employers are providing insurance to workers who
work over twenty-nine hours. - You may have received emails regarding your time
card and asking you to fill out an electronic
time card.
16Emp Center Time Cards
- At this time you will only have to report your
time if you are carrying over four credit hours
of student teachers. - Most of you will not need to report your time.
- I will notify you by email if you are required to
do so and give you directions on what you need to
do. - For those of you who have to record your time,
you will submit how many hours you worked by
Monday of each week.
17Forms we are no longer using
- Disposition form
- Grade or graduate grade form
- Data form that you would collect from mentors
- AYA observation log
18New Forms and Procedures
- New Survey Forms
- New Data sheet for the mentors
- New Observation Form
- New Student Teaching Evaluation
- We are going Electronic!
- -Resources
- -Efficiency/Move to electronic files
- -Data Collection and efficient analysis of
data - -No more printing, making copies and mailing
- materials in.
- -Have tried our best to make it user friendly
- -Had to use the tools available to us.
19Tech support
- Please feel free call, email and or set up a
time if you need us to walk you through the
process - on the computer.
- Please be patient with us as we work out the bugs
in all the new systems. Please let us know if you
encounter any issues with the systems so we can
address it.
20New Surveys
- We condensed them and renamed them
- Survey by Supervisor
- -assessment of our program
- Survey by Teacher Candidate
- -assessment of supervisor and our program
- Survey by Mentor Teacher
- -assessment of the supervisor and program
- Surveys are done in a Qualtrix format
- There is a link on our website.
- Click on the link, fill out the survey and
submit. - Once you submit the survey, a copy will come
directly to a specialized email that is set up. - Once you submit you have completed the task.
- No ability to save the document.
22- Data form - mentor teacher fills out
- They will do this electronically as well. They
find the link on the website. - They will not turn in a form to you.
- All the Surveys allows us to collect data for CAEP
23Student Teacher Observation Form
- The previous duplicated carbon forms are gone.
- The observation form will be done electronically.
- This also done using the Qualtrix format.
- Under Forms you will see a link for the
Student Teaching Observation Form. - Click on the link, fill it out and submit.
- It will automatically send a copy of the
observation to the Supervisor, the Teacher
candidate and a specialized email that I access. - If you do not use a lap top or tablet during your
observation, we have provided a template called
the Observation Note taking form
24Student Teacher Observation Form
- The note taking form is voluntary and the
information must be transferred into the
electronic format. You can cut and paste. - By the end of the semester I must have a record
of five formal observations. (This is in
alignment of CAEP accreditation) - Limitation you cannot save the document.
- In accordance to the CAEP expectations there must
be Student Growth. Issues and goals must be
documented in the observation forms.
25Student Teacher Observation Forms
- Ex. If in the mid-term the students scores low in
the area of assessment and there is no mention of
it in the previous observation form or listed as
a goal, this will be red flagged from the state. - They are looking for Student Growth Measures.
- I will need to pay closer attention.
26TPA Teacher Performance Assessment
- The University of Akron is in second year of full
implementation of edTPA. - It is an expectation that the University of Akron
student teaching supervisor has a working
knowledge and understanding of the TPA and can
guide and support the student teacher through the
process. - The fee is still 300.00 to the student.
- The edTPA requirement is now attached to the
Student Teaching Course. - The National cut score has been set at 42. (75
possible) - TPA support will be included in the survey that
students fill out. - Faculty is working on embedding the skills
required into the curriculum.
28Overview of ScoresFall 2013 Teacher Candidates
- 161 Student Teachers
- 40 Teacher candidates received a passing score of
42 or above - 121 teacher candidates did not pass
- 25 of the teacher candidates passed the edTPA
- 7 teacher candidates scored 50 or above
- The highest score was a 67 AYA LA
29Overview of ScoresSpring 2014 Teacher Candidates
- 180 Student Teachers
- 85 Teacher candidates received a passing score of
42 or above - 95 teacher candidates did not pass
- 47 of the teacher candidates passed the edTPA
- 18 teacher candidates scored 50 or above
- The highest score was a 64
30TPA is on SpringboardPlease take the time to
review the materials available to you.Please
encourage your students to review all the
materials and resources available to them on TPA
Springboard site.edTPA.aacte.org
31What TPA support or training do you need?
32New Teacher Candidate EvaluationContent of new
33New Teacher Candidate Evaluations
- One mid-term and one final
- No traditional and collaborative form. Same form
used by all - No more printing and copying and then mailing
- This is also done in the Qualtrix format
- Access link on the website
- Section E. When you click on the link for the
evaluation you will click on the licensure area
of the student. Ex. Early Childhood. - Only two licensure areas have compliant section E
(for their SPAs) AYA Social Studies and PE
34Teacher Candidate Evaluations
- Therefore at the present time they are the only
two that will be completed. - As the new ones are developed for the other
licensure areas they will be added. - Teacher Candidate Evaluation Worksheet
- Teacher Candidate Score Sheet
- Filling out the score sheet
- Complete the mid-term and final Collaboratively
with the Mentor and Teacher Candidate. You can
have them fill out the worksheet and forward to
you previous to the meeting. - Like before the Supervisor has the final say and
the final responsibility for completing the
35Teacher Candidate Evaluation
- The supervisor will fill out the Teacher
Candidate Score sheet and submit it
electronically. - Once submitted, a copy will automatically be
generated via email to the Supervisor, Mentor,
Teacher Candidate and a specialized email that
comes to me. - You electronic signature suffices for legal
purposes. - The evaluation auto-populates the score and or
grade. - Limitation Not able to save document
36Scoring of the Evaluation
- Graduate Students receive a letter grade
- Undergraduates receive credit/no credit
- In order to pass the mid-term and final the
student must receive a cumulative score of 1.75
(out of a scale of 3) - 1.74 and below is failing
- If a student receives a 1.99 or below on the
mid-term an action plan must be developed and I
need to be notified and receive a copy of the
action plan. - Grading scale for graduate students in on the
37Teacher Candidate Evaluation
- The electronic score sheet is not on the web site
yet. - We will place the Teacher Candidate Evaluation
Worksheet on the web in the following days.
38Loose Ends Web Site
- Checklist of Items to turn In.
- - mid-term/Final -makes reference to domains
- A-D
- Surveys- Supervisor -wrong one
- Mentor and Students not posted yet.
39Please dont hesitate to contact me.Have a
fantastic semester!