Title: Big 6
1Big 6 Internet Sources
- What is Big 6?
- What are the 6 steps?
- Searching the Internet
- Website Evaluation and Big 6
3What is Big 6?
- Big 6 is a proven approach to information
problem-solving. Using the Big 6 steps, students
can find, use, apply, and evaluate information
for specific needs and tasks. Every time you
solve a problem, no matter how big or small it
is, you are probably already using some if not
all of the Big 6 problem-solving steps.
4What does Big 6 look like?
5Sowhat are the steps?
- Step 1- Task Definition
- Step 2- Information Seeking Strategies
- Step 3- Location and Access
- Step 4- Use of Information
- Step 5- Synthesis
- Step 6- Evaluation
6What is Task Definition exactly?
- Step 1
- Task Definition is asking questions to start any
given assignment or process. Task Definition is
also getting clarification if the task is not
7Task Definition Examples
- Here are some questions that you would ask
yourself during the task definition step. - What are you being asked to do?
- What information do you need to complete a
specific project or process? - Do you need clarification or more information to
complete this task? - Where can I start looking for information to
complete the assignment?
8Information Seeking Strategies
- Step 2
- During this step of the problem solving process,
you would be identifying what types of
information sources you can use to complete your
given task. You would also be selecting and
evaluating appropriate sources.
9Location Access
- Step 3
- During this step, you will actually be locating
the sources that you want to use. Your source
can be almost anything. It could be a person, a
website, a book, or a periodical. - By the way, what is a periodical?
10Location Access
- Step 3-Continued
- If your source is a book, you can easily locate
the information you are looking for by using the
Table of Contents, the Index, and Charts. - If your source is the internet, you can locate
your information by using a search engine, and
website indexes.
11Use of Information
- Step 4
- During this step, you will read, listen, or view
your source. You will take notes, organize
information, and cite your sources.
- Step 5
- During this step, you would possibly create a
rough draft or an outline. This step would also
include presenting your product or process once
you have completed the construction process.
- Step 6
- During this step you can look at your final
product and ask the following questions. - Did I meet all of the requirements?
- Did I give proper credit to all of my sources?
- Is my work complete?
14Search Engines and the Internet
- One of the best ways to locate information on the
Internet is by using a Search Engine - Good search engines to use are
- Google.com
- AltaVista.com
- Dogpile.com
- Ask.com
- The results that you get from a search are
referred to as hits.
15Where do I find how many hits I have?
Google hits are usually found at the top right of
the screen.
For Altavista, look after the third result. It
can also be found at the top right with some of
their searches. This search resulted in 313,000
16Phrase Searching
- Use a Phrase Search to make your search more
specific. This is done by placing quotation marks
around the words you want to locate. - Example USA Swim Team.
- Without the quotation marks, the search engine
will search for each word separately.
17Without the quotation marks, this search would
result in 453,100 possible articles. Do you have
time to search through all of these if your
report is due tomorrow morning? Now lets look
at how using the quotation marks will help
18- Now we have added the quotation marks before and
after what we are looking up. This search will
result in 4,560 possible articles. Now, this is
still a lot of information, but you have narrowed
your search and will be more likely to find the
accurate information you are looking for.
19Boolean Searching
- A Boolean Search is using the words AND, OR, or
NOT within your search. - Example Memphis and Jazz not Elvis
- This type of search will exclude any information
you do not want and help narrow your search even
20- This search will result in 1,059,000 possible
articles. This is an impossible amount to work
with, so it is obvious that we need to do
something to narrow the search. - Now lets try adding some Boolean terms to
the search.
21- By adding the Boolean terms, we went from
having over 1 million articles to 53,500. This
result is not perfect, but it is definitely a
great deal better that over a million hits. If
this didnt give us exactly what we needed, we
can keep adding more terms to get even more
22Using a Website as a Source
- The internet has become the most popular means
for getting information that we need fast. Yet,
how can we be sure that the websites that we are
viewing are our best choices? This is when you
can use the Big 6 process to determine if the
site you are using is reliable.
23Website Evaluation
- Ask yourself the following questions before using
a website as a source. - Who is the author or web page creator?
- Is this person an expert?
- Is the information current?
- Is the source reliable?
- How many steps are there in the Big 6 process?
- Name one type of searching method I can use when
doing a search on a search engine.