Title: Nonexponential Decay of Wavefunctions and Scattering Resonances
1Non-exponential Decayof Wavefunctions and
Scattering Resonances
Athanasios Petridis Drake University
COLLABORATORS L. Staunton (Drake Univ.)
M. Luban
(Iowa State Univ.)
J. Vermedahl (Drake Univ.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
K. Bartschat (Drake Univ.)
- Exponential decay
- Numerical method
- Case studies
- Interpretation
- Scattering resonances
- Conclusions and outlook
3Exponential decay
- A wavefunction initially inside a finite
potential well will disperse through the walls if
it is not an eigenfunction for this potential it
will decay. - Examples escape of a particle from a well or
decay of a composite object bound by V.
Cut HO
Cut LC
4- The probability for finding the particle inside
the potential well is - This can also be expressed as
5- At times much greater than the longest
normal-mode oscillation period in the potential
it is often assumed that - where ? is the decay width of the system and
EE(p). - With proper normalization
- where ? is the decay constant and P0 is the
- interior probability at t0.
6Numerical Method
- We solve the time-dependent Shrödinger equation
using the staggered leap-frog method. - We define a grid of n0 points with spacing ?x,
and update the wavefunction at time intervals ?t. - We evaluate the function at using the
stored values at t for every grid point n
7- This method is VERY stable numerically but
requires small time steps. - Normalization accuracy of 10-9 is achieved (10-12
per grid point). - Reflecting boundary conditions are used. This
requires very large grid to avoid interference of
the waves reflected on the wall with the wave
inside the potential well. - The initial wavefunction can be still or have a
group velocity (v0).
8- Testing the numerical method
- Verified that the square of the width of a
minimum packet increases quadratically with time. - Verified that in a harmonic oscillator potential
the magnitude squared of any linear combination
of eigenfunctions with no initial group velocity
will retrieve itself after exactly one classical
10Case Studies
- Cut harmonic oscillator potential (Cut HO).
- Cut linear confining potential (Cut LC).
- Initial wave functions (1) general gaussian (2)
HO ground state. - Initial group velocities (1) zero (2) 1 unit.
- Snapshots of ?(x,t)2 , Pin(t), dPin(t)/dt
11HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
12HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
13HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
14HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
15HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
16HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)ground (v01)
17HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)ground (v01)
18HO (cut at 100), ?(x,0)ground (v01)
19LC (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
20LC (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
21LC (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
22- General features of the results
- The wavefunction breaths inside the potential
exhaling wavepackets that travel away in both
directions. This is due to reflection and
transmission of wave-components off the through
the walls. - The probability, Pin, exhibits plateaux which
appear to be periodic. They correspond to the
inhaling mode of the function. - Following the plateaux-like behavior, the
derivative of Pin fluctuates as well. - There is a transition time for the fluctuations
to settle into a steady frequency.
23- Can this behavior be attributed to the sharpness
of the potential (infinite classical force at the
sharp edges)? - J. Vermedahl has rounded the corners of the cut
HO potential and added a smooth drop to zero the
results are qualitatively the same! - However the slope of the curve and the period
and size of the fluctuations depend on the shape
and magnitude of the potential and the Initial
Conditions (?(x,0), v0).
24- Important observation at large times the
probability DOES decay exponentially.
LC (cut at 25) ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
- Generally, there is no complete analytical
calculation. We are in the process of cut HO
analytical calculations. - The probability function versus time appears to
consist of a median curve with oscillations of
fixed period around it. - The median deviates from a simple exponential at
short times. - The amplitude of the oscillations appears to
decrease with time. - There may be some initial transition interval.
26- We fit Pin(t) with the function
27LC (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
K 0.1089 N1 1.0015 N2 0.9892 W 0.1911 C
0.0084 L 0.0046 Q 0.7882
S(t) starts slightly negative and becomes
positive with time.
28- There are FIVE time scales
- 1. The overall (long time) decay constant.
- 2. The time it takes for the median curve to
- become a simple exponential.
- 3. The dominant period of oscillations.
- 4. The time it takes for the oscillations to
- damp out.
- 5. The initial oscillation transient time.
29- The system is auto-correlated. Define
30Scattering Resonances
- One application Nuclear decay.
- Resonant scattering (production-decay of ?
baryons in pion-proton scattering). - In the CM frame Em (hc1). For large t
(Breit-Wigner curve)
31LC (cut at 100), ?(x,0)gaussian (width60, v00)
32Conclusions and outlook
- There are deviations from exponential decay at
small times.They can be connected with
auto-correlations and breathing of the
wavefunction. - They may be visible in time and energy domains.
- Analytical understanding is needed. An analysis
of the wavefunction on eigenfunctions would show
oscillatory behavior. - The relativistic Dirac equation can be studied.