Title: Nucleon Resonances in the Quark Model
1(No Transcript)
2NSTAR 2007 Summary
- Experiment/analysis
- Facilities/new results
- Upcoming developments
- Theory
- Baryons
- Dynamics of reactions involving baryons
3BRAG pre-meeting
- L. Tiator, A. Svarc problem relating
experimental results to theoretical predictions - Partial wave analysis and amplitude analysis give
reliable results for dressed scattering matrix
singularities - Quark model calculations give information on bare
resonant quantities - Does not apply to those states seen in chiral
unitary modelssee talks by A. Ramos, E. Oset,
A. Martinez Torres, and M. Doering at this
meeting - Dressing (un-quenching) the quark model is tough,
but solvable in principle - See talks by E. Santopinto, R. Bijker, and B.
Pasquini at this meeting S.C. and M. Giannini in
BRAG pre-meeting - Undressing dressed scattering matrix
singularities in coupled-channel models is in
principle a model-dependent procedure because of
presence of model-dependent hadronic mass shifts - From unmeasurability of off-shell effects
accompanying any dressing procedure. - BRAG pre-meeting talks by Ch. Hanhart, S.
Scherer, J. Gegelia
4BRAG pre-meeting
- Conclusions
- (1) Bare quantities in coupled-channel models are
legitimate quantities to be extracted - Only within a framework of a well defined model
- To interpret, keep track of the existence of the
hadronic mass shifts produced by
off-shell-ambiguities - (2) Dressed scattering matrix singularities are
best meeting point between quark model
predictions and experiments - Recommendation put a lot of effort into defining
and thoroughly checking the pole extraction
procedures - starting either from energy dependent partial
waves or from partial wave data directly
5Experimental programs for N
- Common developments
- Precision data on host of final states
- Emphasis on ?N, ?N, 2?N, ??N, K?, K?,
- Polarization (beam, target, double planned or
underway) - Aim is to measure as many observables as possible
for a subset of these reactions (complete
experiments) - Reduce (not eliminate) model dependence of
analysis - Challenge for models to fit polarization
observables - Strong sensitivity to resonance properties
- This is how physics progresses!
6CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
- V. Burkert CLAS collaboration
- Major focus is N physics
- the search for new baryon states and
determination of baryon resonance properties - resonance transition form factors
- Nucleon spin structure in the transition region
- polarized proton structure function g1(x,Q2)
- Bjorken Sum ?1p-n(Q2)
- Deeply exclusive processes and generalized parton
distributions (GPDs) - DVCS/Bethe-Heitler beam spin asymmetry sensitive
to H
7CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
- Search for new baryon states
- Aim for complete or nearly complete
measurements - ?p?pN, ?N, KY and ?n?pN, K0Y
- Combinations of beam, target (new FROST target),
and recoil polarizations - differential cross sections with unpolarized,
circularly polarized, and linearly polarized
photon beams - recoil polarizations for hyperons
- longitudinally or transversely polarized proton
and neutron (deuteron) targets - Other reactions
- ?p ? ?N, ?p, ppN
- linearly polarized beams, polarized beam and
polarized targets
8CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
- R. Schumacher polarization transfer in K?
photo and electro-production - Polarized beam, ? (recoil) polarization through
its weak decay asymmetry - New GRAAL results for recoil polarization P agree
with CLAS results - Large polarization transfer Cz along circularly
polarized photon beam direction - Find P2 Cx2 Cz2 ' 1
- Models did not predict this
- Bonn, Giessen, Gatchina (Sarantsev, Nikonov,
Anisovich, Klempt, Thoma ) fit with additional
resonance P13(1860) - See talks by A. Sarantsev, V. Nikonov this
meeting - Beam asymmetry ? featureless (GRAAL, LEPS)
9CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
10CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
11CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
- V. Burkert, V. Mokeev
- Q2 dependence of EM transition form factors (0-6
GeV2) using CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab - Probes evolution of relevant degrees of freedom
in baryons - e-N ! ? ! N?
- Dominant M1 contains non-resonant effects
involving ?, at level of 30 - Ratios of electric and scalar (quadrupole)
multipoles to M1 measured to 0.5-2 over entire
range of Q2 - Do not tend to pQCD limits
- e-N ! N½(1440) ! N?, N??
- Changes sign at Q2 0.5 GeV2 (seen in
relativistic models based on light-cone dynamics) - Consistent results using different analysis
methods, different final states
12Electron scattering labs
Np, ppp-
13Electron scattering labs
from analysis of 1p CLAS data
from analysis of CLAS 2p data within the
framework of JM06
combined analysis of 1p/2p CLAS data
14Electron scattering labs
Previous pp0 based data
Q2, GeV2
Q2, GeV2
15CLAS_at_Jefferson Lab
- Cascade (?0 ssu, ?- ssd) baryon program
- Advantage that low-lying states are likely narrow
- ?p?gtKK?-
- Veronique Ziegler ee- annihilation at BaBar
(results preliminary, under BaBar internal
review) - Study ?0(1530) in ?c ! (?-?) K
- Indication is J3/2 (confirms decuplet
expectation) - Study ?0(1690) in ?c ! (LK 0) K
- Preferred spin is J1/2, some indication of
negative parity - If negative parity, not Roper equivalent as some
of us (!) thought - Much too light for quark model expectations of
L1 excited states N 2(ms-mu,d) ! - Calculable on the lattice (D. Richards)
17Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- H. Schmieden Physics at ELSA
- Photoproduction of baryon resonances
- photon beam energy (to 2.5 GeV)
- Linear and circular polarization
- provides 4? detection
- Best for neutral final states (missing mass for
a charged particle) through their photon decays
18Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- Goal complete experiments on ? and ?
photoproduction - Analysis simplified because only make N (no D)
- Recent results
- Unpolarized photoproduction of ?
- Differential cross sections
- From ?? and 3?0! 6? decays of ?
- Linearly polarized photoproduction of ? (D.
Elsner talk)
19Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- D. Elsner linearly polarized photoproduction of
? - Targetpolarization ?
- Consistent withGRAAL results
20Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- Photoproduction of ? off deuteron
21Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- Data analysed to d?/d?
Bonn-Gatchina PWA
see P11(1840) - Polarization asymmetries R, ?
22Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- Talk by E. Gutz polarization asymmetry ? in
- Bonn-Gatchina PWA ?(1940)D33
23Crystal Barrel/TAPS_at_ELSA
- Polarized photoproduction of ?
- Penner et al. and Shkylar (Giessen) analyses
- W. Schroeder
- ANKE can see Y states up to 1540 MeV, TOF is
best for threshold region - pp! pKY0! pK? X
- Select events where X- ?-, plot vs. MM(pK)
- Effect in X-?at 1480 MeV,?60 MeV
- Also in X?-
- ANKE line shape of ?(1405)
- Not Breit-Wigner, see talk by E. Oset this meeting
L.S. Geng, E. Oset, arXiv 0707.3343
- See no ? pentaquark in pp! (pK0)? or in
(pK0)?? - Need polarized beam, target and detector
improvements to continue program of examining N!
YK in 1.6-1.9 GeV region - New detector WASA (? and neutrals) will allow
study of excited hyperons - pp! pK?(1405)! pK?0?0! pK(??)?0
27Crystal Ball/TAPS_at_MAMI
- M. Kotulla
- Determination of magnetic moment of ?(1232)
- Use ? p! ?0 ?0 p
28Crystal Ball/TAPS_at_MAMI
- Analysis effort underway
- Pascalutsa and Vanderhaeghen, chiral effective
theory (good to E? 100 MeV) - Sensitivity 0.2 ?N
- W. Li light hadron spectroscopy in J/? decays
- New states
- ?, ? (masses and widths determined)
- X(1835) in J/?? ??????
- X(1580) in J/?? KK?
- Enhancement in J/?? ???
- ?(1760) in J/?? ???
- N observed in
- J/?? pn?? J/?? pp?0 J/?? nKS? Compared with
?(2S) decay - Some N, e.g. N(1535), N(2065) better measured
- Some branching fractions involving baryons are
measured - Analysis of existing data ongoing
- BEPCII/BESIII should collect data in 2008
- H. Shimizu observation of N(1670)
- Have 300 MeV e- linac coupled to a 1 GeV
synchroton - Use ?d ! ?X
- Also ?p ! ?X to subtract proton contribution
- Use ?-MAID analysis to understand ?p ! ?p
- Interpret as new S11 at 1670 MeV, width below 50
MeV, strong in ?n ! ?n - Not seen in proton channel
- Could this be an antidecuplet pentaquark?
- A. Sandorfi Physics at LEGS
- LEGS-Spin collaboration
- LEGS 2.8 GeV e- beam, backscattered laser beam,
maximum photon energy 430 MeV - High circular polarization
- HD frozen spin
- Hydrogen polarized or D polarized or both
- Mostly HD and a little H2 and D2 which feed HD
polarized state (then decay away themselves, so
HD spin frozen) - Spin relaxation times 1 year
- Can transfer polarization from H to D
- Polarized photon HD double-polarization physics
- Measure various polarization asymmetries in
inclusive and exclusive ? HD ! ? X reactions on
neutron - Use Lee Sato Matsuyama ? N! ? N amplitudes and
fold into D structure
- Analysis
- Not a free neutron! Only half of the events are
quasi-free - Analysis of data on-going separate ? using
momentum analysis - Targets and some of staff migrating from BNL to
JLab - E06-101 ?(pol) HD ! K0?(pol), K0?(pol), i.e. ?n
- Electron experiments on transversely polarized
target - GPDs, N form factors, Collins/Sivers functions
- A. Thomas Physics at MAMI
- Virtual and real photons, linear and circular
polarization - Three detectors Kaos,,Crystal Ball/TAPS
- Harmonic double-sided microtron (electron
accelerator) - four bending magnets and two linacs
- Energy 0.855-1.5 GeV
- Tagged photon and electron scattering experiments
- Experiments
- Target asymmetry puzzle in ? and ?0 production
off proton - Isobar models and Giessen models fail to describe
- Electroproduction of ? at low Q2
- Cross section and recoil polarization
- Single and double pion production
- Helicity asymmetry in double-pion production
- Discrepancies with models
- Physics at MAMI
- ?, ?0 physics
- ? mass, rare ? decays (C,CP violation)
- Quark mass different mu-md in ? ! 3?0
- ?0 ! ??0?0 decays
- GDH experiment _at_ MAMI-B with DAPHNE detector
(charged particle tracking) - Polarized butanol target with high deuteron
polarization - MAMI/ELSA GDH sum rule ?3/2-?1/2
- Verified at 10 level
- Also in exclusive reactions, important for PWAs
- Have for ? production
- Photoproduction of p??-
- Helicity-dependent invariant mass distributions
- The future
- Frozen spin target for Crystal Ballbuilt this
year - Recoil polarization of proton
- Kaoskaon electroproduction
35Theory developments
- Both lattice QCD and quark model calculations
must face reality of light quark pairs - Un-quenching either is hard work
- Requires calculation of couplings to continuum
states - Coupled-channel analyses are becoming
increasingly sophisticated - Need to preserve unitarity, gauge invariance, and
analytic structure, but remain manageable
36Lattice QCD
- The nucleon and baryon resonances on the lattice
C. Gattringer (Graz-Regensburg), D. Richards
(LHPC collaboration), A. Rusetsky - Recent important developments
- Basic quantities are Euclidean two and
three-point functions - Time dependence of two-point functions gives
masses - Matrix elements in three-point functions give
properties - Extraction of excited state masses using
carefully chosen basis of interpolators Oi - Use these to construct a matrix of correlators
- Solve eigenvalue problem to get accurate signal
for mass of excited states
37Lattice QCD
- Eigenvalues ??(t) vs. Euclidean time
38Lattice QCD
- Recent important developments
- Hadron interpolators distributed over spatial
lattice points - LHPC collaboration, Graz-Regensburg
- classify into irreducible representations of
lattice rotation group - Allows nodes in radial wave function
- Can avoid chiral extrapolations by using chiral
perturbation theory in a finite volume
(small-scale expansion) See talk by A. Rusetsky,
this meeting - Luscher formalism developed for ?N scattering
- Use statistical method to extract resonance mass
and width from lattice results - Demonstrated for ?(1232) mass and width
39Lattice QCD
- Spatially distributed interpolators
- Much better overlap with excited states
40Lattice QCD
- Baryon spectrum, quenched calculations
41Lattice QCD
42Lattice QCD
- Proton structure from three-point functions,
chiral extrapolation to physical pion masses - Different treatment of valence and sea quarks
allows first look at chiral regime (un-quenched) - Isovector charge form factor (p-n)
- Isovector charge radius
- Axial charge gA
- Moments of quark momentum fraction hxiu-d and
helicity fraction hxi?u -?d - Study of GPDs
- Calculation of quark orbital angular momentum
- Nucleon transverse size
43Lattice QCD
- Lu and Ld substantial, total small
44Lattice QCD
- Un-quenched calculations in development
- Need clean separation of scattering states once
decays possible - Use different volume dependence of masses of
resonances and continuum states, large lattices - Working on evaluating transition matrix elements
(decay constants) for resonances - Need contribution of disconnected diagrams
(loops, gluons) to hadron structure - Currently sensitive to statistical fluctuations
- B. Borasoy chiral corrections to the Roper
resonance mass - Lighter than its parity partner S11(1535)
- 30-40 branch into N??
- Parity order not settled in lattice QCD
- Need reliable chiral extrapolation techniques
- Use effective Lagrangian (N, Roper, ?), calculate
mR(m?2) to full 1-loop order (no explicit ?p) - Have R? coupling gA ' 1.26, RN? coupling
(0.3-0.4), 4 chiral parameters - Infrared regularization scheme extended to one
light scale (m?) and two heavy (MN2 ltlt MR2) - No strong m? dependence near physical point
- Constituent Quark Model E. Santopinto, R.
Bijker - See also talk by Qiang Zhao, this meeting, on
selection rules and quark correlations in the N
spectrum - See also talk by A. Buchmann, this meeting, on
calculation of higher (octupole) moments of
baryons in pion-cloud quark model - Tackle difficult problem of inclusion of next
Fock space component in quark model - Use large baryon-meson basis to expand qqq
qq(bar) - Flux-tube breaking model gives overlap between
qqq and qqq qq(bar) - Checked that calculation returns usual CQM in
closure limit - Evaluate flavor asymmetry of nucleon sea
- Results significant difference from naïve
nonrelativistic CQM results and relativistic CQM
results - Closer to experiment and lattice QCD
?u 1.00 ?uexp 0.82(5) ?uLQCD
0.79(11) ?uNRM 4/3 ?uRQM 1.01 ?d
-0.43 ?dexp -0.44(5) ?dLQCD -0.42(11)
?dNRM -1/3 ?dRQM -0.251 ?s -0.06
?sexp -0.10(5) ?sLQCD -0.12(11) ?sNRM
0 ?sRQM 0
- B. Metsch Covariant constituent quark model
- Based on instantaneous approximation to
Bether-Salpeter equation - Relativistic form of confining potential, chosen
to minimize spin-orbit effects - Instanton-based spin-spin interaction between
quarks - Model parameters fit to spectrum
- Calculate a host of other properties
- Magnetic moments and charge radii
- Including magnetic moments of excited states
- Resonance photocouplings and semi-leptonic decays
- Strong two-body decay amplitudes
- Verifies pattern of decoupling of states not seen
in analyses
- B. Metsch Covariant constituent quark model
- Provides useful background against which to
search for unconventional states - Roper resonance EM couplings anomalous
- Everything (mass, EM and strong couplings) about
the ?(1405) is anomalous - Hard to understand why the second band of
negative parity ? states D35 and its partners
can be as low as 1900 MeV
- Chiral Unitary Approach A. Ramos, E. Oset
- KN I0 JP1/2- (S01) scattering state ?(1405) is
27 MeV below threshold - Looks like quasi-bound state
- Use chiral meson-baryon Lagrangian to generate an
S-wave potential - Need KN, ??, ??, and K? channels to fit decay
branching ratios of this and nearby states - Get two poles in T matrix approaching 1400 MeV
when break SU(3)f gradually - Explains why properties of ?(1405) depend on
channel in which it is observed
- ?(1405) in chiral unitary approach pole
positions move as break SU(3)f gradually
- ?-p! K0??N mass 1385 ? 50 MeV
- K-p! ?0?0?0 mass 1420 ? 38 MeV
- Other baryons in the chiral unitary approach
- JP1/2- N(1535), ?(1620), ?(1690)
- JP3/2- ?(1700), ?(1520), ?(1670), ?(1820)
- From baryon decuplet interacting with meson 0-
octet - ?(1620) bump seen at Jefferson Lab in ?p!
?-KK-(??) - Width is larger than width of ?? invariant mass
distribution (near threshold) - No claim for this state made in JLab
experimental paperV. Burkert
- Chiral Unitary Approaches A. Ramos
- Heavy flavored baryons udc ?c(2593)
- DN s-wave molecule
- Predicts another ?c(2800), similar to
experimental state - Interaction of charmed mesons in hadronic medium
DD- - Important for explaining J/? suppression in
heavy-ion collisions - Related to nucleon-antinucleon interactions
- Chiral Unitary Approaches E. Oset
- ?(1405) is an interesting state
- See two poles in many models, one couples
strongly to ??, the other to KN - Experimental tests of ?(1405) structure
- K-p ! ??(1405)
- K-p ! ?0?(1405)
- Radiative decay of two ?(1405) states
- Different shapes and rates for two states
depending on reaction used - K-p! ?0??, ?0??0
- pp ! Kp?(1405) measured by ANKE_at_COSY
- Fit with kaon, pion and rho exchange diagrams
- Excited baryons in 1/Nc expansion C. Schat
- How do we match quark models to 1/N_c?
- Useful perturbative expansion
- Baryons fall into irreducible representations in
large N_c limit - N_c counting rules
- Quark operator expansion Hmass? ciOi and fit
constants to baryon masses - Detailed calculations for L1 baryons
- To leading order write down all operators with
correct properties - Have explicit flavor dependence (different from
OGE) - Fit to 5 N1 excited states degenerate S11/D13
D13/D15 pairs in large Nc limit - Orderings of singlet and two doublets not
specified by 1/Nc
- Excited baryons in 1/Nc expansion
- Extend using 1/Nc corrections and SU(3)f
- ?(1405) and ?(1520) split by spin-orbit operator
- What order is spin-orbit interaction?
- Is core - exited quark separation necessary?
- How match to quark model?
- Consider
- One gluon exchange (general spatial dependence)
- OPE (now explicit flavor dependence)
- Shows using exchange symmetry that can calculate
orbitally excited states using CCGL states - Expression for most general OGE and OPE mass
operators (different) - Constants written to leading order in overlap
integrals - Match forms to general form in 1/Nc
- OGE has c30 but fits in literature show not zero
- Conclusion
- SN analysis shows core and excited core basis
necessary - Matching to quark models reproduces 1/Nc operator
expansion - Spin orbit is leading order, partial cancellation
between LS coming from OGE and OPE flavor
dependent interactions - Matching method very general
58SAID/MAID analyses
- B. Briscoe, George Washington University Data
Analysis Center (SAID) L. Tiator, S. Kamalov
Mainz (MAID) - Maintain important database for most reactions
including N - On-line analysis tools important for single and
coupled-channel analysis of data - New analysis of ?N! ?N, photo and
electro-production of p0n, ?p by GWDAC - 4-channel K-matrix ?N, ?N, ??, ?N up to 2.5 GeV
- CLAS, CB-ELSA and GRAAL data
- A1/2 from Np analysis for S11(1535) now agrees
with N? results - Agrees with previous result from
electro-production - P13(1720) has large Ap1/2
- consistent with earlier analysis of ppp- in low
Q2 electro-couplings
59Coupled-channel analysis
- A. Sibirtsev Resonances in hadron-induced
interactions - See also talk by S. Krewald, this meeting, for a
description of the Juelich coupled-channels
approach to resonance analysis - Need to match to Regge theory (pQCD) at very high
energy - Matches down to 3 GeV, PWA stops at 2.4 GeV
- Evidence of resonances in 2.43 GeV region?
- Through optical theorem find forward-pion
charge-exchange indicates structures up to 3 or 4
GeV - Also ?-p! ?0n data show traces of high-mass
baryons - Dont neglect single-pion photoproduction for
high mass Ns (dont stop calculating in models
at 2 GeV)
60Coupled-channel analysis
- Giessen V. Shklyar (G. Penner, U. Mosel, H.
Lenske) - Data on
- Unitarity optical theorem relates forward part
of elastic scattering T matrix to inelastic c.s.
to various channels (NEXT SLIDE) - NOT UNRELATED!
- Solve D-S eqn in ladder approximation
- V has s, u and t-channel diagrams (matrix in
channel space) - Use effective Lagrangian approach (relativistic)
- Solve Bethe-Salpeter equation by putting
intermediate particles on mass shell - Allows PW decomposition, equations become
algebraic - Compare to SAID analysis PWs
- Works well for ?N but misses some PWs in ?N
- Focus on ?p! ?p (and on neutron)
61?N, ?N total cross sections
62Coupled-channel analysis
- ?p! ?p (and on neutron)
- S11(1535) properties not well known, complicates
analysis in this region - Ratio of helicity amplitudes in ?N! ?N differs
from ! ?N - Fit GRAAL beam asymmetry ? data well, target
asymmetry not so well - Fit d?/d? for ?p ! ?p well, with S11(1650) giving
structure at 1670 MeV - No need for new resonance in ?N
- Destructive interference effect in ?-N! ?N from
S11(1650) and P11(1710) at higher mass explains
63Coupled-channel analysis
- Giessen V. Shklyar
- Narrow bump in differential c.s. ?n at 1670, is
this a new state? - GRAAL also see this bump (see talk by V.
Kuznetzov) - Non-strange partner of ? ?
- Exotic state?
- Could S11(1650) and P11(1710) explain this effect
at 1670 MeV? - Look at all reactions simultaneously to make sure
have treated these resonances properly - Can fit with existing resonances, what price do
you pay? - Need larger neutron photocoupling for S11
- S11(1650) properties agree with PDG P11(1710) is
not as well known as implies! - Change slightly size of 1650 An1/2, up comes bump
in ? for ?n! ?n SHOW GRAPH - Shape of differential c.s. not changed
- Cannot rule out narrow P11(1675), data not yet
good enough - Be careful about Fermi motion in neutron state
- Beam asymmetry ? may help
64Coupled-channel analysis
- MAID analysis S. Kamalov (D. Drechsel, L.
Tiator, S.N. Yang) - MAID 2007, recent results for pion photo and
electroproduction - Two-step process
- Extract partial waves
- Model dependence because of lack of data
- Extract resonance parameters from partial waves
- Background and resonance T matrices
- Background contains pion loop SHOW DIAGRAMS
defined by K-matrix theory from background
T-matrix - Resonances dressed by pi N rescattering
- Phase put into resonance piece to allow unitarity
(Watsons theorem)
65Coupled-channel analysis
- MAID analysis S. Kamalov
- Pion/photoproduction data set now includes
GWU/SAID, Mainz, Bonn, GRAAL, LEGS - Results
- S11(1535) photocouplings differ from SAID by a
factor of 2, smaller than PDG - P13(1720) shows up here, not in SAID
- See bump in P11 partial wave
- Fit an additional P11 at 1700 MeV, ?30 MeV
- Electroproduction
- Better data has improved situation
66Coupled-channel analysis
- MAID analysis S. Kamalov
- ? electroproduction
- A. Buchmann has parameterized E/M, S/M, and MAID
fit to this form - RSM(Q2) related to neutron EM form factors
- Quite different S1/M1 than CLAS analysis
- Q2 dependence of A1/2 and A3/2 for first
resonances in P11, S11, D13, and F15 - Helicity asymmetry changes sign in case of F15
67Coupled-channel analysis
- Bonn/Gatchina analysis A. Sarantsev
- Need polarization to sort out photoproduction
- Technique
- Relativistically invariant
- Simultaneously analysis single and multiple-meson
production - Specify energy dependence due to unitarity and
analyticity - Unitarize using K-matrix approach, has poles for
resonances - Doesnt use real part of loops (real part smooth
in physical region.) - Use dispersion relations to put in below
threshold (but not everywhere) - Regge-ized t- and u-channel exchange amplitudes
for background - Use maximum likelihood method for three-particle
final states N?? and N?? - s-channel a product of two isobar terms
68Coupled-channel analysis
- Bonn/Gatchina analysis results
- Need ?-p! n?0?0 at higher energy, fit well ? p!
p?0?0 - Find helicity 1/2 and 3/2 amplitudes
- Help to establish properties of existing states
- S11(1650) Ap1/2 significantly larger than PDG
- D13(1520) lower photocouplings than PDG and agree
with SAID 07 - Roper has largest coupling to ? N
- A1/2 has phase of residue of almost 90deg, sign
different than PDG - Eta photoproduction data from GRAAL stops at 1933
MEVclaim of new state N(2070)D15 requires double
polarization data - K? CLAS/CB-ELSA (see Nikonov talk)
- need P11(1860) and P13(1900)
- Fit to pi0 eta photoproduction total c.s. (Horn
et al) - Need second D33(1940) at high energy
- Need polarization data
- Matt Bellis CMU analysis technique
- Event-based energy independent amplitude analysis
- Describe the events in a small energy bin with
some set of processes - Take out acceptance, get d\sigma/d\Omega
- Get resonance terms, NR term, phase difference
between resonant terms - Use Rarita-Schwinger formalism (used by
Bonn-Gatchina group) - Dont need energy dependence in s-channel
propagator since bin in W - Need to put in t and u-dependence into
non-resonant terms - Find minimum set of diagrams which preserves
gauge invariance and describes data - See set of channels included (high statistics
data sets) from CLAS - Show ?K, p? results, unpolarized photon beam
- Matt Bellis CMU analysis technique
- Close to finishing ?, K? and ?/?0
- Maintaining this as an active database
- Requests from theorists to try out models
- Gauge invariance-have to put in complete set of
diagrams - Thresholds opening can change amplitudes within
10 MeV
71Coupled-channel analysis
- T.-S.H. Lee Dynamical Coupled-channel Analysis
by EBAC at Jefferson Lab - Structure of N coupled to reaction channels
- Need to account for coupled-channel unitarity
conditions - Need reactions mechanism at short range
- Coupled-channel analysis based on effective
Hamiltonian - Re-examined ?N! ?N
- Doing ?N!?N, ?N!?pN, ?N !?pN, electroproduction
72(No Transcript)