Title: Chaotic Scattering in Microwave Billiards: Isolated and Overlapping Resonances
1Chaotic Scattering in Microwave
BilliardsIsolated and Overlapping Resonances
- Time-reversal invariant (GOE) systems
- Time-reversal partially non-invariant (GOE/GUE)
Supported by DFG within SFB 634 S. Bittner, B.
Dietz, T. Friedrich, M. Miski-Oglu, P.
Oria-Iriarte, A. R., F. Schäfer H. L. Harney, J.
Verbaarschot, H. A. Weidenmüller
2The Quantum Billiard and its Simulation
Shape of the billiard implies chaotic dynamics
3Schrödinger ? Helmholtz
2D microwave cavity hz lt ?min/2
quantum billiard
Helmholtz equation and Schrödinger equation are
equivalent in 2D. The motion of the quantum
particle in its potential can be simulated by
electromagnetic waves inside a two-dimensional
microwave resonator.
4Microwave Resonator as a Model for the Compound
- Microwave power is emitted into the resonator by
antenna ? - and the output signal is received by antenna ?
? Open scattering system - The antennas act as single scattering channels
- Absorption into the walls is modelled by
additive channels
5Excitation Spectra
atomic nucleus
microwave cavity
- overlapping resonances
- for G/Dgt1
- Ericson fluctuations
isolated resonances for G/Dltlt1
? exp(E1/2)
? f
- Universal description of spectra and
fluctuations Verbaarschot, Weidenmüller
Zirnbauer (1984)
6Transmitted Power
7Typical Transmission Spectrum
- Transmission measurements relative power from
antenna a ? b
8Scattering Matrix Description
- Scattering matrix for both scattering processes
Compound-nucleus reactions
Microwave billiard
? H ?
nuclear Hamiltonian coupling of
quasi-bound states to channel states
resonator Hamiltonian coupling of resonator
states to antenna states and to the walls
? W ?
- Experiment
complex S-matrix elements
- RMT description replace H by a matrix
for systems
9Resonance Parameters
- Use eigenrepresentation of
- and obtain for a scattering system with isolated
resonances - a ? resonator ? b
- Here
of eigenvalues of - Partial widths fluctuate and
total widths also
10Typical Part of the Spectrum
- Determination of partial and total widths in
reflection measurements - Depth of resonance ? partial width width of
resonance ? total width
11Frequency Dependence of Widths
12Distribution of Widths
- ²-distribution with ? degrees of freedom
- Porter-Thomas distribution
13Width Distribution
14Porter-Thomas Distribution of Partial Widths
15Spectra and Correlation of S-Matrix Elements
- Regime of isolated resonances
- ?/D small
- Resonances eigenvalues
- Overlapping resonances
- ?/D 1
- Fluctuations ?corr
Correlation function
16Exact RMT Result for GOE Systems
- Verbaarschot, Weidenmüller and Zirnbauer (VWZ)
1984 for arbitrary ?/D - VWZ-integral
C C(Ti, D ?)
Transmission coefficients
Average level distance
- Rigorous test of VWZ isolated resonances, i.e. ?
ltlt D - First test of VWZ in the intermediate regime,
i.e. ?/D 1, with high statistical
significance only achievable with microwave
billiards - Note nuclear cross section fluctuation
experiments yield only S2
17Autocorrelation and DecayIsolated Resonances
Alt et al., PRL 74, 62 (1995)
18Ericsons Prediction for G gt D
- Ericson fluctuations (1960)
- Correlation function is Lorentzian
- Measured 1964 for overlapping
- compound nuclear resonances
- Now observed in lots of different
- systems molecules, quantum dots,
- laser cavities, microwave cavities
- Different theoretical approaches for G/D 1
- - Ericson ? energy and time domain
- - VWZ ? RMT
- - Blümel and Smilansky ? semiclassical
P. v. Brentano et al., Phys. Lett. 9, 48 (1964)
19Fluctuations in a Fully Chaotic Cavity with
- Tilted stadium (Primack Smilansky, 1994)
- Height of cavity 15 mm
- Becomes 3D at 10.1 GHz
- GOE behaviour checked
- Measure full complex S-matrix for two antennas
S11, S22, S12 - B. Dietz et al., PRE 78, 055204(R) (2008).
20Spectra of S-Matrix Elements
Example 8-9 GHz, G/D ? 0.2
S12 ?
S11 ?
S22 ?
Frequency (GHz)
21Distribution of S11-Matrix Elementand Comparison
with RMT (FSS)
8-9 GHz, G/D ? 0.2
22Distribution of S11-Matrix Elementand Comparison
with RMT (FSS)
22-23 GHz, G/D ? 0.9
- Distributions far away from Gaussian and
uniformly distributed phases
23Road to Analysis of the Measured Fluctuations
- Problem adjacent points in C(?) are correlated
- Solution FT of C(?) ? uncorrelated Fourier
coefficients C(t)
Ericson (1965) - Development non Gaussian fit and test procedure
24Fourier Transform vs. Autocorrelation Function
Example 8-9 GHz
? S12 ?
? S11 ?
? S22 ?
Frequency domain
Time domain
25Distribution of Fourier Coefficients
- Distributions are Gaussian with the same
variances (Remember Measured S-matrix
elements are non-Gaussian distributed) ?
Expected distribution of
- Fit of VWZ to data determines expectation value
26Distribution of Coefficients
- The Fourier transformis not stationary
- Assumption of Gaussian distributed Fourier
coefficients is correct
27Corollary Hauser-Feshbach Formula
- Distribution of S-matrix elements yields
- Over the whole measured frequency range 1 lt f lt
10 GHz we find 3.5 gt W gt 2 in accordance with
VWZ - Note for isolated resonances W 3
- Investigated a chaotic T-invariant microwave
resonator (i.e. a GOE system) in the regime of
isolated and weakly overlapping resonances (G ?
D) - Distributions of S-matrix elements are not
Gaussian - However, distribution of the 2400 uncorrelated
Fourier coefficients of the scattering matrix is
Gaussian - Data are limited by rather small FRD errors, not
by noise - Data were used to test VWZ theory of chaotic
scattering and the predicted non-exponential
decay in time of resonator modes and the
frequency dependence of the elastic enhancement
factor are confirmed - The most stringend test of the theory yet uses
this large number of data points and a
goodness-of-fit test
29Detailed Balance in Nuclear Reactions
- Search for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking (TRSB)
in nuclear reactions
30Detailed Balance in Nuclear Reactions
- Search for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking (TRSB)
innuclear reactions ? upper limits
31Induced Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking (TRSB) in
- T-symmetry breaking caused by a magnetized
ferrite - Ferrite features Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR)
- Coupling of microwaves to the FMR depends on the
direction a b
- Principle of detailed balance
32Scattering Matrix Description
Remember Scattering matrix formalism
- Investigation of systems
- ?
replace H by a matrix - Isolated resonances singlets and doublets ? H
is 1D or 2D - Overlapping resonances (GgtD)
33Isolated Resonances - Setup
34Isolated Resonances - Singlets
- Reciprocity holds ? TRSB cannot be detected this
35Isolated Doublets of Resonances
- Violation of reciprocity due to interference of
two resonances
36Scattering Matrix and TRSB
- Scattering matrix element ( )
- Decomposition of effective Hamiltonian
- Ansatz for TRSB incorporating the FMR and its
selective coupling to the microwaves
37TRSB Matrix Element
38T-Violating Matrix Element
- T-violating matrix element shows resonance like
- Successful description of dependence on magnetic
Dietz et al., PRL 98, 074103 (2007)
39Relative Strength of T-Violation
- Compare TRSB matrix element to the energy
difference of two eigenvalues of the T-invariant
40Search for TRSB in NucleiEricson Regime
41Search for TRSB in NucleiEricson Regime
42Billiard for the Study of Induced TRSB in the
Regime G ? D
- 2D tilted stadium billiard ? chaotic dynamics
- Magnetized ferrite ? T-breaking
43TRSB in the Region of Overlapping Resonances (G ?
- Antenna 1 and 2 in a 2D tilted stadium billiard
- Magnetized ferrite F in the stadium
- Place an additional scatterer into the stadium
and move it up to 12 different positions in
order to improve the statistical significance of
the data sample - ? distinction between GOE and GUE behavior
becomes possible
44Violation of Reciprocity
S12 S21
- Clear violation of reciprocity in the regime of
G/D ? 1
45Quantification of Reciprocity Violation
- The violation of reciprocity reflects degree of
TRSB - Definition of a contrast function
- Quantification of reciprocity violation via ?
46Magnitude and Phase of ? Fluctuate
? B ? 200 mT
B ? 0 mTno TRSB
47S-Matrix Fluctuations and RMT
- Pure GOE ? VWZ 1984
- Pure GUE ? FSS (Fyodorov, Savin Sommers)
2005 V (Verbaarschot) 2007 - Partial TRSB ? analytical model has been
developed (based on Pluhar, Weidenmüller, Zuk
and Wegner, 1995) - RMT ?
- Full T symmetry breaking sets in experimentally
already forwith being the variance of the
off-diagonal matrix elements of and (i.e.
at )
48Analysis of Fluctuations with Crosscorrelation
Crosscorrelation function
- Determination of T-breaking strength from the
data - Special interest in first coefficient (e 0)
49Experimental Crosscorrelation coefficients
for GOE
- Data TRSB is incomplete ? mixed GOE/GUE system
for GUE
50Exact RMT Result for Partial T Breaking
- RMT analysis based on Pluhar, Weidenmüller, Zuk,
Lewenkopf and Wegner, 1995
T-symmetry breaking parameter
51Exact RMT Result for Partial T Breaking
- RMT analysis based on Pluhar, Weidenmüller, Zuk,
Lewenkopf and Wegner, 1995
for GOE
for GUE
52Determination of T-Breaking Strength
- B. Dietz et al., PRL, submitted.
53Test of Model for Autocorrelation with
Intermediate TRSB
- Autocorrelation displays only a slight dependence
on ? - Large spreading of data points ? Ensemble
measurement and GOF test
54An Exemplary Fit Resultf 16-17 GHz and B 190
- Excellent description of the data with GOE/GUE
55Elastic Enhancement Factor
- Data (red) matches RMT predicition (blue)
- Values W lt 2 seen ? clear indication of T-breaking
- Investigated furthermore a chaotic T-noninvariant
microwave resonator (i.e. a GUE system) in the
regime of weakly overlapping resonances - Principle of reciprocity is strongly violated
(Sab ? Sba) - Data show, however, that TRSB is incomplete ?
mixed GOE / GUE system - Analytical model for partial TRSB has been
developed - RMT shows that full TRSB sets already in when the
symmetry breaking matrix element is of the order
of the mean level spacing of the overlapping
resonances - Elastic enhancement factor determined for the
first time in the presence of TRSB - Next Investigation of TRSB at EPs