Title: SSS Validation and Testing
1SSS Validation and Testing
- September 11, 2003
- Rockville, MD
- William McLendon
- Neil Pundit
- Erik DeBenedictis
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company,for the United States Department of
Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
- APItest
- Release Testing Experiences at Sandia
- Status daemon
3Distributed Runtime System Testing
- Complex system of interactions
- Approach to testing
- Component Testing
- Benchmarks
- Performance / Functionality
- Operational Profile
- Stress Testing
- Users expect a high-degree of quality in todays
high end systems!
5APITEST - Overview
- Unit-testing tool for network components
- Targeted for networked applications
- Extensible framework
- Dependency calculus for inter-test relationships
- Scriptable Tests (XML Schema Grammar)
- Multi-Protocol Support
- TCP/IP, SSSLib, Portals, HTTP
6Accomplishments Since Last Meeting
- Spent a week at Argonne (July)
- Major rework of framework of APItest
- Individual tests are atomic.
- Framework handles the hard work of checking
tests, dependencies, and aggregate results. - Extensibility
- New test types are easy to create
- Dependency System
- Define relationships as a DAG encoded in XML.
- Boolean dependencies on edges.
7Supported Test Types
- sssTest
- use ssslib to communicate with ssslib enabled
components - shellTest
- execute a command
- httpTest
- ie. app testing web interfaces (ala Globus, etc)
- tcpipTest
- raw socket via tcpip transmission.
8APITEST supports Regular Expressions
- Regular expression matching in tests
Sent to service-directoryltget-locationgtltlocation
component/gtlt/get-locationgt Expected
Bufferltlocationsgt ltlocations
componentservice-directory/gt ltlocations
componentevent-manager/gtlt/locationsgt Regular
Expressionltrecvbuf typeREGEXPgt
9Creating New Test Types is Easy
A simple test that will always pass class
passTest(Test) __attrfields__name typemap
dependenciesTODependencies def
setup(self) pass def execute(self,
scratch) self.expectfoo (REGEXP,
a) self.responsefoo a
10Matching and Aggregation
- An individual test can be executed many times in
a sequence. - PASS/FAIL can be determined based on the percent
of runs that matched. - Percent Match can be specified as a range as
well. - Expected result is specified as a regular
expression (REGEX) or a string for exact matching
(TXTSTR) - Notation
- Mminmax - Percent matching.
- min/max bounds on of tests where actual and
expected results match. - If the actual number of tests is within the range
specified the test will PASS, otherwise it will
11Test Dependencies
T iff A4090OR B00
T iff (A100 ? B90) ?C
M4090 gt 40 and lt 90 of test runs matched
12An Example Dependency
ltdependenciesgt ltANDgt ltdependency
nameA' minPctMatch100'/gt ltORgt
ltANDgt ltdependency nameB'
minPctMatch100'/gt ltdependency
nameC'/gt lt/ANDgt
ltdependency nameD maxPctMatch0/gt
lt/ORgt lt/ANDgt lt/dependenciesgt
- (A100 ? ((B100100 ? C) ? D0 ))
13An Example Test Sequence
test daemon
reset daemon
test other stuff
14Standard Test Metadata Attributes
15Example Scripts
- A simple shell execution test
- ltshellTest nametest1 numReps1
preDelay5 postDelay5.3
commandls -ltr/gt - Test with a dependency and stdout matching
- ltshellTest nametest2 commandapitest.py
--testgt ltoutput formatREGEXP
ltdependenciesgt ltdependency nametest1
minPctMatch100.0/gt lt/dependenciesgtlt/shellTe
16APItest Output
iterations test name matched Pass/Fail message
---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 of 1 A 100.00 PASS 1 of
1 K 100.00 FAIL m0.0 0.0 1
of 1 J 0.00 FAIL m90.0
90.0 5 of 5 M 100.00 PASS 1
of 1 L 100.00 FAIL m0.0
0.0 1 of 1 N 100.00 PASS 0
expected 0.0 90.0, got 100.0 J expected
90.0 100.0, got 0.0 0 of 1 R
100.0, got 0.0 K expected 0.0 90.0,
got 100.0 1 of 1 S 100.00 PASS
1 of 1 U1 100.00 PASS 1 of
1 U2 100.00 PASS 0 of 1 U3
90.0, got 100.0 S expected 0.0 90.0,
got 100.0 1 of 1 U4 100.00 PASS
17sssTest outputs from Chiba City
iterations test name matched Pass/Fail
message ---------- --------- ---------
--------- ---------- 1 of 1
add-location 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
QuerySDComps 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
QuerySDHost 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
QuerySDProtocol 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
QuerySDPort 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
del-location 100.00 PASS 1 of 1
val-removal 100.00 PASS
iterations test name matched Pass/Fail
message ---------- --------- ---------
--------- ---------- 1 of 1 sss-getproto
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-getport
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-gethost
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-getcomp
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-getproto
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-getport
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-gethost
100.00 PASS 1 of 1 sss-getcomp
100.00 PASS
18Release Testing
19Tales from Cplant Release Testing
- Methodical execution of production jobs and 3rd
Party benchmarks to identify system
instabilities, enabling them to be resolved. Ie - Rapid job turnover rate (caused mismatches
between scheduler and allocator) - Heavy io (I/O which passes through launch node
process instead of directly to ENFS yod-io) - Wrapping above codes into Ctest framework to
enable portable compile, launch, and analysis of
synthetic workloads
- Extension of Mike Carifios work
- Presented at the SciDAC meeting in Houston during
Fall of 2002 - Make structure that holds a suite of independent
applications. - Tools to launch as a reproducible workload.
- Goal 30 users and 60 concurrent apps
21Sample Load Profile on CPlant
22Issue Tracking
- SNL uses a program called RT
- Centralized repository for issue tracking helps
give an overall picture of what problems are. - Helps give summary of progress.
- Bugzilla is on the SciDAC SSS website
- http//bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/scidac-sss/
- Whos using it?
23Status Daemon
24Status Daemon
- Highly configurable monitoring infrastructure for
clusters. - Does not need to run daemon on the node you are
monitoring. - XML configurable
- Web interface
- Cluster Aware
- Used on CPlant production clusters
- James Laros (jhlaros_at_sandia.gov)
25Status Daemon Communication
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- New Hire
- Ron Oldfield
- APItest functionality and flexibility increases
- Release testing experience
- Status Daemon
- APItest
- User / Programmer Manuals
- User Interface
- daemon mode for parallel testing mode
- DB Connectivity
- Test Development
- ssslib event tests
- HTTPtest work
- ptlTest (SNL)
- SWP Integration
- Port SWP to Chiba for SC2003?
36APITEST Component Architecture
37Encoding XML into XML CDATA
XML parsers will interpret the lt character as a
newElement, NOT as a character buffer. So,we
must trickour SAX parse by using lt instead of
ltssslibTestgt ltnamegttest1lt/namegt
ltsendbufgt ltget-locationgt ltlocation
component''/gt lt/get-locationgt
lt/sendbufgt lt/ssslibTestgt