Title: Day Job Talk: Graphical User Interfaces
1Day Job Talk Graphical User Interfaces
Allison Ryan Oct 2008
University of California
2GUIs Why do we care?
- For demos
- Allow visitors to interact with our system
- Present real-time results in easy to understand
3GUIs Why do we care?
- For demos
- Allow visitors to interact with our system
- Present real-time results in easy to understand
format - For our own use
- Monitor onboard software
- Monitor airplane status
- Reconfigure experiments
4- GUIs in our system
- How GUIs work
5Our System. Where is the Allison GUI ?
900 MHz
Cloudcap OI
Piccolo GS
Payload GUI (software status)
Health GUI (aircraft status)
Microsoft Visual C Inherets from Cloudcap
6900 MHz Comms
900 MHz
900 MHz
Cloudcap OI
Piccolo GS
Piccolo AP
Publisher (CSL comms back end)
Piccolo Process
Payload Process
Payload GUI (software status)
Data Hub
Health GUI (aircraft status)
Microsoft Visual C Inherets from Cloudcap
7900 MHz Comms- Abstracted
Payload Channel
Piccolo Channel
Piccolo AP
Publisher (CSL comms back end)
Piccolo Process
Payload Process
Payload GUI (software status)
Data Hub
Health GUI (aircraft status)
Microsoft Visual C Inherets from Cloudcap
8900 MHz Comms without PC104
Payload Channel
Piccolo Channel
Piccolo AP
Health GUI (aircraft status)
Microsoft Visual C Inherets from Cloudcap
9Health GUI Are the UAVs crashing? (basic
Goal Allow a non-expert user to monitor basic
status of all UAVs on single display
Track flight time
Altitude tracking
10Payload GUI Did my process crash?(basic
11Part II How GUIs Work
Input handling/ Screen drawing functions
Communication functions
Process User Input()
Form/Send Outgoing Packets()
Internal Data Storage
Process Incoming Packets()
Update Display()
12Rules for GUI Programming
- Dont allow incorrect input from user
- Dont be confusing!
- Design for intended user
- Follow conventions
- Keep it simple
option 1
option 2
13GUI Programming Tools MSVC, Borland C
These tools provide 1. Base classes for
inheretence 2. Graphical programming interface
GUI class - Timers - Operating system
interfaces - Windows
Button class Visible Type OnPaint() OnClick()
My Other Button
My Button OnClick() What I want to happen
14Which GUI Programming Tool?
- MS Visual C
- This how the Cloudcap Example App comes
- Easy choice for anything that talks to Piccolo
- Some things are really hard that shouldnt be
HBRUSH CCommunicationsSDKDlgOnCtlColor(CDC
pDC, CWnd pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
switch(nCtlColor) case CTLCOLOR_EDIT
for (int picc_int0 picc_int lt NUM_COLS
picc_int) if(pWnd-gtGetDlgCtrlID()
state_rep_fieldsproc_intpicc_int) return
PickColor(proc_int, picc_int, pDC)
return CDialogOnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd,
- Borland C
- Includes Socket objects
- Lots of GUI stuff is easier
15Under the Hood the code you cant find and what
its doing
Screen Refreshing
OnPaint() (MSVC) For(each GUI object) Repaint
object according to its properties
CWindow thegui new CWindow() CButton B1 new
CButton() etc
Where is the main() ??
16Organization Finite State Machines
Useful tool for complex GUIs. Example Commander
Enable map click Enable priorities Disable
Num-UAVs Selector
Creating Visit Task
Disable map click Disable priorities Disable
Num-UAVs selector Enable new task dropdown
Enable map click Enable priorities Enable
Num-UAVs Selector
Creating Area Search Task
Not Creating Task
17How to Make a GUI
Internal Data Storage
18Special case Map-based GUIs
Insert bitmap from file
Define transformation between pixel coordinates
(u,v) and GPS based on bitmap metadata
Paint onto bitmap using included methods
Local2Map(x_uav,y_uav, lat_origin,
lon_origin,pt) pCanvas-gtPen-gtColor
clRed pCanvas-gtEllipse(pt.x,pt.y,pt2.x,pt2.y)
19Special case Cloudcap Example App GUIs
- A Microsoft Visual C GUI application which
includes - - the Cloudcap libraries
- - an instance of the Cloudcap CommManager class
- - template functions for AutopilotStream and
PayloadStream comms - The parts we care about (provided)
OnInitDialog() OnTimer() LookForAutopilotData()
- GUIs are important for demos and for experiments
and should be developed just as carefully as
controllers - Some GUIs talk to Piccolo- these are easiest to
do in Visual C - Some GUIs should talk over 802.11b- these are
easiest to do in Borland, or non-c (Python?
Java?) - Dont name GUIs after people because its
confusing when they leave!