Title: Introduction to Clusters
1Introduction to Clusters
- Philip Papadopoulos
- Greg Bruno
- Mason Katz
- 12 Lectures covering various aspects of cluster
computing - History
- Architecture
- Construction
- Programming
- Management/Monitoring
- Application
- Application Optimization
- First two lectures provide initial high-level
overview with some details about message
pipelines - Follow-on lectures talk more in detail about
various aspects of clustering
3Scoping Rules
- Focused on computing clusters
- Large number of nodes that need similar system
software footprints - MPI-style parallelism is the dominant application
model - Not assuming homogeneity of hardware
configurations - Do assume the same OS
- Even homogeneous systems exhibit hardware
differences - Not high-availability clusters
- Our techniques can help here, but we dont
address the specific software needs of HA
4Modern Clusters
- What are the design issues involved in building a
commodity cluster - Selecting nodes
- Networks
- Operating System
- Historical perspective important
- Understand where technologies started
- Dont repeat mistakes
- Technical background for classifications
5High-Performance Clusters
Gigabit Networks - Myrinet, SCI, FC-AL,
- Killer micros Low-cost Gigaflop processors here
for a few kilos /processor - Killer networks Gigabit network hardware, high
performance software (e.g. Fast Messages), soon
at 100s-/ connection - Leverage HW, commodity SW (nix/Windows NT),
build key technologies - gt high performance computing in a RICH software
6Cluster Research Groups
- Many other cluster groups that have had impact
- Active Messages/Network of workstations (NOW) UCB
- Basic Interface for Parallelism (BIP) Univ. of
Lyon - Fast Messages(FM)/High Performance Virtual
Machines(HPVM) (UIUC/UCSD) - Real World Computing Partnership (Japan)
- (SHRIMP) Scalable High-performance Really
Inexpensive Multi-Processor (Princeton) - Most of these groups moved on to other activities
at the end of the 90s - Were now in the stage of taking these
proofs-of-concept to the level of production
7Clusters are Different
- A pile of PCs is not a large-scale SMP server.
- Why? Performance and programming model
- A clusters closest cousin is an MPP
- Whats the major difference? Clusters run N
copies of the OS, MPPs usually run one.
8A Quick Snapshot of What The Top Supercomputers
Look like
- Linpack benchmark used in the Top 500
9Linpack Performance (Nov 2001)
Source Jack Dongarra
10Top 500 Architectures (Nov 2001)
Source Jack Dongarra
11Top 500 Observations
- Clusters or Clusters of SMPs account for 150/500
machines - Clusters and MPPs account for 80 of the machines
- Single processor machines dropped off the list in
1997 - Earth Simulator will represent about 20 of the
aggregate computing speed of the Top 500
12Some Architectural Background
- Machine Classification
- Algorithmic Models
- Processor Types
13Machine Classifications
- Flynn (1966) Classified machines by data and
control streams
14Machine Classification SISD
- Single Instruction Single Data Stream
- Your garden-variety single CPU system
- Even this view isnt so simple because dual
processor PCs are getting cheap - Standard Von Neumann Architecture
15Machine Classification SIMD
- All processors execute the same program in
lockstep - Data that each processor sees is different
- Single control processor
- Individual processors can be turned on/off at
each cycle - Illiac IV, CM-2, MasPar are some examples
- Silicon Graphics Reality Graphics engine
- Also called data parallel
16Machine Classification MIMD
- All processors execute their own set of
instructions - Processors operate on separate data streams
- No centralized clock implied
- SP-2, T3E, Clusters, Crays, E10000
- Valid on all memory hierarchies
- Distributed
- Important to realize that memory distribution is
independent of the the Machine Classification
17Distributed Memory vs. Shared
- Distributed Memory
- Memory for individual processors not shared on
the same bus (address space) - Data is explicitly sent from one address space to
another when needed - Sending data also synchronizes processors
- Very scalable
- Parallelization done through explicit algorithms
- Shared memory
- Memory is shared among all processors
- No explicit data movement
- Synchronization managed through locks/semaphores
- Not as scalable (Max 106 CPUs on Enterprise 10K)
- Parallelization either explicit or through
compiler (or both)
18Programming Models
- People often refer to the memory system as the
programming model - Shared Memory Programming Model
- Distributed Memory Programming Model
- This is only part of the story
- Synchronization and how the parallel application
program is expressed is the other half
19Programming Models SPMD
- Single/Multiple Program Multiple Data
- Similar to SIMD, but generalized for common CPUs
- SPMD processors run the same program but
processors are necessarily run in lock step. - Very popular and scalable programming style
- MPI assumes an SPMD model.
- MPMD is similar except that different can
processors run different programs - PVM distribution has some simple examples
- Grid Computing is really MPMD
20Processor Types
- Four general types
- Vector
- Cache-based, pipelined
- Custom (eg. Tera MTA or KSR-1)
- Bit serial
- Commodity Clusters use cache-based, pipelined
- Intel x86 is the most common building block
- NOW project built on SPARC
- Some want to play with game platforms
21Bit Serial (Early 90s)
- Only seen in SIMD machines like Connection
Machine (CM-2) or MasPar - Each clock cycle, one bit of the data is
loaded/written - Simplifies memory system and memory trace count
- Were Popular for very dense (64K) processor
arrays - Limited efficiencies and problem domains
eventually lead to their demise.
22Cache-based, Pipelined
- Garden Variety Microprocessor
- Sparc, Intel x86, MC68xxx, MIPs,
- Register-based ALUs and FPUs
- Registers are of scalar type
- Pipelined execution to improve performance of
individual chips - Splits up components of basic operation like
addition into stages (P4 has a 20 stage pipeline) - The more stages, the faster the speedup, but more
problems with branching and data/control hazards - Per-processor caches make it challenging to build
SMPs (coherency issues) - Now dominates the high-end market
23Vector Processors
- Very specialized (eg. ) machines
- Registers are true vectors with power of 2
lengths - Designed to efficiently perform matrix-style
operations - Ax b ( b(I) ? A(I,J)x(J))
- Vector registers v1, v2, v3
- V1 A(I,), V2 b()
- MULV V3(I), V1, V2
- Chaining to efficiently handle larger vectors
than size of vector registers - Cray SV-2, Hitachi, NEC (Earth Simulator) are
examples - Highly optimized compilers -gt high efficiencies
24Some Custom Processors
- Denelcor HEP/Tera MTA
- Multiple register sets
- Stack Pointer, Instruction Pointer, Frame
Pointer, etc. - Switch each clock cycle to different register set
- SMT (Simultaneous Multithreading)
- Why? Stalls to memory subsystem in one thread can
be hidden by concurrency - Compilers needed to express concurrenc
- KSR-1 (Company lasted only about 4 years)
- Cache-only memory processor
- Peak capability was 2 generations behind
standard micros of the day
25Going Parallel
- Late 70s, even vector monsters started to to
go parallel - For //-processing to work, individual processors
must eventually synchronize - SIMD Hardware synchronizes every clock cycle
- MIMD Explicit synchronization done in program
- Message passing
- Data and synchronization is in the message itself
- Can be on shared or distributed memory machines
- Shared Memory semaphores, monitors,
fetch-and-increment - Well review some key interconnect properties
later in this talk
26Rough Timelines of Software and Hardware that has
lead to clusters
27Some Happenings
SCore (RWCP)
IBM SP1 1024 CPUs
ASCI White 12 TF
Earth Simulator 40 TF
Intel Paragon 150GF 1024 CPUs
Hitachi CP-PACs 700GF
Cray Y-MP 8 Vectors 2.5GF
ASCI Blue 3 TF
NCSA Platinum 1 TF x86
TeraGrid 13 TF IA64
28Network of Workstations (NOWs)
- David Culler (UC Berkeley) started early 90s
- SunOS on SPARC Microprocessor
- First-generation Myrinet
- Active messages for high-performance
- Glunix (Global Unix) execution environment
- Split-C programming, PVM and eventually MPI
- NOW work became the base technology for Hotbot
(Inktomi, Inc. started in 1997)
29Impact of NOW Project
- Brought key issues to the forefront of
commodity-based computing - Global OS
- Parallel file systems
- Fault tolerance
- High-performance messaging
- System Management
30Clusters, Beowulfs, and more
- How do you put a Pile-of-PCs into a room and
make them do real work? - Interconnection technologies
- Programming them
- Monitoring
- Starting and running applications
- Running at Scale
- NOW pioneered the vision for clusters of
commodity processors. - Beowulf popularized the notion and made it very
31Beowulf Cluster Definition
- Current working definition a collection of
commodity PCs running an open-source operating
system with a commodity interconnection network - Dual Intel PIIIs with fast ethernet, Linux
- Program with PVM, MPI,
- Single Alpha PCs running Linux
32Beowulf Clusters contd
- Interconnection network is usually fast ethernet
running TCP/IP - (Relatively) slow network
- Programming model is message passing
- Most people now associate the name Beowulf with
any cluster of PCs - Beowulfs are differentiated from
high-performance clusters by the network - www.beowulf.org has lots of information
33Outcome of these activities
- Brought most of key ingredients of MPPs into the
commodity space - Allowed many more people to really work on
parallel computing - Wider application audience can understand issues
- Had a large impact on MPPs of the day. NOW
project analysis improved Paragon messaging
performance by 2X - Almost all software components were made
available as open source - This was key to technology sharing instead of
34Hardware variations on a basic layout
Front-end Node(s)
Power Distribution (Net addressable units as
Public Ethernet
Fast-Ethernet Switching Complex
Gigabit Network Switching Complex
35High Performance Commodity Clusters
- Rocks v2.1
- 2 Frontends, 4 NFS Servers
- 100 nodes
- Compaq
- 800, 933, IA-64
- 733, 1000
- 50 GB RAM
- Ethernet
- For management
- Myrinet 2000
36Beowulfs vs. High Performance
- Beowulfs traditionally have ethernet (Store and
forward switches) - Very inexpensive interconnect
- High host CPU processing overhead
- Higher latency
- Messaging characteristics limit scalability
- High-performance Clusters
- Interconnect significant cost
- Better scalability
- Myrinet brought the technology of Intel Paragon
to the commodity market.
37Clusters vs. MPPs
- MPPs introduced in late 80s
- Connection Machine
- Paragons
- Cray T3E (90s)
- MPPs have specialized interconnects, proprietary
OSes. Designed to give the illusion of a uniform
machine - Clusters were designed to replace expensive MPPs.
- Successful. New large machines are mostly
clusters - PC clusters are now affordable in lab/single PI
environments -
- Linux started as student project in 1991
- Good integrated distributions in 1993 (e.g.
Slackware) - Becker (Beowulf Project) wrote high-performing
ethernet drivers - Fundamental enabler for clusters
- Major releases of Kernel improved multiprocessing
performance, stability, support of devices - This became the essential piece to finish the
commodity puzzle - Networks
- CPUs (Intel)
- Operating System
- Message passing software (PVM and MPI)
39Other OSes
- Windows (NT, 2000, XP)
- HPVM Project (Chien)
- Velocity cluster (Cornell Theory Center)
- SunOS/Solaris
- OS of the Berkeley NOW project
- What about
- MacOS
- Tru64 (Compaq)
- All can be used as basic OS. Have not the wide
acceptance of Linux for cluster architectures
40Do Commodity Clusters based on Linux perform
41IA-32 Application Scaling
Source Dave Pierce, SIO
42Itanium Cluster Performance
NAMD Scalable Molecular Dynamics
Simulation of large biomolecular systems on
parallel computers File compatible with CHARMM
AMBER Message-driven and object-oriented design
implemented with Charm/Converse (from PPL at
UIUC) Ported to PACI systems, clusters, and
desktop PCs Available for FREE, includes source
Pentium III cluster
Itanium cluster
ApoA1 (PME) 92K atoms
Source Rob Pennington, NCSA
43Clusters on the Grid
Deep Impact
150 GB disk total
32 cpu's total
Deep Impact
Broad Impact
44PC Cluster Performance
- Right on par with more expensive MPPs
- Sometimes outperforms on particular codes
- What are some things that are lacking
- Natural application development/debugging
environment - High-performance disk I/O
- Management of clusters can be a challenge without
scalable techniques
45Putting a cluster together
- (16, 32, 64, X) Individual Node
- Eg. Dual Processor Pentium III/1.13GHz, 1 GB mem,
ethernet - Scalable High-speed network
- Myrinet, Giganet, Gigabit Ethernet
- Message-passing libraries
- Multiprocessor job launch
- Portable batch System
- Load Sharing Facility
- PVM spawn, mpirun, ssh,
- Techniques for system management
- NPACI Rocks (Rocks) is a good example
46Providing an abstraction
- A pile of PCs is not an attractive model from
the application point of view. - Need a coherent view and abstraction
- Abstractions simplify the hardware so that
algorithms can be more naturally mapped - A cluster is a distributed memory MIMD
- MPI is the preferred way to express parallelism
in applications - Understanding some of the lower-level details can
be essential to obtaining good application
47Virtualization of Machines
- Want the illusion that a collection of machines
(cluster) is a single machine - Start, stop, monitor distributed programs
- Programming and debugging should work seamlessly
- PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) was the first,
widely-adopted virtualization for parallel
computing - MPI is a standard API for message passing.
- This illusion is only partially complete in any
software system. Some issues - Node heterogeneity.
- Real network topology can lead to contention
- Unrelated What is a Java Virtual Machine?
48High-Performance Communication
Switched Multigigabit, User-level access Networks
Switched 100 Mbit OS mediated access
- Level of network interface support NIC/network
router latency - Overhead and latency of communication ?
deliverable bandwidth - High-performance communication ?
Programmability! - Low-latency, low-overhead, high-bandwidth cluster
communication - much more is needed
- Usability issues, I/O, Reliability, Availability
- Remote process debugging/monitoring
49Communication Networks
- Understanding Characteristics is important to
understanding scalability of machines
50Characterizing Networks
- Bandwidth
- Device/switch latency
- Switching types
- Circuit switched (eg. Telephone)
- Packet switched (eg. Internet)
- Store and forward
- Virtual Cut Through
- Wormhole routed
- Topology
- Number of connections
- Diameter (how many hops through switches)
- Latency is the amount of time taken for a command
to start before any effect is seen - Push on gas pedal before car goes forward
- Time you enter a line, before cashier starts on
your job - First bit leaves computer A, first bit arrives at
computer B - OR
- (Message latency) First bit leaves computer A,
last bit arrives at computer B - Startup latency is the amount of time to send a
zero length message
- Bits/second that can travel through a connection
- A really simple model for calculating the time to
send a message of N bytes - Time latency N/bandwidth
- Bisection is the minimum number of wires that
must be cut to divide a network of machines into
two equal halves. - Bisection bandwidth is the total bandwidth
through the bisection
53Interconnection Topologies
- Completely connected
- Every node has a direct wire connection to every
other node - (N x (N-1))/2 Wires, Clearly impractical at
- Simple interconnection
- First topology where routing is an issue
- Needed when no direct connection exists between
nodes - Want go to node 4 from node 2 have to pass
through node 3 - What happens if 2 want to communicate with 3 at
the same time 1 want to communicate with 4? - What is the bisection of a line/ring
- If the links are of bandwidth B, what is the
bisection bandwidth - What is the aggregate bandwidth of the network?
- Generalization of line/ring to multiple
dimensions - More routes between nodes
- What is the bisection of this network?
- Paragon is an example
56Hop Count
- Networks are measured by diameter
- This is the minimum number of hops that message
must traverse for the two nodes that furthest
apart - Line Diameter N-1
- 2D (NxM) Mesh Diameter NM-2
57Tree-based Networks
- Nodes organized in a tree fashion (important for
some global algorithms)
Diameter of this network? Bisection, Bisection
Bandwidth? CM-5 was a Fat Tree links got
faster near the top
59Hypercubes 2
- Dimension N Hypercube is constructed by
connecting the corners of two N-1 hypercubes - Relatively low wire count to build large networks
- Multiple routes from any destination to any node.
- Exercise to the reader, what is the dimenision of
a K-dimensional Hypercube
60Communication Topologies
- Interconnect topologies were very important areas
of research in the early/mid 90s - MPI-1 spent a great deal of time addressing
topologies for optimization - Hardware Topologies largely unimportant now
because of wormhole routed networks and crossbar
networks - Logical topologies are very important in
constructing efficient parallel programs - Collective operations (Sum, Reduce, Broadcast)
- MPI topologies important from this aspect
61Modern Networks are Packet Switched
- Break message into smaller blocks and send these
pieces through the network - Network intermediate points (routers) can be
store-and-forward or virtual cut through - Store and forward requires buffering at each
switch if an incoming packet has packets ahead of
it on an outgoing port (congestion) - Virtual cut-through eliminates the buffering for
store and forward by cutting through the switch
when the output port is free
62Switch Types
Store and Forward
e.g. Ethernet
Cut Through
e.g. Myrinet
63Wormhole Routing
- Wormhole routing is a variation of virtual cut
through - Small headers (flow control digits Flits) pass
through the network. - When a flit is allowed to cut through a switch,
the original sender is guaranteed a clear path
through that switch. - A tail flit closes the connection
- Going through multiple switches sets up a virtual
circuit from sender to receiver - Wormhole was defined by Seitz and is used in
Myrinet, a very popular cluster interconnect.
64Wormhole-Routed Networks
Message stream is a virtual Circuit
65Routing and Deadlock
- If routing algorithms not carefully constructed,
deadlock can occur - Head flits block and can never establish a
connection - Routing algorithms provably deadlock-free under
mild assumptions - Streams are of finite duration (packetized)
- Receiver/sender coordinate so that the tail flit
is finally processed (hence virtual connection is
closed and input/output ports on switches are
66Latency of Circuit Switched and Virtual Cut
- Circuit Switch Latency
- (Lc/B) l (L/B)
- Lc length of control packet
- B bandwidth
- l number of links
- L Length of Packet
- Virtual Cut-through latency
- (Lh/B) l (L/B)
- Lh length of header packet
67Store-Forward and Wormhole routing Latency
- Wormhole Routing Latency
- (Lf/B) l (L/B)
- Lf Length of flit
- Store-Forward Latency
- (L/B) l
- Store and forward latency can be much worse for
many hops. - Virtual Cut Through, Wormhole, and Circuit Switch
reach (L/B) as message length increases
68Message Passing
- Details of Networks to achieve High Performance
69Communication Style is Message Passing
Packetized message
- How do we efficiently get a message from Machine
A to Machine B? - How do we efficiently break a large message into
packets and reassemble at receiver? - How does receiver differentiate among message
fragments (packets) from different senders?
70Will use the details of FM to illustrate some
communication engineering
- Previous slides focused on the switch hardware
- These look at some what the endpoints must do to
take advantage of high-speed wormhole-routed
71FM on Commodity PCs
FM Host Library
FM NIC Firmware
FM Device Driver
Pentium III
2000 Mbps
1000 MIPS
133 MIPS
P6 bus
- Host Library API presentation, flow control,
segmentation/reassembly, multithreading - Device driver protection, memory mapping,
scheduling monitors - NIC Firmware link management, incoming buffer
management, routing, multiplexing/demultiplexing
72Fast Messages 2.x Performance (1998)
- Latency 8.8ms, Bandwidth 100MB/s, N1/2 250
bytes - Fast in absolute terms (compares to MPPs,
internal memory BW) - Delivers a large fraction of hardware performance
for short messages - Technology transferred in emerging cluster
standards Intel/Compaq/Microsofts Virtual
Interface Architecture.
73Comments about Performance
- Latency and Bandwidth are the most basic
measurements message passing machines - Will discuss in detail performance models because
- Latency and bandwidth do not tell the entire
story - High-performance clusters exhibit
- 20X deliverable bandwidth over 100Mbit ethernet
- Myrinet 2000 240 MB/sec vs. 11MB/sec (FastEther)
- 10X improvement in latency
- Myrinet 2000 8 us vs. 80us (FastEther)
74How do FM/GM/PM/AM really get Speed?
- Protected user-level access to network
(OS-bypass) - Efficient credit-based flow control
- assumes reliable hardware network only OK for
System Area Networks - No buffer overruns ( stalls sender if no receive
space) - Early de-multiplexing of incoming packets
- multithreading, use of NT user-schedulable
threads - Careful implementation with many tuning cycles
- Overlapping DMAs (Recv), Programmed I/O send
- No interrupts! Polling only.
75OS-Bypass Background
- Suppose you want to perform a sendto on a
standard IP socket? - Operating System mediates access to the network
device - Must trap into the kernel to insure authorization
on each and every message (Very time consuming) - Message is copied from user program to kernel
packet buffers - Protocol information about each packet is
generated by the OS and attached to a packet
buffer - Message is finally sent out onto the physical
device (ethernet) - Receiving does the inverse with a recvfrom
- Packet to kernel buffer, OS strip of header,
reassembly of data, OS mediation for
authorization, copy into user program
- A user program is given a protected slice of the
network interface - Authorization is done once (not per message)
- Outgoing packets get directly copied or DMAed to
network interface - Protocol headers added by user-level library
- Incoming packets get routed by network interface
card (NIC) into user-defined receive buffers - NIC must know how to differentiate incoming
packets. This is called early demultiplexing. - Outgoing and incoming message copies are
eliminated. - Traps to OS kernel are eliminated (bypass)
77Whats the Catch to OS Bypass
- Because only the user application is involved in
message transmission, it must actively service
the network connection - Kernel timers cant be used (they are bypassed)
- Usually a service thread takes the place of the
kernel-based mechanisms - When not handled properly, can cause strange
results - Because applications get a slice of the network,
only a small number of processes can
simultaneously access the high-speed links
78Packet Pathway
Programmed I/O/DMA
User level Handler 1
User Message Buffer
User level Handler 2
DMA to/from Network
User Message Buffer
Pinned DMA receive region
- Concurrency of I/O busses
- Sender specifies receiver handler ID
- Flow control keeps DMA region from being
User Buffer
79MPI-FM 2.x Layering
MPI Header
MPI Header
Source buffer
Destination buffer
- Gather-scatter interface handler multithreading
enables efficient layering, data manipulation
without copies
80MPI on FM 2.x
Msg Size
- MPI-FM 91 MB/s, 13ms latency, 4 ms overhead
- Short messages much better than IBM SP2, PCI
limited - Latency SGI O2K
81MPI-FM 2.x Efficiency
- High Transfer Efficiency, approaches 100
Lauria, Pakin et al. HPDC7 98 - Other systems much lower even at 1KB (100Mbit
40, 1Gbit 5)
82Is this detail important?
- Yes! Detail of a particular high-performance
interface illustrates some of the complexity for
these systems - Performance and scaling are very important.
Sometimes the underlying structure needs to be
understood to reason about applications. - Overhead vs. Latency
- Bandwidth and communication payload
- Basic understanding of the mechanisms
de-mystifies what is actually going on.
83How do we program/run such machines?
- PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) provides
- Simple message passing API
- Construction of virtual machine with a software
console - Ability to spawn (start), kill (stop), monitor
jobs - XPVM is a graphical console, performance monitor
- MPI (Message Passing Interface)
- Complex and complete message passing API
- Defacto, community-defined standard
- No defined method for job management
- Mpirun provided as a tool for the MPICH
distribution - Commericial and non-commercial tools for
monitoring debugging - Jumpshot, VaMPIr,
84More on MPI
- Started as a standards effort in 1994
- Fuse the best ideas from several projects
- Had a good reference implementation (MPICH), but
encouraged vendors/researchers to improve and/or
replace - Allows users to write standard parallel
subroutine libraries - Is really a cornerstone software capability for
parallel machines in general (and clusters in
85Modern HPC clusters should be thought of as
affordable, scalable machines programmed with MPI
86Cluster Projects have focused on high-performance
- BIP (Basic Interface for Parallelism) Linux
- MVIA Berkeley Lab Modular VIA project
- Active Messages Berkeley NOW/Millennium
- GM From Myricom
- General purpose (what we use on our Linux
Cluster), - Real World Computing Partnership Japanese
consortium - UNET Cornell
- High-performance over ATM and Fast Ethernet
- HPVM Fast Messaging and NT
87Integrating Key Components
- NPACI Rocks RedHat Linux-based Clustering
Toolkit - Beowulf Project The ones that pop-cultured
clusters. - Scyld Computing Commercialization of Beowulf
technologies. Founded by Donald Becker of Linux
Ethernet Driver fame. - OSCAR Collection of standard cluster components
- SCore RWCP single system image
- PVMÂ The original message passing/distributed
computing software toolkit. - MPI Message Passing Interface Standard
- VIA Virtual Interface architecture. A hardware
standard for low-latency system area networks - Myricom Corporation Low-latency gigabit networks
- IBM, Compaq are joining the cluster
vendor/software fray - Many Projects, Few Standards
88Technological Shifts
- Memory bandwidth of COTS systems
- 4 8X increase this year (Rambus, DDR)
- Increased I/O performance
- 4X improvement today (64bit/66MHz)
- 10X (PCI-X) in some Pentium 4 MBs
- Increased network performance/decrease in
- 1X infiniband (2.5 Gbits/sec) hardware
convergence - Intel designing Mboards with multiple I/O busses
and on-board Infiniband. - Gigabit Ethernet now getting very cheap
- 64 bit integer performance everywhere (eg IA-64,
Alpha (dead soon), Power4, UltraSparc, AMD
89Where we are now
- Clusters are Proven Computational Engines (Many
existence proofs) - Upcoming hardware technology dislocations makes
them very attractive at multiple scales - Research Software has not focused on management
- System (Management) Software is a bazaar
- Dual Processor, High-performance Network, Large
Memory - Standard Building block
- 5K/node
90Designing/Building a Cluster
- Hardware layout
- Processors, networks, power
- Logical system design
- Management Philosophies
- Well cover the very high-level view. More
details will follow in later lectures
91Hardware basic layout
Front-end Node(s)
Power Distribution (Net addressable units as
Public Ethernet
Fast-Ethernet Switching Complex
Gigabit Network Switching Complex
92Current Configuration of the Meteor
- Rocks v2.2 (RedHat 7.2)
- 2 Frontends, 4 NFS Servers
- 100 nodes
- Compaq
- 800, 933, IA-64
- 733, 1000
- 50 GB RAM
- Ethernet
- For management
- Myrinet 2000
93Compute Nodes - Meteor Specs and Choices
- Dual Processor PIIIs (733 and 800 MHz)
- 933s and 1.0 GHz as we expand
- ½ GB node (1 GB would be better)
- Hot swap SCSI on these nodes.
- Choices
- Uni vs. Dual Processor
- Processors Alpha, Intel, Sparc, PowerPC
- Linux is, in reality an Intel OS
- Rack-mount vs. Tower
- Rackmount essential for large installations
- SCSI vs. IDE
- Hot Swap unimportant. IDE Removable disks will
work. - Rackmount servers usually are SCSI
- User integration versus system integrator
- Ethernet only ? Beowulf-class
- Nodes are in Private IP (10.x.x.x0 space,
front-end does NAT - Gigabit networks
- Myrinet, Giganet, Gigabit Ethernet
- Power Network
- Highly desirable to have network addressable
power controllers (When hard reset needed) - We will be experimenting with Baytech
- Essential to figure power needs (300W/system
peak for our current systems) - A serial console network is not really
necessary - A KVM (keyboard video monitor) switching system
is adds too much complexity, cables, and cost
- Front-end Node
- Node seen by external world
- Performs Network Address Translation (NAT)
- NFS Server(s) for user home areas
- Beware of scalability issues!
- Compilers, libraries
- Configuration for Nodes
- DHCP Server
- NIS Domain Controller
- NTP Server
- Installation Server for defining system on nodes
- Method(s) to start jobs on compute nodes
- Batch System
- Interactive launching of jobs
- Need to have a strategy for managing cluster
nodes - Common methods and (pitfalls)
- Installing each node by hand
- Difficult to keep software on nodes up to date
- Management increases as node count increases
- Disk Imaging techniques (eg. VA Disk Imager)
- Difficult to handle heterogeneous nodes
- Treats OS as a single monolithic system
- Specialized installation programs (e.g. IBMs
LUI, or RWCPs Multicast installer) - RedHat Kickstart
- Define packages needed for OS on nodes, kickstart
gives a reasonable measure of contro. - Need to fully automate to scale out
97Job Management, Debugging
- Once a parallel application (usually MPI) has
been created, it needs to run/debugged/scheduled - Job Queuing systems (like PBS) exist and help
with the sharing of resources - Debugging across N copies of the OS is quite
challenging with only some moderate success in
debugging (Like Totalview) environments
98The Dark Side of Clusters
- Clusters are phenomenal price/performance
computational engines - Can be hard to manage without experience
- High-performance I/O is still unsolved
- Finding out where something has failed increases
at least linearly as cluster size increases - Not cost-effective if every cluster burns a
person just for care and feeding - NPACI Rocks helps here
- Programming environment could be vastly improved
- Technology is changing very rapidly. Scaling up
is becoming commonplace (128 nodes)
99The Top 2 Most Critical Problems
- The largest problem in clusters is software skew
- When Software configuration on some nodes is
different than on others - Small differences (minor version numbers on
libraries) can cripple a parallel program - Its taken the community almost 7 years from
original Beowulf book to understand this - The Second most important problem is adequate job
control of the parallel process - Signal propagation
- Cleanup
100NPACI Rocks Toolkit rocks.npaci.edu
- Collection of software components needed for
software - Techniques and software for easy installation,
management and update of clusters - Node management philosophy
- Make it trivial to completely reinstall any (all)
nodes. - Nodes must be 100 automatically configured
- Use of DHCP, NIS for configuration
- Use RedHats Kickstart to define the set of
software that defines a node. - All software is packaged in a Redhat Package
(RPM) - Encapsulate configuration for a package (eg.
Myrinet) - Manage dependencies
- Never try to figure out if node software is
consistent - Bootable CD to first build front-end installation
server and then to build nodes.
- CPU trends
- Network trends
- Technology is changing rapidly in the PC
marketplace - Knowing and following these trends (and having
software to help you through them) is part of the
commodity cluster game
102Cluster Compute NodeToday
103Cluster Compute NodeTomorrow (Single P4 is here
1.6 GHz
64 bit _at_ 400MHz 3.2 GB/s
2 channels 16bit _at_ 800 MHz 3.2 GB/s
PCI-X 64 bit _at_ 133 MHz 1.06 GB/s
- In the next 9 months, every speed and feed gets
at least a 2x bump!
104Commodity CPU Pentium 3
- 0.8 Gflops (Peak)
- 1 Flop / cycle _at_ 800 MHz
- 12.9 GB/s L2 cache feed
- 800 MHz 1/2 256-bit (Advanced Transfer Cache)
- 1.06 GB/s Memory-I/O bus
- 133 MHz 64-bit
105Commodity CPU Pentium 4
- 2.8 Gflops
- 2 Flops / cycle _at_ 1.4 GHz
- 128-bit vector registers (Streaming SIMD
Extensions - Can apply operations on 2 64-bit floating point
values per clock (SIMD Streaming Extensions 2) - 44 GB/s L2 cache feed (Full speed 1.4GHz x
256bits) - 3.2 GB/s Memory-I/O bus
- 2.5 GB/s / CPU memory bus feed
- Numbers in the figure are aggregate
- 10 GB/s / CPU in 8-way configuration
- 5 GB/s / CPU I/O feed
- Chip Multiprocessor (CMP)
- 4.0 GFlop / CPU (Peak)
- 50 GB/s / CPU L2 cache feed
- Taking clusters to the next stage for the NSF
PACI program (Partnership in Advanced Computing
Infrastructure) - 13 TFlops aggregate speed across 4 sites
- 4 Linux clusters
- Next-generation processor (IA64 McKinley)
- Designing I/O as an integral component of the
cluster - Large Storage Area Network
- Still the same basic design of lab clusters
108TeraGrid Partners
- Strategic partners
- Cluster integration. GPFS parallel file system
- Intel
- McKinley IA-64 software and compilers
- Oracle
- data archive management and mining
- Qwest
- 40 Gb/s DTF WAN backbone
- Myricom
- Cluster interconnect
- Sun
- Data Management at SDSC
1094 TeraGrid Sites Have Focal Points
- SDSC Large-scale Data
- Large-scale and high-performance data
analysis/handling - Every Cluster Node is Directly Attached to SAN
- NCSA High-performance Computing
- Large-scale, Large Flops computation
- Argonne Visualization
- Scalable Visualization walls, Human-Computer
Interfaces - Caltech Applications
- Data and flops for applications Especially some
of the GriPhyN Apps (LIGO, NVO) - Specific site configurations reflect these foci
- Sites are not limited to just there focus area
- One organization cannot do it all
110TeraGrid Architecture
ANL 1 TF .25 TB Memory 25 TB disk
Caltech 0.5 TF .4 TB Memory 86 TB disk
Extreme Blk Diamond
574p IA-32 Chiba City
256p HP X-Class
128p Origin
128p HP V2500
HR Display VR Facilities
92p IA-32
ESnet HSCC MREN/Abilene Starlight
Chicago LA DTF Core Switch/Routers Cisco 65xx
Catalyst Switch (256 Gb/s Crossbar)
Juniper M160
NCSA 62 TF 4 TB Memory 240 TB disk
SDSC 4.1 TF 2 TB Memory 225 TB SAN
Juniper M40
Juniper M40
vBNS Abilene Calren ESnet
Sun Starcat
1024p IA-32 320p IA-64
1176p IBM SP Blue Horizon
15xxp Origin
Sun E10K
111TeraGrid Redux
- Expect full clusters up and running by Nov 2002
- Push towards the Grid is founded on our ability
to manage and control the HPC software stack - Logical next step
- Clusters are real machines
- Still missing some key components such as
High-perf I/O - Complexity is abstracted by MPI, but still needs
to be understood by application developers - System integration software is the next step
beyond the messaging proof-of-principle work of
the mid 90s - Clustering Toolkits
- Simplify installation/management/monitoring
- Serve as collection points of software
- Were on the On the cusp of a large step-changes
in commodity hardware. - Teragrid is one of the first projects to go to
the future generation of intel architectures