- April 21, 2004
- 630 830PM
2Process Roadmap
- St. Tammany Demographics
- St. Tammany Parish Library
- Peer Libraries
- Library Standards
- Prototype Regional Branch Libraries
- Recommendations (Draft)
- Recommendations (Final)
3Tonights Agenda
- Process Agenda Bob Wilson
- Preliminary Action Bob Wilson Steps
- National Library Anders Dahlgren Standards
Trends - Next Steps Bob Wilson
4Tonights Objectives
- Update Committee on Preliminary Action Steps
taken by Library Staff and LBOC - Increase committees understanding of National
library trends standards through - Anders Presentation
- Q A with Anders
- Schedule next steps
5Preliminary Action Steps
- New Pontchartrain Branch Rental Facility
- Library Marketing Plan
- Liaison with School Board
6New Pontchartrain Branch Rental Facility
- Pontchartrain Branch was identified by Building
Committee as a critical need - Increase from 1,900 to 7,000 Square Feet
- New Meeting Room 24x32, seats 60
- Teen Center with booths
- Sufficient staff work areas office space
- Patron Staff restrooms
- Space for 6 Patron Computer Workstations
7Library Marketing Plan
- Objectives
- Create consistency in image logo, signage, etc.
- Improve community knowledge of the scope of
library services its value to the community. - Library must be seen as a parish-wide entity.
- Library Board of Control approved preliminary
contact with marketing consultants. - Library staff has begun process of soliciting
marketing proposals.
8Liaison with School Board
- School Growth/Building Proposal
- Handout shows enrollment growth and nearest
branch library - Library Director and School Superintendent have
met to pursue mutual interests
9National Library Trends Standards
10Anders Bio
- President, Library Planning Associates (Since
1984 150 libraries in 25 states abroad) - Consultant for Public Library Construction for
State of Wisconsin (1984-1998) - American Library Association Library Building
Awards Jury (4 years) - Author
- Planning the Small Library Facility (ALA 1995)
- Public Library Space Needs A Planning Outline
11National Library Trends
- Shifts in service standards
- Shifts in building standards
- Technology issues concerns
- Services to specific populations (teens, youth,
seniors) - Library as community gathering place (meeting
rooms, art in libraries) - Amenities (bookstores, coffee shops, drive-up
services, and more)
12Public Library Standards
- Significant shift AWAY from traditional
quantitative standards - Service communities across the country are too
varied in need and capability to fashion a
meaningful national standard - A Planning Process for Public Libraries turned to
a LOCAL focus on setting service goals - The rise of benchmarking
13Benchmark / volumes held
14Benchmark / magazines
15Benchmark / audio recordings
16Benchmark / video recordings
17Benchmark / non print as print
18Benchmark / public use PCs
19Standards for Library Facilities
- Old ALA standard related square footage to
population (0.70 sq.ft. per capita) - Convenient, but
- Cookie cutter
- Doesnt account for variations from one community
to another - Louisiana standard is 1.0 sq. ft. per capita of
20 year projected population
20Standards for Library Facilities
- Current recommendations focus on LOCAL service
goals to develop a LOCAL estimate of space needs - Service goals space needs
- Service goals by building type a parish-wide
model for facilities planning - Main
- Regional
- Community
- Satellite
21Public Library Space Needs.
- Collection space
- Reader seating space
- Staff work space
- Meeting room space
- Special use space
- Nonassignable space
22Technology Libraries
- Impact of electronic info resources will the
Web make the library obsolete? - Impact of e-books?
- Roaming reference staff / concierge service
- Self-check-out
- Self-service reserve retrieval
- RFID Radio Frequency Identification systems
23Technology Libraries (Cont.)
- Physical requirements for computing
- Flat folding screens?
- Keyboards options?
- Wi-Fi?
- Laptop access
- Shifting technologies for nonprint
24Service to Target Populations / Teens
- Increasing emphasis
- Teen rooms
- Vibrant, colorful, flexible
- PCs dedicated to teen use
- Program spaces
- Young Adult collections
- Graphic novels
- Nonprint / media
25Service to Target Populations / Children
- Continuing emphasis
- Shift toward adding craft activities / motion
exercises to traditional story times - Childrens rooms
- Vibrant, colorful, flexible
- PCs dedicated to childrens use
- Separate preschool / grade school newborn???
- Family restrooms
26Service to Target Populations / Seniors
- Reach heights
- Lighting levels
- Supportive seating with arms
- Bifocal concerns
- Hearing concerns
27Meeting Rooms
- The library as community centers
- Multi-use / divided
- Kitchens
- Separate access (after hours access)
28Art Libraries
- Display / gallery space
- Cultural programs
- Partnerships with museums and art associations
- Shared buildings, shared sites
- Coffee shops
- Gift book sale shops
- Drive thru book drops pick-up
30Next Meeting
- June 9, 2004 Time 630 PM
- Focus will be Prototype Buildings Preliminary
Recommendations - Bob Wilson is Contact Point
- bob_at_mail.sttammany.lib.la.us
- Cell phone 504-813-7515
31Future Meetings
- June 9 - Prototype Regional Community
Libraries Preliminary Recommendations -
- July 7 - Final Recommendations
- TBD - Report to LBOC