Title: Fifth Grade Presentation
1Fifth Grade Presentation
2Adrienne Grosse
3Donna Healy
4Sean Hurley
5Norm Sperry
6Pat Weller
7Patrick TudrynSpecial Education
- In the fifth grade, the classes are
self-contained, so each homeroom teacher keeps
their students all day and teaches all the
subjects. This allows opportunities to integrate
learning across the curriculum.
- Selected students meet with Pat Tudryn or Kris
Hudock for specific math instruction to address
their individual needs.
10Time is provided for additional language arts
instruction, working with children who need
individual attention.Math, reading and language
arts instructional time has been increased and
organized into uninterrupted blocks.
11SMART Goal Increase student performance on the
CMT in the area of reading, especially analyzing
the content and structure, and authors craft.
- The team has developed identical CMT-based
rubrics for teaching and assessing critical
stance questions in all the classrooms. - The team has created and implemented common
open-ended assessments across the various
13- Identified students are pulled out for intensive
reading instruction in very small groups, on a
regular basis. - Science instruction is being analyzed, organized,
and aligned with state standards. - Sustained Silent Reading is a part of each day in
each classroom, a strategy shown by research to
improve achievement.
14 The team is employing strategies provided in
Professional development such as Marzanos most
effective strategies. Developmental Reading
Assessments are being given and analyzed in each
room to targeted groups of at-risk learners.
15- Writing prompt scores are showing an increase.
- Common teaching and learning strategies are used
and posted in each room. - Common rubrics are used and posted in each room.
- Common terms are used in each room.
16The End