4th Grade Jaime Cooper ED 417 Dr. Helms
2American Heritage
3American Heritage
Web Sites
1. http//www.ohiokids.org/ohc/timeline/history.h
tml 2. http//www.ohiohistory.org/etcetera/exhibi
ts/fftc/btlines/index.cfm?sectionflaguse 3.
http//www.ohioflight.org/ 4. http//www.teachtsp
.com/classroom/timelineronline/ 5.
4American Heritage
1. Create a time line of the significant
events in Ohios history. 2. Discuss
cause and effect relationship of events in Ohio
5American Heritage
Activities Cont...
3. Research and complete a biography on a
significant individual in Ohios history. 4.
Visit a historical site within Ohio. 5. Research
the history of the Ohio Battle Flags.
6People in Societies
7People in Socities
Web Sites
1. http//www.50states.com/bio.htm 2.
http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5870/ 3.
http//www.seorf.ohiou.edu/xx057/ 4.
http//dbs.ohiohistory.org/africanam/ 5.
8People in Socities
1. Research the history of the Appalachian
culture in Ohio. 2. Find the
contributions to Ohio of the Native
Americans. 3. Discuss the settlement of African
Americans in South East Ohio due to the
Underground Railroad.
9People in Socities
Activities cont...
4. Research the different professions that are
prevalent in Ohio, and discuss what portion
of those professionals are made up of various
cultural groups. 5. Discuss how the government
supports the customs and traditions of
Ohios various cultural groups.
10World Interactions
11World Interactions
Web Sites
1. http//www.rootsweb.com/ohfrankl/Land/ohl2.htm
l 2. http//www.toledolink.com/matgerke/toledo/t
ol.his.html 3. http//www.ag.ohio-state.edu/ohio
line/lines/farm.html 4. http//outdoorexperts.com
/outdoorexperts/topomaps.html 5.
12World Interactions
1. Compare Ohios crops and resources with
other states and countries. 2. Create pen-pals
with students in other state or country and
discuss differences in everyday life. 3.
Discuss how the Battle of Fallen Timbers began
the settlement of the Toledo area and the
effect on the surrounding states.
13World Interactions
Activities Cont...
4. Have the students create a topographical
map of Ohio. 5. Research the dependence of
Ohios economy on the other states and
14Decision Making
15Decision Making..
Web Sites
1. http//cesimo.ing.ula.ve/GAIA/SPD/factors_prod.
html 2. http//www.ag.ohio-state.edu/ohioline/fo
r-fact/0036.html 3. http//www.mead.com/ 4.
http//www.ohiotrees.com/ 5. http//www.ohiocorn.
16Decision Making...
1. Use newspaper to investigate demand on Ohio
products. 2. Create a poster representing
the factors of production in Ohio. 3.
Investigate the different ways of producing
paper products such as our local Mead Co.
17Decision Making...
4. Chart the consumption of goods and
services used in your own personal
household. 5. Research how the demand of
goods and services has changed over time in
18Democratic Processes
19Democratic Processes
Web Sites
1. http//www.state.oh.us/ 2.
http//www.ohio.gov 3. http//www.kidsvotingusa.
org 4. http//www.usatoday.com/ 5.
20Democratic Processes
1. Hold a mock election for the governor of
Ohio. 2. Write a position paper on a current
event issue facing Ohio. 3. Take a field
trip to the Ohio State House.
21Democratic Processes
Activities cont...
4. Create a visual representation of each
branch of local and state government in
Ohio. 5. Create a new law for Ohio and describe
the path it will take in becoming a law.
22Citizenship Rights
23Citizenship Rights..
Web Sites
1. http//www.state.oh.us/ohiogcsc/ 2.
ml 3. http//www.aclu.org/issues/student/ares.htm
l 4. http//www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/billrigh
ts/billmain.html 5. http//www.law.cornell.edu/co
24Citizenship Rights...
1. Participate in a community service within
your city. 2. Research your rights as a student
in the state of Ohio. 3. Hold a debate on
a current issue facing Ohio, defending each
side with your rights and responsibilities as
a citizen.
25Citizenship Rights...
4. Explore common characteristics of great
leaders from Ohio. 5. Create your own Bill of
Rights as a citizen in your classroom.
26Science, Technology,
27Science Technology
Web Sites
1. http//www.hfmgv.org/histories/wright/wrights.h
tml 2. http//www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/ 3.
http//www.epa.state.oh.us/opp/ 4.
http//www.ohioairquality.org/ 5.
28Science Technology
1. Explore technological advances that began
in Ohio. For example, the first
airplane. 2. Research how advances in farming
equipment has increased production in the
state of Ohio. 3. Discuss how the increase in
pollution over the years has changed the
plant and animal life in Ohio over the years.
29Science Technology
4. By looking at past events in the Ohio
history, the students will construct a
hypothesis of problems that we may face in the
future. 5. Create a timeline of significant
technological advances that have originated
from Ohio.