Title: Slajd 1
SUMMER SCHOOL Measurement methods for
the carbon system and related tracers in sea
water CSIC, Instituto de Investigaciones
Marinas c/Eduardo Cabello, 6. VIGO, 11-22 July
- Mercedes Susan Ahmed Hussan
- Verónica Charlene Pieter Eldrich
- Iván Henk Marcos Karin
3Track and stations of the SSC-1 and SSC-2
4- What we expected from all of you?
- -At the end of the Summer School a report
Objective To Measure the carbonic system in a
marine ecosystem Tasks 0.- Calibration and
Certificate Reference Materials for CO2. 1.-
Measure of alkalinity (AT), pH25, oxygen, total
inorganic carbon (CT ) and CO2 fugacity (fCO2) in
the Ria de Vigo (twice) 2.- Build up a data
base. 3.- Calculate fCO2 y CT from Salinity,
pH25 and alkalinity 4.- Calculate AOU 5.-
Aragonite and Calcite saturation. Effect of
pressure. 6.- Internal Consistence Comparison
between calculated and measured variables
(samples, CRM and pseudo CRM). 7.- Graphics of
salinity, temperature, AT, CT, normalized AT and
CT , oxygen and AOU. 8.- Graphics of other
derived variables as Saturation and fCO2. 9. Back
calculation Technique to determined anthropogenic
CO2 (CANT). 10. Variability of CANT in a
saturated current sea surface. 11. Calculate de
air-sea CO2 exchange in the Ria of Vigo using
real data and different parameterization of the
coefficient exchange.