Title: History 324 Renaissance Art Slides
1History 324Renaissance Art Slides
- Art and Culture in the Renaissance A discussion
of the Burckhardt Thesis and a preview of themes
to come
2Masaccio, Trinity 1427 or 1428 Santa Maria
Novella, Florence
An example of artistic innovation (3D perspective)
3Alesso Baldovinetti Portrait of a
Woman 1460 National Gallery, London An example
of artistic innovation (new portrait style)
4Filippo Brunelleschi Dome of Florence Cathedral
1420 An example of how Renaissance architects
used ancient examples, such as the Roman
Pantheon, for inspiration
5Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus (after 1482),
Uffizi Gallery, Florence Shows how the mythology
of classical antiquity influenced Renaissance
6Carlo Crivelli The Annunciation of S.
Emidius 1486 Domestic realism shown in
background details
7Domenico Ghirlandaio, Adoration of the
Shepherds 1485 San Trinita, Florence Domestic
realism (saddle, animals)
8Perugino, Giving of the Keys to St. Peter (1481),
Sistine Chapel, Rome This offers an example of
deceptive realism (illusion of reality)
9Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper (1495),
Milan This offers an example of expressive
realismit shows people how they really are.
10Vittore Carpaccio, Arrival of the Ambassadors of
Britain at the Court of Brittany 1496-97,
Venice This is an example of secular
(non-religious) painting in the Renaissance
11Michelangelo, David 1501-04 Accademia,
Florence Burckhardt and others saw in
Renaissance people a new brand of
individualismboth in personal attitudes and in
the unique style of artists such as Michelangelo