Title: Quality Control for Clinical Interpretation
1Quality Control for Clinical Interpretation
- A Scheme for Virology
- Prof. G Kudesia
2Existing Quality/Audit Schemes in UK
- National External Quality Assessment Scheme
- Internal Quality Control
- Internal Quality Assessment
- Clinical Pathology Accreditation- UK
- Test the technical processes, IQA and CPA attempt
to assess clinical interpretation/input but not
on an individual basis.
3(No Transcript)
4Trust, Assurance and Safety the Regulation of
Health professionals-regulation of Health
Professionals in the 21st Century (2007)- DoH
- Revalidation
- Relicensing
- Recertification
- College through setting standards, arranging
5Quality/Audit Schemes in UK for Clinical
- Histopathology
- Clinical Chemistry
6Scheme for Clinical Chemistry
- Web based scheme
- Clinical scenario with set of results given out
- Each participant has a code
- Length of comments limited to 200 characters-
longer comments automatically rejected and not
scored - Participant replies are scored and individual
score with average scores for scenario sent as
7Scoring of Comments
- Score is on a scale from -1(inappropriate) to 3
(highly appropriate). - Scoring is done by a panel of assessors-average
score of individual reported. - Marks are for adding value, therefore higher
the score higher is the added value of comment
8 Clinical Quality/Audit Scheme for Virology
- Potential scheme for Virology (Examples)
- Result(s) Interpretation
- Advice on Clinical Scenario
- Result(s) Interpretation Clinical Scenario
9Sheffield Clinical Interpretation Scheme
10Pilot Clinical Quality Assessment Scheme
- Ran a Pilot Scheme through Clinical Virology
Network UK, November 2004 of 6 clinical scenarios
results for interpretation. - Voluntary, anonymous participation
- Not Scored BUT
- All replies were collated and circulated to the
participants so they could judge their own
statements against those of their peers.
11From Pilot QA to SCIQAS- Sheffield Clinical
Interpretation Quality Assessment Scheme
- E mail administration through the CVN UK email
system - Two clinical scenariosresults bimonthly
- Reply limited to 200 words
- Room to add further tests/investigations as
appropriate - Replies sent to administrator who after
anonymising them passed them to GK - Analysis of replies done and circulated back
- discrepancies highlighted
12 SCIQAS Time Table
13Current Scheme-since 2006
- Open to virologists in CVN Network Member
laboratories - Clinical Scenario sent
- By SCIQAS Team
- Replies collated and analysed and analysis fed
back to the participants. - By SCIQAS Team
- Discrepancies highlighted and evidence for and
against the differing opinion(s) circulated as
feedback to participants. - By SCIQAS Team
14 Current Scheme-continued
- Web Based- CVN web-sit
- All members have pass word- pass word protected
- Accredited by Royal College of Pathologists for
participation- 2 CME points per distribution.
15(No Transcript)
16Issues with Current Scheme
- Clinical Scenarios
- Need to generate 12/year- nature of the clinical
scenario has evolved over the period of time. - Need to be explicit, (not) ambiguous!
- Evidence based feed back (as expert or literature
based review) required on the scenarios. - Collation and Analysis of Replies
- By SCIQAS Team-onerous commitment
- Make all replies accessible anonymously to
participants - ? Participation Fatigue
- Falling number of participants
- No discussion on discrepant action/advice- by
participating CVN members - Active discussion on message board will add to
the educational element of the scheme.
172007 cases
Overall submissions from 10 SVC, only 4 SVC have
made submissions gt 1
18Resultclinical scenario
- CLINICAL INFORMATION Patient attending local
drug and alcohol support clinic. The result is
anti-HCV positive. You note that the lab received
a previous sample from the same patient dated 7th
July 2006, which was reported as anti-HCV
negative.Please advise on further management and
investigation that should be done. - SAMPLE SUBMITTED Venous blood
dated14/02/2007 07/07/2006 - INVESTIGATION REQUESTED HCV
- 14/02/07- Anti-HCV positive by two different
EIAs and RIBA - 07/07/2006- Anti- HCV negative
- FURTHER TESTSAdvised/added
- CLINICAL INFORMATION 18 months old baby.
Diarrhoea since a week before Christmas,
continues to have loose sloppy stools. Not
investigated initially, fist stool specimen
submitted on 19/01/07. Two other family members
developed diarrhoea end of January, no specimens
submitted. Continued diarrhoea in the baby. Baby
to start in crèche from 1st March 2007. - SAMPLE SUBMITTED Stool samples
dated19/01/0702/02/0725/02/07 - INVESTIGATION REQUESTED Rotavirus
- 19/01/07- Rotavirus antigen positive by latex
test. - 02/02/07- Rotavirus antigen positive by latex
test, - 25/02/07- Rotavirus antigen positive by latex
test. - Negative culture for Salmonella, Shigella,
Campylobacter, E coli 0157, ryptosporidium
oocysts not seen. . Adenovirus 40/41 antigen
negative by EIA on all 3 specimens - FURTHER TESTSAdvised/added
19Improving Participation .
- Participation in a clinical quality assessment
scheme for revalidation to demonstrate
competence - Extension to non-CVN Laboratory members
- Personal membership of CVN- includes access to
the SCIQAS through the CVN web site. - Open to all interested Microbiologists/Virologists
with in UK, Europe and outside.
20Improving participation/access-Clinical
Interpretation/advice and Virology NEQAS UK
- Add clinical interpretation element to the NEQAS
distribution - Will not measure individual performance
21Purpose of clinical interpretation schemes?
22Integration of SCIQAS into Clinical Virology
Practice- Educational First
- Disseminate -publish the clinical scenarios and
expert feedback/review J Clin Virol - Clinical practice standardised through the SCIQAS
process-high light agreements/discrepancies - Development of Clinical Algorithm/practice-evidenc
e based - Standardised Clinical Algorithms/practice posted
on CVN Web site -
- Subsequently Score?
23Score or Not to Score
- Participant Replies Not Scored
- Purpose of scheme purely educational
- Score Participant Replies
- Is a pre-requisite by definition for QA schemes
- Use of scheme by participants for revalidation
purposes will require the participant comments to
undergo some form of assessment
24Scoring for the Schemes
- Comments assessed and scored for added value
- By a panel of assessors- As per Clinical
Chemistry Scoring Scheme - Comments assessed against a Model Comment
- Produced in advance by an expert (or a panel)
25How Scoring might work
- Clinical
- High Vaginal Swab submitted for investigation
from a 6 year old girl with suspected child
sexual abuse. - Results
- Chlamydia Cell Culture - NEGATIVEChlamydia DNA
by Nucleic acid amplification testing DETECTED
- Evidence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection.
However as the cultures are negative, this may
not be acceptable as evidence of infection for
legal purposes. Chlamydia infection confirmed by
positive culture would at best provide only
circumstantial, and not direct evidence of child
sexual abuse. Case reports exist of non-sexual
chlamydia transmission within families(1) due to
poor hygiene, and depending on the childs age,
persistent infection following vertical
transmission. It would be pertinent to screen and
treat the mother.
26Microbiology Clinical Interpretation Scheme
- Virology scheme is being adapted
- Professionally Led- by Dr E Brown, Chair of
NEQAS Microbiology Advisory Group -
- Will be delivered and managed by NEQAS UK web
based-log on will be required -
- 12 clinical scenario, similar format to virology
scheme, not be scored, feed back gold standard
interpretation anonymised replies from all
participants will be made available. -
- Possible October 08 start date-funding issues
etc. need to be sorted for the host organization.
27SCIQAS Panel and AcknowledgementsWebsite-
- Professional Contributors
- Prof William Irving
- Dr Celia Aitken
- Dr William Carman
- CVN Executive Committee Members
- Administrative Staff
- Lynn Duncombe
- Graeme OMay
- Joy Keane
- Assessment of clinical competencies is here to