Network Information Services NIS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Network Information Services NIS


Each Workstations has its own copies of common configuration files such as ... on many platforms ranging from the MS-DOS to the VMS operating systems. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Network Information Services NIS

Network Information Services (NIS)
  • Linux tutorial

What is NIS?
  • Problems in running a distributed computing
  • Each Workstations has its own copies of common
    configuration files such as passwd, group, and
    hosts files
  • These files must be consistent and every changes
    to these common files much be propagated to every
    hosts on the network

What is NIS?
What is NIS?
  • The NIS, released by Sun in 1980s, was the first
    prime time administrative database to address
    these problems.
  • It was originally called the Sun Yellow Pages,
    but eventually had to be renamed for legal
    reasons. Many vendors have licensed Suns code,
    making NIS the most widely-supported network
    database system

What is NIS?
  • It is a distributed database system that replaces
    copies of commonly replicated configuration files
    with a centralized management facility
  • Instead of having to manage each hosts files,
    you maintain one database for each file on one
    central server

NIS Masters, Slaves, and Clients
NIS Servers
  • An NIS server is a machine storing a set of maps
    that are available to network machines and
  • NIS master server
  • contains the set of maps that you, the NIS
    administrator, create and update as necessary.
  • Each NIS domain must have one, and only one,
    master server.

NIS Servers
  • NIS Slave server
  • A slave server has a complete copy of the master
    set of NIS maps. Whenever the master server maps
    are updated, the updates are propagated among the
    slave servers. The existence of slave servers
    allows the system administrator to evenly
    distribute the load resulting from answering NIS
    requests. It also minimizes the impact of a
    server becoming unavailable.

NIS Elements
  • NIS Domains
  • An NIS domain is a collection of machines that
    share a common set of NIS maps. Each domain has a
    domain name and each machine sharing the common
    set of maps belongs to that domain.
  • Domain names are case-sensitive.

NIS Elements
  • NIS Maps
  • NIS maps are essentially two-column tables. One
    column is the key and the other column is
    information value related to the key. NIS finds
    information for a client by searching through the
    keys. Some information is stored in several maps
    because each map uses a different key.

NIS Elements
  • For example, the names and addresses of machines
    are stored in two maps hosts.byname and
    hosts.byaddr. When a server has a machine's name
    and needs to find its address, it looks in the
    hosts.byname map. When it has the address and
    needs to find the name, it looks in the
    hosts.byaddr map.

NIS Elements
  • Maps for a domain are located in each server's
    /var/yp/domainname directory.
  • For example, the maps that belong to the domain are located in each server's
    /var/yp/ directory.
  • An NIS Makefile is stored in the /var/yp
    directory of machines designated as a NIS server
    at installation time. Running make in that
    directory causes makedbm to create or modify the
    default NIS maps from the input files.

NIS Elements
  • NIS daemons

NIS Query
NIS Query
Basic NIS Management
  • Installing a new NIS Environment, building Master
    and slave servers
  • Starting the ypserv daemon, which enables the
    system to act as NIS Server
  • Adding new slave servers when growth of your
  • Modifying the clients administrative files
  • Starting the ypbind daemon, allowing the client
    to make NIS requests

Building NIS Master Server
  • Edit /etc/defaultdomain to enter your NIS domain
  • Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2, modify
  • if -r /etc/defaultdomain then
  • nisdomainname cat /etc/defaultdomain
  • fi
  • into
  • if -r /etc/defaultdomain then
  • /bin/ypdomainname cat /etc/defaultdomain
  • fi

Building NIS Master Server
  • Add the following lines
  • dname/bin/ypdomainname
  • echo "NIS domainname is dname"
  • echo -n "starting NIS services"
  • /usr/sbin/ypserv
  • echo -n " ypserv"
  • echo "running rpc.yppasswdd"
  • /usr/sbin/rpc.yppasswdd -p /etc/passwd.yp

Building NIS Master Server
  • Last, UNCOMMENT the following lines
  • if -d /var/yp then
  • echo "Running ypbind..."
  • /usr/sbin/ypbind
  • fi
  • This made the NIS master as client

Building NIS Master Server
  • Prepare the passwd file for use by NIS
  • Our Linux is using shadow password but using
    shadow passwords alongside NIS does not make too
    much senses, so we will put only root and system
    passwords in the local shadow map on the local
    host. For all the normal user you have a normal
    passwd map with passwords distributed trough NIS.

Building NIS Master Server
  • NIS Masters as clients
  • Provide restricted access to the NIS Server
  • The server has its own passwd file. An alternate
    passwd map source file which is network wide is
  • In the tutorial, we dont need this extra
    security but it is required to work around the
    shadow passwd issue

Building NIS Master Server
Enabling NIS on client
  • Make sure that configuration files on the client
    includes NIS marker entries so that NIS map
    information will be added to the local files
  • append to /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and
  • Set the NIS domain name, edit /etc/defaultdomain

Enabling NIS on client
  • Start the ypbind daemon, which is responsible for
    locating NIS servers and maintaining bindings of
    domain names to servers

Changing Password in NIS
  • Why you need to wait sometime for your new
    password to be effective if you change your
    password in our Lab??

Changing Password in NIS
Merits of NIS
  • Simple, easy to understand. Its analogous to
    copying files around in most cases, its
    unnecessary for administrators to be aware of
    NIS internal data formats
  • Widely supported by multiple vendors like DEC,
    HP, SGI.

Problems of NIS
  • Storing each type of information in separate data
    files (eg host info and user info) resulted in
    problems propagating the information
  • When a master server updated its slaves, each of
    these files, if changed, was sent over the
    network. In environments with hundred of hosts
    and thousand of users, this update could take a

Problems of NIS
  • Between updates, slave servers contained
    out-of-dated information.
  • Predefined operations limited information
  • For instance, only the users log-in named and
    uid were indexed, making database searching by
    full user name imossible

Problems of NIS
  • NIS was not a true database. It did not support
    atomic operations, undo of changes, or logging of
  • Finally, there was no easy way to manage it. To
    change data in the database, the static file had
    to be modified, reconverted into a database, and
    loaded into the server

Network File System (NFS)
  • Linux tutorial

What is NFS?
  • The Network File System, allows you to share
    filesystems among computers.
  • NFS is almost transparent to users and is
  • NFS was introduced by Sun in 1985. It was
    originally implemented as a surrogate filesystem
    for diskless clients.

What is NFS?
  • NFS support has been implemented on many
    platforms ranging from the MS-DOS to the VMS
    operating systems. Many use code licensed from

What is NFS?
  • The NFS environment can be implemented on
    different operating systems because it defines an
    abstract model of a file system, rather than an
    architectural specification. Each operating
    system applies the NFS model to its file system
    semantics. This means that file system operations
    like reading and writing function as though they
    are accessing a local file.

Benefits of NFS
  • Allows multiple computers to use the same files,
    so everyone on the network can access the same
  • Reduces storage costs by having computers share
    applications instead of needing local disk
    space for each user application
  • Provides data consistency and reliability because
    all users can read the same set of files
  • Makes mounting of file systems transparent to

Benefits of NFS
  • Makes accessing remote files transparent to users
  • Supports heterogeneous environments
  • Reduces system administration overhead

NFS Elements
Setting up NFS
  • Start mountd and nfsd
  • edit /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 file and uncomment
  • Start the various SUN RPC servers.
  • if -f NET/rpc.portmap then
  • Start the NFS server daemons.
  • if -f NET/rpc.mountd then
  • echo -n " mountd"
  • NET/rpc.mountd
  • fi
  • if -f NET/rpc.nfsd then
  • echo -n " nfsd"
  • NET/rpc.nfsd
  • fi

Setting up NFS
  • Export filesystems, edit /etc/exports
  • See exports(5) for a description.
  • This file contains a list of all directories
    exported to other computers.
  • It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd.
  • /home linux-1b (rw)
  • This file servers as the access control list for
    file systems which may be exported to NFS
    clients. See man pages of exports(5) for a lists
    of the options

Hard and Soft Mounts
  • Hard mount
  • If a server goes down, make operations that try
    to access it block until the server comes back up
  • Soft mount
  • If a serve goes down, make operations that try to
    access it fail and return an error. This is
    useful to avoid processes hanging on
    inessential mounts

Hard and Soft Mounts
  • How to choose hard/soft mounts
  • You never want to write data to an unreliable
    device, nor do you want to try to load
    executables from it. You should not use the soft
    mount on any filesystem that is writeable, nor on
    any filesystem from which you load executables.
    NFS only guarantees the consistency of data after
    a server crash if the NFS filesystem was

NFS Shortcomings
  • NFS Suffers its greatest performance troubles
    because of its stateless design
  • Since the client assumes a write operation is
    complete once it receives an acknowledgment from
    the server, servers must commit each modified
    block to disk before replying, to avoid
    discrepancies in the event of a crash. This
    introduces a significant delay in NFS writes
  • In contrast, some OS (Like Netware) will
    acknowledge the client before committing the

Installation Configuration of XFree86
  • Linux tutorial

What is XFree86?
  • XFree86 is a freely redistributable port of the
    MIT X window System version 11, release 6(X11R6)
    for all x86 UNIX implementations. It includes all
    of the required binaries, support files,
    libraries and tools
  • More information can be found in

Latest XFree86 release
  • The current version of XFree86 is v3.3.2. It
    supports most-up-todate video chipsets like
  • ATI Rage Pro (AGP), Matrox Millennium II AGP,
    Number Nine Revolution 3D, Tseng ET6100, S3
    ViRGE/MX and ViRGE/GX2.
  • The XFree86 comes with the Slackware distribution
    is v3.3.1

Installation of XFree86
  • Install XFree86 by running setup. Select diskset
    of X, XAP and XV

Installation of XFree86
  • Select 16-color generic X Server and the
    appropriate X Server for your video chipset

Configuration of XFree86
  • Run XF86Setup to start the setup program. This
    program will walks you through a series of
    configuration panels. The whole process is quite

Configuration of XFree86
  • Next you need to configure the mouse.
  • You should pay attention to the mouse type
    Microsoft, ps/2 and ports they connected to

Configuration of XFree86
  • Keyboard is easy to configure. Just choose the
    default setting should be OK

Configuration of XFree86
  • Configure the card you used is the most
    important. Be sure you have installed the
    corresponding X Server of your card

Configuration of XFree86
  • Configure the horizontal sync and vertical sync
    of your monitor. You can find this information in
    your monitors manual

Advanced Configuration of XFree86
  • The XF86Setup actually create a X configuration
    file for you at /etc/XF86Config
  • We will take a look on various sections of this
    Config file.

Advanced Configuration of XFree86
  • The Pointer section
  • Section "Pointer"
  • Protocol "Microsoft"
  • Device "/dev/mouse"
  • When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two
    lines, and uncomment
  • the following line.
  • Protocol "Xqueue"
  • Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some
    Logitech mice
  • BaudRate 9600
  • SampleRate 150
  • Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button
    Microsoft mice
  • Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds
    (default is 50ms)
  • Emulate3Buttons

Advanced Configuration of XFree86
  • The Monitor Section
  • Section "Monitor"
  • Identifier "Eizo"
  • VendorName "Unknown"
  • ModelName "Unknown"
  • HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
  • HorizSync 31.5 - 82.0
  • VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of
    discrete values, or a
  • VertRefresh 40-150

Advanced Configuration of XFree86
  • The screen section
  • Section "Screen"
  • Driver "accel"
  • Device "WinFast S3"
  • Monitor "Eizo"
  • DefaultColorDepth 16
  • Subsection "Display"
  • Depth 8
  • Modes "640x480" "800x600"
    "1024x768" "1280x1024"
  • ViewPort 0 0
  • EndSubsection
  • Subsection "Display"
  • Depth 16
  • Modes "1024x768" "800x600"
  • ViewPort 0 0
  • Virtual 1024 768
  • EndSubsection

Advanced Configuration of XFree86
  • See man page of XF86Config
  • See README files of separate video chipsets
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