Title: Delivering a new hospital through PFI
1Delivering a new hospital through PFI
Steve Noon - University Hospitals Coventry
2Presentation Overview
- Project Overview Timescale
- How PFI Contract has been Delivered
- Transition from Existing Hospital to PFI site
- Services Provided and by who
- How is Contract Managed
- The PFI Consortium
- Committees Sub Committees
- The Supporting Schedules
- Financial Main Points
- Learning points
- Conclusion
3Project Overview
- 360m new build University Hospital
- Includes providing Hard / Soft FM Equipment -
Rugby - Contract signed December 2002
- Joint Contract UHCW / Coventry PCT CRHC
- Physical
- Five storeys high
- ¼ mile in length
- 1200 beds
- Has 32 Operating Theatres
- Several retail outlets - Jewellers / Fashion/
4Project Overview (contd)
- Clinical Sciences Building
- 200 seat lecture theatre
- Training and meeting rooms
- Fully equipped mock operating theatre
- 600 Visitor car parking spaces 1200 staff
spaces (WIP) - New 200 unit doctors residence (still to be
built) - New Private Patient Hospital operated by BMI
5University Hospital (site Dec 2005)
6Main Entrance ( July 2006 )
7AE Entrance (July 2006)
8New Operating Theatre
9Outpatients Area
10Main Entrance
11Retail Area
12How was the PFI Contract Delivered
13How was PFI Contract Delivered
Business Case - OBC / FBC / Preferred Supplier
- Start mid 1990s - Signed approx 7
years later in Dec 2002 Construction - Started
immediately after contract signed with an end
date March 2007. Main hospital July06 Phased
opening of buildings - CRM Dec 2002 -
CNS Jan 2003 - Creche April 2003 - CSB
/ CSSD Dec 2003 - Main Hospital July 2006
- Landscaping / Car Parking March 2007
14Transition to PFI - Interim Services
- The contract provided for a period when the PFI
- Consortium managed the existing Hospital
services eg Catering, Cleaning, Maintenance
etc - During this period the Consortium were able to
- Assess the staff / Allocate jobs
- Shape the existing services before transfer
- Charge UHCW a management fee (TUPE staff)
- Work to UHCW budgets Pay Non pay
15Services provided in the contract
16Soft Facilities Management (ISS Mediclean)
- In scope
- Catering
- Porters
- Domestics
- Security
- Switchboard
- Linen laundry
- Car Park management
- Excluded Postage / General Office / Medical
Gases / Patient transport so some costs continue
17Hard Facilities Management (SRW)
- Maintenance of the site and buildings
- Energy Management
- Small Capital Works
- Waste Management
- Variations
18Certain Equipment Services (GE Medical Systems)
- Supply of the majority of medical and other
equipment - Maintenance of the larger and more expensive
equipment - Lifecycle of equipment ie replacement
- Excluded
- Maintenance of smaller equipment kept in house
19- How is the contract managed
20PFI Consortium
Hard Fm
Soft Fm
Coventry Rugby Hospital Co
21UHCW Project Team
Project Director
Finance (3)
Admin/ Support (5)
Performance Monitoring (5)
Advisors Legal QS Finance (Bond)
Estates (2)
22Project Management
Project Liaison Meeting UHCW / Cov.PCT / Proj.Co
/ Skanska / ISS /SRW / GEMS
Project / Dev. Board UHCW/PCTs/SHA
Minutes / Actions
UHCW Proj.Team
Fin.Mgmnt Group
Comm. Group
Jt.Design Const.
HR Group
Clinical Serv. Group
23Senior input
- Both the Strategic Health Authority / Private
Finance Unit (PFU) and - Department of Health Capital Investment Branch
have been - monitoring progress and have advised / input on
the following issues - Contractual Disputes
- Variations
- Amendments to the Deduction Mechanism as a result
of variations - Taken feedback to benefit other projects
24Other Parties in the contract
- In addition to those shown overleaf, the PFI
contract also has the following interested
parties - With UHCW
- Warwick University Medical School who occupy
Research Centre - Housing Association Medical Residences
- Coventry Rugby Hospital Co
- BMI Healthcare (Meriden Private hospital)
- Retail outlets
- Coventry Primary Care Trust PFI Partner for New
Mental Health Building
25- The PFI Contract Schedules
26Project Agreement (PA)
- The Project Agreement is the Umbrella contract
which - is supported by 41 more detailed Schedules
which cover various subjects matters - It is 130 pages long (although the Schedules
runs into thousands) - Deals with the main principles including
- Design Construction
- Quality Assurance
- Services
- Payment, Tax Financial Matters
- Changes in law
- Delay events
- Termination ie default or handback in 2042
27Schedules 41 in total
- The Schedules underpin the Project Agreement
stretch to 1000s of pages. Examples include - Schedule 1 Definitions Interpretations
- Schedule 8 - Construction matters
- Schedule 13 - Equipment
- Schedule 14 - PFI Services
- Schedule 18 - The Payment Mechanism
- Schedule 21 - Insurance
- Schedule 22 - Variation Procedure
- Schedule 24 - Handback Procedure
- Schedule 26 - Dispute Resolution
- Schedule 29 - Refinancing
- Schedule 36 - RoE based information
28Finance Main Points
29How has Project been Funded
- Source million
- Index Linked Bond 372 (92)
- Consortium Shareholder Funding 34 (
8) - Total Funding Required 406 (100)
- With additional Draw down facility within the
Bond for variations
Unitary Charge
Suppliers e.g. Skanska
Bond Finance
30Annual Cost
- The Unitary Payment ( up to Dec 2042 )
- at financial close was 47m pa
- Current Unitary Payment is 53m pa with the main
increases being - RPI Inflation (as applied to the majority of the
contract) - Soft FM (NHS pay awards) RoE staff
- Other NHS Pension increase (RoE) / Final
Employee List - Variations circa 25m with UP estimated increase
of 4m pa - Charges on top of the UP
- Energy ( for up to building efficiency cap)
- Pass Through Costs Telecoms / Hospitality /
Small Works - Volume Adjuster Catering / Linen / Waste
- Insurance Pain / Gain Share mechanism (annual)
- Demolition of Existing Hospital
31Annual Income
- Chiefly from dealings with BMI Healthcare
- Land Lease for Meriden Hospital
- Providing Medical Support Services
- Pathology
- Radiology
- Etc
- Share of BMI Annual Profits which is also
underwritten by Coventry Rugby Hospital Company
32Inadequate Performance
- Deductions are made voluntarily by Project Co for
inadequate performance (although UHCW has set up
a team currently to monitor performance and
liaise with both Soft and Hard FM providers) - Deductions classified as
- Quality Failures
- Unavailability
- Deductions calculated using
- The unitary payment as a basis
- Points system
- Weightings
33Learning Points
34What went well
- Construction ( delivered to time and on budget
) - The Programme
- Project Management Structure Committees work
well - Project Documentation Record
- Physical move well managed ( One year planning -
cost 1m) - Ring fenced technology update and estate
maintenance - Risk transfer to private sector
35What problems have we had
- Some of the schedules content is open to
interpretation. Disputes ( Car Parking ! ) - Long lead time resulted in many requests for
changes in design and equipment - NHS Project Team lack of retention / loss of
knowledge - Cost Improvements more restricted
- Chief Executive Comment
- PFI has given me / Coventry access to capital
that we would never have been given on this scale
to provide such tremendous state of the art
facilities - PFI captures the best of both Private and Public
Sector skills - Transfers risk to the private sector
- Ring fences maintenance and replacement of assets
that cannot be easily attacked for annual cost
savings - This contract is extremely complex but has
generally worked well