Title: The privatisation of the NHS
1 The privatisation of the NHS
- Professor Allyson Pollock
- Centre for International Public Health Policy
- University of Edinburgh
2- Government argues privatisation doesnt matter so
long as it is publicly funded
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5Health care - a Republican affair. Bush Cheney
- First Health Services - Tom Loeffler raised at
least 100,000 for the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign - Long Term Care Pharmacy Alliance - James Neir is
managing partner at Winston Strawn, lobbying on
behalf of Long Term Care Pharmacy Alliance. - United Healthcare - William W McGuire, MD, of
Wayzata, MN, is Chairman, CEO, Director for
United Healthcare Corp. - UPMC Health Plan - Ronald Kaufman pledged to
raise 100,000 for the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign - Well Care HMO - David Hart, is Finance Director
for Well Care HMO, Inc. Todd S. Farha , of Tampa
, He is President and CEO for Well Care HMO, Inc. - Source www.hmocrisis.com_update052404.html
6Why markets in public services?
- Welfare state is the great unopened oyster
health and education alone account for up to 20
of western countries GDP - High income countries hope to gain significant
trade advantage and economic benefit - the UK as
model maker
71999-2000 health expenditure, GDP
8The WTO secretariat calls the health sector of
OECD countries a domestic economic giant
- WTO secretariat. Health and social services
background note S/C/W/50 18 Sep 1998
9The United States is of the view that commercial
opportunities exist along the entire spectrum of
health and social care facilities, including
hospitals, outpatients, clinics, nursing homes,
assisted living arrangements, and services
provided in the home
- US government trade delegation
10The export of managed health care is US foreign
- We believe we can make much progress in the
negotiations to allow the opportunity for U.S.
businesses to expand into foreign health care
markets Historically, health care services in
many foreign countries have largely been the
responsibility of the public sector. This public
ownership of health care has made it difficult
for U.S. private-sector health care providers to
market in foreign countries - Coalition of Service Industries1999
11 The UK NHS as model maker
- The UK NHS case study of health system
- changes
- the government is removing the barriers to
- the market through the redesign of its
- delivery
12Moving from geographic area-based planning
Internal market (mixed) 1991-2003
Market providers (foundation trusts) and
regulators 2004-
13Four stages of NHS privatisation
- Phase I Efficiency management
- 1979 control moves away from professionals.
- Griffiths supermarket management reforms
- Phase II Internal market
- 1991 purchaser/provider split
- public corporations
- Phase III PFI -PPPs
- 1992 privatise asset base non-clinical
services - Phase IV NHS Plan
- 2000 privatise clinical services- foundation
trusts - pricing- financial
flows, DTCs etc - local pay bargaining- GP/ consultant contracts
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15Phase III- privatisation of NHS assets
16PFI and NHS hospitals
- Design, build facilities, and operate
non-clinical - services
- Consortia of builders, bankers, and service
operators - NHS hospitals land is sold or given in
exchange to private - sector
- NHS leases back buildings and services at a cost
far higher than - it could borrow
- Lease for buildings and services 30-60 years
- Lease for land 150 years
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18Increase in costs from OBC to current 1999-2000
19Annual revenue implications of capital costs for
19 PFI hospital schemes comparing costs before
and in the first year in which the PFI scheme is
All calculations include payments to Treasury on
existing and retained estate.
Refers to 1999-2000
20Public private partnerships
- Introduce private sources of finance and create
entry points for the private sector in
infrastructure and supply of services
21Changes in bed numbers at NHS trusts under PFI
development Values are average nos of beds
available daily (all specialties)
22Unattractive economics
- An incremental investment of 200m might require
productivity improvements leading to perhaps
1,000 job losses which might be significantly
greater than 25 of the workforce This is
probably only achievable by reducing the numbers
of doctors and nurses in the local health care
market - PFI Futures March 1998
- Newchurch Co
23Edinburgh Royal Infirmary staffing projections as
of February 1997
Note that some ancillary staff will transfer to
PFI contractor Source Full business case for new
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
24- The introduction of for-profit stakeholders makes
competing claims on scarce resources and
government seeks to pass risk and costs to staff,
patients and taxpayers.
25Phase IV extending privatisation to clinical
26Phase IV extending privatisation to clinical
- Doctors and staff contracts
- Private treatment centres
- Foundation hospitals Payment by Results (DRG)
- Commissioning- UnitedHealth Group
- GP services- UnitedHealth Group - Derby (APMS)
27Foundation trusts and private companies
- i direct contracting out of clinical services
- ii private finance
- iii joint ventures and spin-off companies
28Multinational moves in on inner-city general
- In what is thought to be the first deal of its
kind, private - healthcare giant UnitedHealth Europe has been
awarded the - contract to run a general practice left vacant by
a retiring - single-handed GP. UnitedHealth Europe won the
contract to run - the 3,000-patient Normanton practice in
inner-city Derby - against three other tenders. It will be one of
the first alternative - provider medical services (APMS) practices in the
29Privatisation efficient and effective and
- i Increases transaction costs - pricing
- - contracting
- - overheads
- - marketing
- - monitoring
- - billing
- ii Shareholder profits
- Iii Bankers interest payments
- Iv Disintegration and fragmentation and
inequities -
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34Phase V- the future?
- i user charges / private funding/top up fees,
- vouchers
- ii privatising clinical services
- iii reducing / restricting entitlements time
limits - on NHS care - older people and refugees
- iv services only available in the private sector
35The propaganda war
36Polluting the evidence base
37Polluting the evidence base
- Waiting lists
- Productivity- PFI, ISTC,
- Value for money claims - Independent treatment
centres, Foundation trusts, PFI - Commercial in confidence
- Kaiser permanente
- Privatisation of data
38Why public services matter
- Redistribute income
- wealthy to poor
- Redistribute benefits by
- a sharing the risks and costs of services across
the community - b delivering services on the basis of
- need and not ability to pay
- Funding system
- Redistribution - fairness of funding
- Risk pooling
- Risk pooling built into both funding and delivery
through integration
40Kaiser Permanente - large US health maintenance
- The UK can be contrasted with, for example, the
system run by Kaiser Permanente in California. - This is likely to be one of the reasons why
Kaisers average number of acute bed days per
1,000 of the population is significantly lower
than that of the NHS. - Wanless D. UK Treasury Securing our future
health taking a long-term view -
London. 2002, 6.50
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