Title: Achieving transformational change through integrated service improvement
1Achieving transformational change through
integrated service improvement
2ISIP Helping the NHS
- deliver better patient care, more efficiently
- maximise and capture benefits for patients of
local/national service and system reforms - realise expected Gershon efficiencies
- demonstrate quality and value
- thrive in a patient-led NHS
- reducing the burden of separate initiatives and
policies by aligning into a coherent approach - exploiting people, process and technology
enablers to achieve transformational change - evidencing practice that demonstrates time
releasing and quality benefits - building confidence in a self improving NHS
- influencing future policy development
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5An Integrated Approach
How do we as a Local Health Community...
best exploit and co
to make health delivery
in the context of local strategy...
local solutions?...
10 High Impact Changes
NHS Improvement Plan
Agenda for change, MMC
more efficient
A Patient
led NHS
better patient experience
Local service
happier staff
Care Record Service
FT migration
better clinical outcomes
Local Delivery Plans
National Service
within financial balance
6What is a Benefit?
- An advantageous change realised from the
transformation of resources to deliver new or
improved value adding activity - Cranfield University
- A benefit is a result that a stakeholder
perceives to be of value.
7Features, Outcomes, Benefits
- Feature - my car is painted Police Car white
- Outcome - people move over for me on the motorway
so I get home for 6 pm - Benefit - I get to watch The Simpsons on TV
8What is Benefits Management?
- A process of organising and managing such that
potential benefits are actually realised. - Aims to maximise the benefits from business
9What is Benefits Management?
- Lots of projects become unglued from the business
need, processes and people that created them.
Benefits Management puts the glue back. It is a
structured approach that - makes the link between a project and the
organisations strategic objectives - builds the case for investment
- gains buy-in to the project from all participants
- maximises the benefit from the original
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12Whats the point?
- Programmes
- Projects
- Plans
- are questionable activities if they do not
support the declared strategies and objectives of
the organisation
13Whats the point?
- A Programme
- A Project
- A Plan
- are questionable activities if they cannot
demonstrate benefits to one or more groups of
14Whats the point?
- Programmes
- Projects
- Plans
- will be of no value if they cant be shown to
have made a difference
15Change Programme focus across England
16Yorks Humber Programmes
17So far
- LHC planners learning as they go
- LHC governance vs NHS re-structuring
- It takes time and effort
- The Benefits Dependency Networks are proving
valuable - The proof of the pudding
18We are using the ISIP approach to build 12
million of whole system benefits by 2008 to
achieve an integrated care network and to afford
our new PFI hospital in 2012-13
The ISIP approach helped us rationalise over 70
disconnected plans into a coherent service
transformation plan, focussing scarce resource to
get on and deliver
South Devon Local Health Community
North Derbyshire Local Health Community
19Its all about integration
ISIP Adding value for patients a must have,
not a must do Nick Relph, Top Team Sponsor
20OHOCOS Themes
- More patient choice and louder voice
- Better prevention and early intervention
- Care closer to home
- Better access,less inequality in
- primary community care
- New expanded Services,esp. LTC
- Partnership working with supporting
Infrastructure - System in surplus by 2007
21 ISIPs Fit with OHOCOS Policy
- Service shift themes mirror CDS
- enabling health, prevention/early
intervention, care in right setting, provider
choice, rapid convenient access - Scale of change is transformational
- Working on LTC Model of Care
- ISIP landed as recommended delivery tool
- ISIP emphasis on LHC fits with health,social care
axis - Enabler alignment strongly referenced
22The So What for ISIP
- Urgent join up- ISIP Strategic Plan LAA
- Collaborate with national PBC dev support
- Leverage for LA engagement
- Joint DPH role- strong clinical leadership
- Community ownership of strategic plans
reconciled with urgency for reconfig inc.
productivity - Unbundling tariff enables benefit sharing
- ISIPs 4 priority models of care fit primary,
community and care closer to home implicit - unscheduled, planned, LTC and diagnostics