Title: 8051 Microcontroller
18051 MicrocontrollersBy ROBOMART.COM
28051 Microcontroller Board
3 Microcontroller
- A microcontroller is an economical
computer-on-a-chip built for dealing with
specific tasks, such as displaying or receiving
information through LEDs or remote controlled
devices. The most commonly used set of
microcontrollers belong to 8051 Family. 8051
Microcontrollers - continue to remain a preferred choice for a
vast community of hobbyists and professionals.
Through 8051, the world became witness to the
most revolutionary set of microcontrollers.
4 8051 features and Core Specification
- Data bus with 8 bit width( permit access
to eight bits of data in 1 operation) - 8 bit ALU, Accumulator and 8-bit Registers
- Address bus with 16 bit width - permit access
to 64 K of memory (65536 locations) for ROM and
RAM - On-chip ROM - 4 K (program memory)
- On-chip RAM - 128 bytes (data memory)
- 64KB Program Memory
- 64KB Data Memory
- 5-vector/6-source interrupt structure
- 2-level interrupt priority
- Two 16-bit timers/Counter
- bi-directional 4 byte output/input port
- serial port with (UART)
- Power economizing mode
5Microcontroller Board
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