Title: Diapositive 1
2Capacitated Open Pit Mining Problem
- Semya Elaoud, Sfax University (Tunesia)
- Jacques A. Ferland, University of Montreal
- Jonathan Bellemare, University of Montreal
- Jorge Amaya, University of Chile
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4RIOT Mining Problem web site http//riot.ieor.ber
the net value of extracting block i
objective function
Maximal Open Pit problem to determine the
maximal gain
expected from the extraction
5Maximal pit slope constraints to identify the set
Bi of predecessor blocks that have to be
removed before block i
6Maximal pit slope constraints to identify the set
Bi of predecessor blocks that have to be
removed before block i
7Maximal pit slope constraints to identify the set
Bi of predecessor blocks that have to be
removed before block i
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9Use the open pit graph G (V, A) to specify the
maximal pit slope constraints
The maximal pit slope constraints
10 - (MOP) equivalent to determine the maximal closure
of G (V, A) - Equivalent to determine the minimum cut
of the associated - Picards graph
- where
The maximal open pit is equal to N
(S s)
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12Scheduling block extraction
- Account for operational constraints
- Ct the maximal weight that
can be extracted during period t - and for the discount factor during the
extracting horizon - discount rate
per period
13pi weight of block i
the net value of extracting block i
N can be replaced by the maximal open pit
N (S s)
14Scheduling block extraction ? RCPSP
- Open pit extraction ? project
- Each block extraction ? activity
- Precedence relationship derived from the open pit
15Scheduling block extraction ? RCPSP
16Scheduling block extraction ? RCPSP
17Scheduling block extraction ? RCPSP
- Open pit extraction ? project
- Each block extraction ? activity
- Precedence relationship derived from the open pit
graph - Reward associated with activity (block) i depends
of the extraction period t
18Solution encoding and decoding
19Decoding a block list into a schedule
- Serial decoding
- Initiate the first extraction period t 1
- During any period t
- - The next block to be extracted is the first
block in the rest of the block list (including
the blocks not extracted yet) having all their
predecessors already extracted such that the
capacity Ct is not exceeded by its extraction. - Include this block in the newsol block
list. -
- - If no such block exists, then a new
extraction period (t 1) is initiated. -
20Metaheuristic solution approach
21Outline of the solution approach
22Initial solution
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37First neighborhood moving one ore block
38 39 40 41Unique ore block process on cluster i
42 Second neighborhood moving multiple ore blocks
43 44Multiple ore block process on cluster i
45Implementation of a metaheuristic procedure
46Numerical experimentation
47Second encoding of the solutionandParticle
Swarm Solution Approach
48Genotype representation of solution
- Similar to Hartmans priority value encoding
for RCPSP - priority of scheduling
block i extraction
49Decoding of a representation PR into a solution x
- Serial decoding to schedule blocks sequentially
one by one to be extracted - To initiate the first extraction period t 1
- remove the block among those having no
predecessor (i.e., in the top layer) having
the highest priority. - During any period t, at any stage of the decoding
scheme - the next block to be removed is one of those
with the highest priority among those having all
their predecessors already extracted such that
the capacity Ct is not exceeded by its
extraction. - If no such block exists, then a new
extraction period (t 1) is initiated.
50Priority of a block
- Consider its
- net value bi and
- impact on the extraction of
other blocks in future periods - Block lookahead value (Tolwinski and
Underwood) determined by referring to the
spanning cone SCi of block i
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52Genotype priority vector generation
- Several different genotype priority vectors can
be randomly generated with a GRASP procedure
biased to give higher priorities to blocks i
having larger lookahead values - Several feasible solutions can be obtained by
decoding different genotype vectors generated
with the GRASP procedure.
53Particle Swarm Procedure
- Evolutionary process evolving in the set of
genotype vectors to converge to an improved
feasible solution - Initial population P of M genotype vectors
(individuals) generated using GRASP - Denote
- the best achievement of the
individual k up to the current iteration - the best overall genotype
vector achieved up to the current iteration
54Particle Swarm Procedure
- Denote
- the best achievement of the
individual k up to the current iteration - the best overall genotype
vector achieved up to the current iteration - Modification of the individual vector k at each
55Particle Swarm Procedure
- Denote
- the best achievement of the
individual k up to the current iteration - the best overall genotype
vector achieved up to the current iteration - Modification of the individual vector k at each
56Numerical experimentation