Title: Spatial Ecology: Metapopulations
1Spatial Ecology Metapopulations
- Peter B. McEvoy
- Oregon State University
- History of metapopulation theory in the past 50
years - Basic model persistence via a balance in
colonization and extinction rates - Case study of the Glanville fritillary butterfly
- Interaction web of the Glanville fritillary
- Metapopulation structure and dynamics
- Influence of area and isolation
- Influence of parasitoids
- Abiotic forcing by rainfall
- Principal messages
3The past fifty years(Hanski 1999 Metapopulation
- Local populations connected by migration
colonization and extinction (Andrewartha and
Birch 1954) local demes (Sewall Wright 1940) - Bottle Experiments with blowflies (Nicholson
1933) and mites (Huffaker (1958) - Island biogeography the balance between
immigration and extinction (MacArthur and Wilson
1967) - Evolution of dispersal in a metapopulation
(Gadgil 1971) and spreading the risk (den Boer
1968) - Metapopulation persistence reflecting a balance
between extinction and recolonization (Levins
19969, 1970) - Theoretical development takes off beginning in
1990 (Hanski 1999)
4Patch occupancy and population dynamics covary in
a mite predator-prey system a bottle
5Application of the Theory of Island Biogeography
Distance Effect
Area Effect
6Experimental Island Biogeography distance effect
Equilibrium number of species higher on islands
closer to mainland source
7Model of Levins (1969, 1970)
- The rate of change in the fraction of occupied
habitat (patches, p) - dp/dt mp(1-p) µp
- where µ is the rate of local extinction of
patches and m is the rate of recolonization of
empty patches - Structurally identical to the logistic (Hanski
1994) - dp/dt (m - µ)p 1- p/1- (u/m)
- The total metapopulation will reach a stable
equilibrium with a fraction p 1- u/m patches
8Alternative Stable Equilibriabiomodal
distribution of patch occupancy p
- Heterogeneity among habitat patches may give rise
to a bimodal equilibrium distribution of the
fraction of patches occupied in an assemblage of
species (the core-satellite distribution).
9Central Result
- It is possible to have instability on local
scales Even if none of the local populations is
stable in its own right - Yet have stability on more global scales a
metapopulation can stably persist as a result of
a balance between random extinctions and
recolonizations - Local extinction and colonization play organizing
roles. Persistence in a metapopulation depends
less on local rates of birth and death,
immigration or emigration and more on the rates
of extinction and colonization - Adding Relevant Detail. Levins model does not
take account of variation in potentially
influential variables/processes such as size of
patches, their spatial locations, nor the
dynamics of populations within individual patches
10Persistence in Glanville fritillary butterfly is
lower for populations than metapopulations
11A problem for empiricists When is a patchy
population a metapopulation?
- Subpopulations
- Frequent extinction and recolonization
- Sufficiently high colonization rate
- Sufficient asynchrony in local dynamics
- Concept applies easily to insects, but plants
pose problems does recolonization following
extinction apply to plants with a seed bank? To
succession following disturbance? (Husband
Barrett 1996 Bullock et al. 2002) - In general, the processes influencing the
dynamics of ecological systems are disturbance,
colonization, and local interactions (e.g.
competition, predation, mutualism) that set in
motion a successional process. Spatial ecology is
not tied to any particular model (e.g. a
metapopulation is a special case of more general
theory of spatio-temporal dynamics)
12Glanville Fritillary and Host Plants
Ilkka Hanski
Veronica spicata
Plantago lanceolata
- Melitaea cinxia
- Glanville fritillary (UK)
13Interaction Web for Glanville Fritillary
14Primary parasitoids of the Glanville fritillary
A gregarious endoparasitoid, laying one to about
40 eggs inside a host larva, depending on the
size of the host. Multivoltine. Limited
dispersal ability, less vagile than host.
A solitary endoparasitoid, laying eggs in first
instar host larvae just before the larvae hatch
from the egg. Univoltine. High dispersal ability.
Hyposoter horticola  (Gravenhorst) (Ichneumonidae
Cotesia melitaearum  (Wilkinson)
- http//www.helsinki.fi/science/metapop/english/Spe
15Influences on local population size
- Competition for resources quantity and quality
can be limiting on local scales drought reduces
host plant quality - Natural enemies
- Predators
- Parasitoids
- Hyposoter horticola (Ichneumonidae) solitary,
univoltine, large dispersal range - Cotesia melitaearum (Braconidae) gregarious,
2-3 generations per host generation, shorter
dispersal range than butterfly host - Interactions and movements of adults males and
females differ in emigration rates Allee
effects migration distances generallylt500 m
4000 habitat patches divide into tens of
networks - Abiotic conditions temperature influences
development larvae exploit thermal heterogeneity
in the environment wind reduces fight
precipitation affects mortality - Habitat Loss and Alteration natural and
anthropogenic (e.g. grazing) disturbances
16Summary of DD process known to influence local
- Food shortages at local scales
- Parasitism by primary parasitoid Cotesia
melitaearum only significant in regions and years
with large-well connected host populations - Inversely DD emigration and immigration and
difficulty of finding mates in low-density
populations contribute to an Allee effect on
local dynamics - Inbreeding depression in small populations
increases extinction risk
17Glanville Fritillary Map of a Metapopulation
- Occupied (filled) and empty (open) habitat
patches suitable for the Glanville fritillary in
the Ã…land Islands off west coast of Finland in
the autumn 2005.
18A related butterfly with a different
metapopulation structureBay checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha bayensis butterflies occur in
discrete patches metapopulation south of San
Francisco on serpentine grassland - Patches occupied in 1987 indicated by arrows
- Occupancy of suitable environments changes from
year to year - Some populations are sources and others are
Wilson 1992
19Ups (?) and Downs (?) in metapopulation size over
time in the Glanville fritillary
20Effect of Connectivity on Colonization
Related to Distance to nearest population)
Proportion of colonized patches
No. Empty
No. Colonized
Related to Connectivity S
21Effect of Patch Area Larger patches increase
population size and occupancy of M. cinxia
22Influences on colonization
- Connectivity increases with Increasing number,
increasing sizes, and decreasing distance to
local populations that occur within the migration
distance from the focal habitat patch - Apart from connectivity increasing propagule (
found population) size, increasing size of
habitat patch, increasing host plant quantity and
quality, reduced grazing, increasing abundance of
nectar plantsall increase the rate of successful
23Influence of Abiotic Conditions Increasing July
precipitation yields large changes in Population
Size N and Occupancy O
Change N and O
24Abiotic Forcing of Metapopulation
DynamicsPrecipitation in Space and TimeWeather
events can be spatially correlated
25Classic Metapopulation Structure and Dynamics
well represented by Glanville Fritillary
- Suitable habitat occurs in small discrete patches
- Local populations have a high risk of extinction
- Patches are not too isolated to prevent
recolonization - Local and regional dynamics are asynchronous
enough to make simultaneous extinction of all
local populations unlikely
26Is there a balance between Colonization and
Extinction?Plotting Data in Table 4.2 Nieminen,
Siljander, Hanski 2004
27Principal Messages of Metapopulation Ecology
- Population size is affected by migration
- Population density is affected by patch area and
isolation - Asynchronous local dynamics
- Population turnover, local extinctions and
establishment of new populations - Presence of empty habitat
- Metapopulations persist despite population
turnover - Extinction risk depends on patch area
- Spatially realistic models can be used to make
predictions about metapopulation dynamics in
particular fragmented landscapes (e.g. Glanville
fritillary) - Metapopulation coexistence of competitors (e.g.
inferior competitor is superior colonizer) - Metapopulation coexistence of predator and prey
(e.g. two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae
and predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis in
greenhouses Nachman 1988, 1991)