Title: Applied Mathematical Ecology/ Ecological Modelling
1Applied Mathematical Ecology/Ecological Modelling
- Dr Hugh Possingham
- The University of Queensland
- (Professor of Mathematics and Professor of
Ecology) - AMSI Winter School 2004
- Ecology and mathematics
- Mathematics to design reserve systems
- Mathematics to manage fire
- Mathematics to manage populations
- Mathematics to manage and learn simultaneously
- Optimisation, Markov chains
3Take home messages
- Do enough to solve the problem
- What is interesting is not always important, what
is important is not always interesting - Unusual dynamic behaviour may well be just that -
unusual - The solution to our problems in science is not
always to make more and more complex models. - Reductionism vs Holism.
4Optimal Reserve System Design
- Hugh Possingham and Ian Ball (Australian
Antarctic Division) and others
5History of reserve design
- Recreation
- What is left over
- Special features
- SLOSS and Island biogeography
- CAR reserve systems (Gap analysis)
- The minimum set problem
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7The minimum set problemHow do we get an
efficient comprehensive reserve system
- Minimise the cost of the reserve system
- Subject to the constraints that all
biodiversity targets are met - New age problems - add in spatial considerations,
like total boundary length
8 Example Problem
1 Find the smallest number of sites that
represents all species
The data matrix - A
9Algorithms to solve the reserve system design
- Wild guess
- Heuristics
- Mathematical Programming
- Heuristic algorithms
- Simulated annealing
- Genetic Algorithms
- Richness algorithms
- Rarity algorithms
- Neither work so well with bigger data sets,
especially where space is an issue
11ILP formulation
Subject to
if the site is in the reserve system
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13Simulated annealingand Genetic Algorithms
We could evolve a good solution to the problem
treating a reserve system like a piece of DNA.
Fitness is a combination of number of sites plus
a penalty for missing species. Fitness -
number of sites - 2xmissing species If sites cost
1 and there is a 2 point penalty for missing a
species then in problem 1 the fitness of the
system A,B,D - 3 - 2 - 5
Which is not as fit as A,B - 2 - 2 - 4
or A,B,C - 3
- 3 With best solution C,E - 2 - 0
- 2
14GAs Breeding a reserve system
2 4 7 8 20 25 28 cost 7 3
7 8 10 11 12 cost
6 ... babies 2 4 7 10 11 12
infeasible 3 7 8 20 25 28
cost 6 ...
15Simulated annealing
A genetic algorithm with no recombination, only
point mutations and a population size of
1. Selection process allows a decrease in
fitness at the start of the process Relies on
speed and placing constraints in the objective
16Objectives and constraints
- Typical constraints are to meet a variety of
conservation targets eg 30 of each habitat
type or enough area for 2000 elephants (not just
get one occurrence) - Typical objectives are to satisfy the constraints
while minimising the total cost (which may be
area, actual cost, management cost, cost of
rehabilitation) - Objectives and constraints are somewhat
17Spatial problems
- There is more to the cost of a reserve system
than its area - Boundary length and shape are important
- Other rules about minimising boundary length,
cost of land, forgone development opportunties,
minimum reserve size, issues of adequacy
18Boundary Length Problem Non-linear IP problem
Subject to
if the site is in the reserve system
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21Example 1 The GBR
- Divided in to hexagons
- 70 different bioregions (reef and non-reef)
- 13,000 planning units
- What is an appropriate target?
- What are the costs?
- Replication and
- minimum reserve size
- www.ecology.uq.edu.au/marxan.htm
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23The GBR process
- Determine optimal system based on ecological
principles alone - For low targets there are many many options
- Introduce socio-economic data
- Special places, targets, industry goals,
community aspirations - Delivered decision support by providing options
24The consequences of not planning
- The South Australian dilemma of 18 reserves (4
by area), 9 add little to the goal of
comprehensiveness (Stewart et al in press), they
are effectively useless in the context of a well
defined problem even if targets are 50 of every
feature type! - Complimentarity is the key
- The whole is more
- than the sum of the parts
25Effect of South Australias existing marine
26But reserve systems arenot built in a day
- Idea of irreplaceability introduced to deal with
the notion that when some sites are lost they are
more (or less) irreplaceable (Pressey 1994). - The irreplaceability of a site is a measure of
the fraction of all reserve systems options lost
if that particular site is lost
27Example 3 Identifying Irreplaceable Areas
28Future/General issues
- Problems are largely problem definition not
algorithmic - Issues are mainly ones of communication
- What is a model, algorithm, or problem?
- Many complexities can be added
- More complex spatial rules
- Zoning
- Etc etc.
- Dynamic reserve selection
29- Optimal Fire Management
- for biodiversity conservation
- Hugh Possingham, Shane Richards, James Tizard and
Jemery Day - The University of Queensland/Adelaide
- NCEAS - Santa Barbara
30What is decision theory?
- Set a clear objective
- Define decision variables - what do you control?
- Define system dynamics including state variables
and constraints
31The problem
- How should I manage fire in Ngarkat Conservation
Park - South Australia? - What scale?
- What biodiversity?
- How is it managed now?
- What is the objective?
- Dry sandplain heath (like chapparal) - 300mm,
winter rainfall - Little heterogeneity in soil type or topography -
poor soils - Diverse shrub layer with some mallee
- Key species - Banksia, Callitris, Melaleuca,
Leptospermum, Hibbertia, Eucalyptus
34Assume three successional states
fire, f
35Ngarkat Conservation Park
36Nationally threatened bird species
- Slender-billed Thornbill - early
- Rufous Fieldwren - early
- Red-lored Whistler - mid
- Mallee Emu-wren - mid/late
- Malleefowl - late
- Western Whipbird - late
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39Vegetation dynamicsTransition probability from
j early to i early
40Fire model
41Fire transition matrix and Succession transition
matrix are combined to generate state
- Succession Markovian
- Fire model naive
42The optimization problem
- Objective - 20 each stage
- State space - of park in each successional
stage - Control variable - given the current state of
park should you do nothing,fight fires, start
fires? - System dynamics determined by transition matrices
43Solution method
- Stochastic dynamic programming (SDP)
- Optimal solution without simulation but can be
hard to determine - Only works with a relatively small state space -
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- Decision is state-dependent - there is no simple
rule - Costs may be important
- The decision theory framework allows us to
address the problem and find a solution - Details - Richards, Possingham and Tizard (1999)
- Ecological Applications
48Where are we going?
- Rules of thumb - depend on the intervals between
successional states and fire frequency (Day) - Spatial version (Day)
- More detailed vegetation and animal population
49Eradicate, Exploit, Conserve
Decision Theory
Pure Ecological Theory
50How to manage a metapopulation
- Michael Westphal (UC Berkeley),
- Drew Tyre (U Nebraska), Scott Field (UQ)
- Can we make metapopulation theory useful?
51Specifically how to reconstruct habitat for a
small metapopulation
- Part of general problem of optimal landscape
design the dynamics of how to reconstruct
landscapes - Minimising the extinction probability of one part
of the Mount Lofty Ranges Emu-wren population. - Metapopulation dynamics based on Stochastoc Patch
Occupancy Model (SPOM) of Day and Possingham
(1995) - Optimisation using Stochastic Dynamic Programming
(SDP) see Possingham (1996)
52The Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
53MLR Southern Emu Wren
- Small passerine (Australian malurid)
- Very weak flyer
- Restricted to swamps/fens
- Listed as Critically Endangered subspecies
- About 450 left hard to see or hear
- Has a recovery team (flagship)
54The Cleland Gully Metapopulation basically
isolated Figure shows options Where should we
revegetate now, and in the future? Does it
depend on the state of the metapopulation?
55Stochastic Patch Occupancy Model(Day and
Possingham, 1995)
State at time, t, (0,1,0,0,1,0)
Intermediate states
Extinction process
Colonization process
State at time, t1, (0,1,1,0,1,0)
Plus fire
56The SPOM
- A lot of population states, 2n, where n is the
number of patches. The transition matrix is 2n
by 2n in size (128 by 128 in this case). - A chain binomial model (Possingham 96, 97 Hill
and Caswell 2001?) - SPOM has recolonisation and local extinction
where functional forms and parameterization
follow Moilanen and Hanski - Overall transition matrix, a combination of
extinction and recolonization, depends on the
landscape state, a consequence of past
restoration activities
57Decision theory steps
- Set objective (minimize extinction prob)
- Define state variables (population and landscape
states) and control variables (options for
restoration) - Describe state dynamics the SPOM
- Set constraints (one action per 5 years)
- Solve in this case SDP
58Control options (one per 5 years, about 1ha
reveg) E5 largest patch bigger, can do 6
times E2 most connected patch bigger, 6
times C5 connect largest patch C2 connect
patches1,2,3 E7 make new patch DN do nothing
59Management trajectories1 only largest patch
60Management trajectories2 all patches occupied
61Take home message
- Metapopulation state matters
- Actions justifiable but no clear sweeping
generalisation, no simple rule of thumb! - Previous work has assumed that landscape and
population dynamics are uncoupled. This paper
represents the first spatially explicit optimal
landscape design for a threatened species.
62Computational Problems
- The huge state space population state space is
2N where N is the number of patches. The
landscape state space is all the possible
landscape states! - Solution aggregation of state space? Rules of
thumb tested via simulation?
63Other applications of decision theory to
population managementand conservation
- Optimal metapopulation management (Possingham 96,
97 Haight et al 2002) - Optimal fire management (Possingham and Tuck 98,
Richards et al 99, McCarthy et al. 01) - Optimal biocontrol release (Shea and Possingham,
00) - Optimal landscape reconstruction (Westphal et
al., submitted) - Optimal captive breeding management (Tenhumberg
et al, to submit) - Optimal weed management (Moore and Possingham, to
submit) - Decision theory and PVA/conservation (Possingham
et al. 01, 02 book chapters) The Business of
Biodiversity - Optimal Reserve System Design, MARXAN, TNC
(several papers)
64Optimal translocation strategies
Brigitte Tenhumberg, Drew Tyre (U Nebraska),
Katriona Shea (Penn State)
- Consider the Arabian Oryx Oryx leucoryx if we
know how many are in the wild, and in a zoo, and
we know birth and death rates in the zoo and the
wild, how many should we translocate to or from
the wild to maximise persistence of the wild
65Oryx problem
Growth rate R 0.85 Capacity 50
Growth rate R 1.3 Capacity 20
Zoo Population
Wild Population
66Result base parameters
R release, mainly when population in zoo is
near capacity C capture, mainly when zoo
population small, capture entire wild population
when this would roughly fill the zoo
67If zoo growth rate changes, results change but
for a new species we wont know R in the zoo
Enter active adaptive management, Management
with a plan for learning
68Active adaptive management
Cindy Hauser, Petra Kuhnert, Katriona Shea, Tony
Pople, Niclas Jonzen (Lund)
- Management of uncertain stochastic systems with a
plan for learning - How do you trade-off the need to optimally manage
a system with the information gain you need to
manage that same system
69Toy fish problem
Harvest, Yes or no?
70- The best decision depends on our current state of
knowledge which is a function of the number of
times the stock has recovered and the number of
times it hasnt - Use Bayes formula to update a Beta prior for the
probability of recovery. This means that the
state space is now the stock state and the
parameters of the Beta distribution - Stochastic dynamic programming is used to
determine the optimal state-dependent decision - Cindy is now applying to kangaroos with a large
population state space
71Active adaptive monitoring the problem of the
Swedish lynx Lynx lynx
Henrik Andren (SLU), Anna Daniel (SLU), Cindy
Hauser, Tony Pople
- The toy fish problem assumes that we know the
size of the fish stock. Now assume that we do
know the system dynamics, but we have to spend
money monitoring to determine the population size
which then determines the harvesting strategy - How much money do we spend monitoring and is
optimal monitoring state dependent??
72Information for Swedish lynx problem
- Population size (N) is number of Lynx family
units - Compensation cost per N 20,000 SK, higher if N
gt 200 - Cost of current monitoring program
- Political cost of N falling below 50
100,000,000 SK - Fixed harvest strategy 15 if N gt 80, 0
otherwise - Growth rate R normally distributed (mean 1.17)
- Monitoring strategies
- M1 cost 2,000,000 SK and generates N with a SD
of 0.1N - M2 cost ? SK generates N with a SD of 0.3N
- (M0 no count, cost 0, estimate based on last
year and mean growth rate
73Results should monitoring bestate-dependent?
Utility ? 106
Number of Lynx family units (N)
74Applied Theoretical Ecologist Dreaming
- Optimal Harvesting
- Optimal Monitoring
- Optimal Learning
75New approaches to the evolution of complex
ecological systems kangaroo population dynamics
What is important is not always interesting, What
is interesting is not always important
- PIs Hugh Possingham, Gordon Grigg,
- Stuart Phinn, Clive McAlpine
- PDFs Tony Pople, Niclas Jonzén,
- Brigitte Tenhumberg
- PhDs Cindy Hauser, Norbert Menke
- Money ARC Linkage, UQ, Environment Australia,
DEH (SA), EPA (QLD), MDBC, Packer Tanning
- Background and History
- Visualisation of the patterns
- The confrontation of models with data
- Why model prediction, utility or understanding?
- The evolutionary impact of harvesting a just
so story - Optimal adaptive monitoring
- Learning while managing a new discipline -
applied theoretical ecology
771 Background and History
- Data collected from 1978
- Kangaroo quotas, 15 of the estimates
- Previous mathematical modeling, single spatial
scale with a short time series - Few other population studies on a large scale
locusts, phytoplankton - Harvesting theory typically for fish only
78Data collection Fixed-wing Survey
792 Visualisation of the patterns
- With complex ecological systems visualising the
data can be an important part of understanding
and theorising - Aside from kangaroo numbers we have
- rainfall data
- National Digitised Vegetation Index (NDVI,
satellite) data - sheep data
- pasture biomass models, and
- harvest data
80Animation of Kangaroo survey data
81Temporal patterns at a whole region scale
Growth Rate
Vegetation Index
Scaled measure
Kangaroo Numbers
823 The confrontation of model with data
- Is rainfall a good surrogate for resources?
- What is the most plausible time lag?
- How does density dependence work if at all?
- Do sheep compete with kangaroos?
- Are there environmental correlations between
83South Australia main management zones
84The competing models
- Ratio model (theoretical support)
- Growth rate is determined by an abstract function
of rainfall and harvest - Growth rate 0.55 1.55.exp( 0.08.RAIN / Dt)
harvest rate - (plausible but abstract)
- Interactive model (Caughley data hungry)
- (rainfall ? pasture ? kangaroos)
- (more plausible but complex)
85Ratio Model
Northeast Pastoral Zone
Population size
86Interactive model
Population size
87A more complex statistical model
- The model with nested effects of
- density dependence bN
- rainfall R
- sheep S
- harvesting H, and
- correlated environmental variability, E
88We dont know as much as we thought
- Use Akaikes information criteria to select the
most parsimonious model - Best model, 50 support, suggests
- There is strong density dependence
- Harvesting matters, BUT
- Kangaroos eat sheep
- There are correlations between the regions not
explained by rainfall
89Why model prediction understanding or utility?
- Prediction forecasting the future accurately
- Understanding increase in knowledge, easy to
explain, mechanisms - Utility making good management decisions, who
cares if we understand
90Optimal Harvest Strategy?
Mean net harvest per year
Percentage harvest
91Learning, monitoring and managing
- Management ultimately needs robust predictive
models, but which model? - Can you monitor and manage to increase the rate
at which you refine your model choice? - For example to learn more maybe we should vary
the harvesting and monitoring active adaptive
92Monitoring and managing
Probability of collapse
Probability of collapse
Cost of monitoring ?1000
Period of monitoring (years)
- A diversity of novel methodologies
- Visualisation
- Simulation models
- Statistical models
- Process models
- Analysis in space and time
- An emphasis on confronting alternative models
with data - Applied Theoretical Ecology new field and
94Take home messages
- Do enough to solve the problem you can put a
nail in a wall with a frying pan but frying pans
are better for cooking - What is interesting is not always important, what
is important is not always interesting - There are several reasons why one might want to
construct a model - The solution to our problems in science is not
always to make more and more complex models. - Reductionism vs Holism
- The complex systems band wagon
- Philosophy and ethics why do you do what you