1POPULATION ECOLOGY how and why populations
change in size and location over time
Population a group of individuals of the same
species living in the same place.
2Buffalo herd, Teddy Roosevelt National Park,
North Dakota (Will-Wolf)
3Aggregation Patterns in Carrion Flies
4A population of Daphnia The yellow band along
the shore in Lake Mendota, WI, indicates a a
swarm, or aggregation of millions of Daphnia per
square meter.
5Aggregated Plants Common Groundsel, Bluegrass
Individuals per unit area.
6Mytilus edulis, three species of barnacles,
quadrats, and cages.
7POPULATION ECOLOGY how and why populations
change in size location over time
Dynamics change in numbers over time
8The number by time graph.
9Exponential and Logistic models Easy to
calculate Generality Realism Precision Average
vs. Individual-Based models.
10Exponential Growth Model dN/dt rN dN/dt
1/N r A simple rule r the per capita
instantaneous growth rate rmax
11Y mX b
12Negative Exponential Growth r can be
positive zero negative
Model Variable r
r ln (Nt/N0)/t r b d
14Human Population
dN/dt r N NT N0 erT
15DOUBLING TIME NT N0 erT The time when Nt
twice N0 Tdouble ln(2) / r Rule of Thumb r
approximately annual change (as a decimal
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17Number of individual willow plants at Newborough
Warren, Wales, after rabbits died from
myxomatosis Threshold?
N.B. Conover Munch 2002
18Maximum sustainable yield for what Population
Size is population Growth Rate highest? dN/dt
(K-N)/K(rmax)N Ludwig, 1993
19POPULATION REGULATION Density-Independence
Density-Dependence (per capita population growth
rate is a function of population size) Simple
Exponential Density Independent Logistic
Density Dependent
20Regulation by Resources Competition A struggle
for a limited resource. An interaction in which
both species suffer. K Competitive Exclusion.
21Competition The model A modified
logistic dN1/dt (K-N1- (a2,1N2))/K
rmaxN1 Density Dependent or Independent?
22Two kinds of Competition Scramble
(exploitation) Interference The logistic model
works best for EXPLOITATION competiton.
23Fundamental Question Why are there so many
species? Competitive Exclusion ( Logistic
model) VS. Non-Equilibrium Dynamics Predation
(Keystone) Temporal Refuge (Seed Bank) Spatial
Refuge (Metapopulation)
24Figure 52.20 Population cycles in snowshoe hare
and lynx
Hutchinson and Elton were fascinated by
population cycles
25Regulation by Predation PREDATION MODEL
dY/dt (b1)Y (d1X)Y dX/dt (b2Y)X
(d2)X Density Dependent?
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27Parasites Infection Small Predators INFECTION
The action or process of affecting injuriously,
or the fact of being so affected corrupted or
diseased condition. OED
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29Parasitism and Fitness
2 Grackle species
Parasites Disease Mutualism McMichael, Zimmer
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