Title: By Ignacio Llacay
1Scarlet Macau
By Ignacio Llacay
SIZE35 inches RANGEE. Mexico to Brazil
HABITATTall deciduous trees of forests and
rivers. FOOD Tropical forest fruits
The South American scarlet macaw is a red and
yellow bird with white patches on its face and
green feathers on its wings
WEIGHT 900-1100g LENGTH 85-90cm
APPEARANCE Has a long red pointed tail, head,
and shoulders, yellow and blue wings, and bright
blue black.
Scarlet macaw is endangered, a victim of human
The Scarlet Macaw eats plain fruits, figs,
berries, nuts and their larvae eat fruits, seeds,
buds, nectar, and pollen. During the breeding
season they also eat insects
It lives in the canopy and emergent layer of the
rainforest. It lives from Mexico to the Amazons.
In trees, it lives hidden in the leaves or holes
the tree has.
Scarlet Macaws live in tropical forests. They
also live high in nests on branches. Some of them
are found as far north as Mexico. Usually Macaws
live as far south as Peru, South America and
Baby Scarlet Macaws leave their nests when they
are 2 months old. They have a life span of 3
They all hatch from eggs. One to five eggs are
laid and hatched in 28 days.
This disease can really damage the birds.
Sometimes they have to camouflage to hide from
their worst enemies.
Their worst enemies are people (humans). Another
enemy they have is a disease called Psittacosis.
7Interesting Facts
They can be taught to say 700 words. They make
good pets. Scarlet Macaws are the smartest type
of birds.
Scarlet Macaws have the same five senses as
8The End