Title: Working for Water Programme
1 Working for Water Programme
2Kadar and Madiba
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4Impact on the limited water resources
5Employment of unemployed
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7- Programme initial budget R25 million
- Now (10 years later) - R 423 million
8Impact on Biodiversity
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13Chromolaena odorata
14Infestation in HIP
15Courtesy of Dr. Dave Richardson
16Courtesy of Dr. Dave Richardson
17Impacts on Agriculture
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19Opuntia ficus-indica
one of South Africas worst environmental
20Downstream markets for biomass
21Invasive aliens providing benefits in parts of
the landscape
22Timber available
- Estimated green biomass (tonnes) of woody
material of different diameter classes, and
foliage in three regions.
23Functional and decorative items
24Expanding benefits to beneficiaries
26Other parts of the puzzle?
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28Criteria for prioritisation to deal with problem
of invasives optimally
Value of habitat/area
Difficulty of control
Current potential impact
Current potential extent
Criteria/Utility Measure
All three of ecological, hydrological and
agricultural areas
Arundo donax, Opuntia ficus-indica, Prosopis
Acacia longifolia, Harrisia martinii, Opuntia
monacantha, O. stricta, Sesbania punicea
Any two of ecological, hydrological or
agricultural areas
Acacia cyclops, A. melanoxylon, A. saligna, A.
pycnantha, Cereus jamacura, Hakea sericea,
Lantana camara, Opuntia aurantiaca, O.
ficus-indica, O. imbricata, O. linheimeri,
Paraserianthes lophantha, Solanum elaegnifolium,
S. sisymbriifolium
Acacia elata, A. paradoxa, A. podalyrifolia,
Cestrum parqui, Cortaderia jubata, C. selloana,
Cytisus scoparius, Gleditsia triacanthos,
Grevillea robusta, Hedychium coronarium, H.
gardnerianum, Ligustrum sinense, Lythrum
salicaria, Mimosa pigra, Nephrolepis exaltata,
Pereskia aculeata, Pinus taeda, Psidium
guineense, Rosa rubiginosa, Spartium junceum,
Tecoma stans, Tipuana tipu, Ulex europeus
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Lantana camara,
Nicotiana glauca, Opuntia stricta, Prosopis
glandulosa, Xanthium strumarium
Any one of ecological, hydrological or
agricultural areas
Ageratina adenophora, A. riparia, Cirsium
vulgare, Hakea gibbosa, Leptospermum laevigatum,
Opuntia exaltata, O. fulgida, O. spinulifera,
Macfadyena unguis-cati, Pereskia aculeata,
Prosopis spp., Solanum mauritianum
Achyranthes aspera, Araujia sericifera, Cuscuta
campestris, Echinopsis spachiana, Opuntia
aurantiaca, Macfadyena unguis-cati, Pinus
elliottii, P. halepensis, Solanum sisymbriifolium
Acacia longifolia, A. mearnsii, A. cyclops,
Eucalyptus spp., E. lehmannii, Jacaranda
mimosifolia, Melia azederach, Prosopis spp.,
Pinus spp., Populus spp.
Populus canescens
29Pereskia aculeata
Pinus halepensis
ERADICATE Elimination of the entire population
Populus canescens
Acacia longifolia
CONTROL Reduction of the density to below an
agreed threshold
CONTAIN Restriction to a limited geographical
Populus canescens
30- In conclusion
- People are the most valuable component
- The interlocking of multiple agencies and
actions to work towards a common outcome - The use of a core environmental problem to
unlock multiple developmental opportunities . - Linking ecological integrity and social justice
. . Working for Water /Wetlands / on Fire /
Working for Woodlots - Provide the tools for beneficiaries to maximise
their returns - Make a start lessons are learnt along the way