Title: Strategic Doing:
1Strategic Doing
- Tools for Linking and Leveraging Assets for
School Transformation
2Proudly Sponsored by
3Serving Southeastern Wisconsin for 40 years
4Plate Tectonics
Formative pressure Transforms boundaries
5Superintendent Survey
- Hows that working for you?
6- When the watering hole dries up the animals start
looking at each other differently.
7Looking at Things Differently
A new kind of civic responsibility
8Schools are a Business
- We are in the education delivery business
- PK-12 education is one of the largest industries
in the area - 2.2 Billion Dollars
9Theyve got great defensive strategies, and
theyre doing a magnificent job of managing
decline, said a longtime industry executive.
The trouble with doing a great job of managing
decline is that youre going to decline
(comments about paper industry in WI) --Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel 12/09/07
10Lion and Gazelle
11Think BIG
- PK-12 still based on competition
- Restricts choices and options
- New dynamic should be co-opetition
- Strategically cooperate and compete
- Map and leverage all assets
- Understand complementors
13 Co-op vs. Compete
14All business in global economy is relational
15Its not Home Alone Its A
Wonderful Life
16Strategic Doing
- Tools for Linking and Leveraging Assets for
School Transformation