Title: Diapositive 1
1Chris Jenifer Luc
2 Politics 2 november Democrats Nominate Jimmy C
harter For President 39 News US and Iran sigh 10
Billion dollar arms sale Sports Football Su
perbowl XI Oakland 32
3Monney Cost of a new home 48,000.00 Income
12,686.00 Cost of a first-class stamp 0.13 C
ost of a gallon of regular gas 0.59
Cost of a dozen eggs 0.84 Cost of a gallon of
Milk 1.65
Awards Best Actor Peter
Best Actress Faye
4Movies Rocky 117,235,147
King Kong 52,600,000 Run
Divide 18,806,000
Top 5 playlist favorites
1.Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John And
Kiki Dee 2.Dream Weaver - Gary Wright 3.Lov
e Machine (part 1) - The Miracles
4.Let Your Love Flow - The Bellamy Brothers
5. Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
6Grammy Awards Album of the Year Songs in the Ke
y of Life, Stevie Wonder Best New Artist
Starland Vocal Band Best Pop Duo or G
roup If You Leave Me Now, Chicago
7Best Pop Female Vocal Hasten Down the Wind,
Linda Ronstadt Best Pop Male Vocal Songs
in the Key of Life, Stevie Wonder
Record of the Year This Masquerade, Georg
e Benson Song of the Year I Write the S
8(No Transcript)