Title: 5 Exciting Ways To Reveal The Baby Gender
15 Exciting Ways To Reveal The Baby Gender
2BalloonsConfetti Push PopsPinata
- Coloured Helium balloons in a big box is one of
the most popular idea of revealing the gender
- Use a piñata stuffed with blue or pink confetti.
Announce the gender upon bursting it.
- Surprise entry of parents with pink or blue
outfit will be a thrilling way to reveal the
- Filling blue or pink colour inside the cake so
that it spills out when the parents cut it.
7Confetti Push Pops
- Ready, set, pop! Passing out these confetti push
pops is a fun idea. Makes your guests to think
that will they be showered by pink or blue
8Want to confirm the babys gender ?
- The safest gender prediction test
- Visit www.intelligender.com and buy your product
today. - And plan to throw the gender reveal party
10Contact usIntelliGender 3308 Preston Rd,
350P.O. Box 187Plano, TX 75093