Title: Round Worms and Relatives
1Round Worms and Relatives
2Phylum Rotifera
- Ciliated crown looks like rotating wheels
- Shape and color many colors, shapes, some
colonial - Habitat fresh water, marine, terrestrial,
parasitic (can survive dehydration)
3pHYLUM Nematodanemato meaning "thread"Roundworms
- General characteristics
- Habitat fresh water, soil, marine, parasitic
- Cylindrical shape
- Tegument (waxy coating)
4- Body wall
- Longitudinal muscles 4 cords
- Spindle that projects into pseudocoel
- Fluid acts as hydrostatic skeleton to provide
5- Digestive system
- Mouth, pharynx, intestine, rectum, anus
- Food rotifers, small worms, plant juices, host
6- Nervous system
- Ring of nervous tissue around pharynx
- 2 nerve cords (dorsal and ventral)
- Some sensory papillae (projections) on head
7- Excretory system
- One or more large gland cells or canal system
(filter waste) - Empty out excretory pore
8- Reproductive system most are dioecious
- Male (usually smaller than female) uses a special
copulatory spine to open the females reproductive
tracts and inject sperm - Sperm are unique in that they lack flagella and
move by pseudopodia, like amoebas - Female fertilization is internal, eggs stored
in uterus until laid
9Well Use Ascaris for the Reproduction
ExamplePicture Warning
10Ascaris intestinal roundworm
11Ascaris infections
12A pile of Ascaris worms that came from people
living in a small village in the south of India.
The worms will mainly came from children.
13Massive Ascaris infection. The worms are
expelled after medical treatment
14Life Cycle (Ascaris - The Large Roundworm in
- Life cycle
- Egg - swallowed by host hatches
- Juveniles 4 stages of molting burrow through
intestine - Organs affected
- Veins
- Heart
- Lungs (trachea) cough/swallow
- Stomach
- About two months later intestine (adult worms)
- Female may lay 200,000 eggs a day, passing out in
the hosts feces - Boys tend to be more heavily affected than
females presumably because boys are more likely
to eat dirt than girls.
15- Symptoms
- Nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramping,
- Wandering worms
- Emerge from anus, throat, eustachian tubes (ears)
- Size and shape 9-11mm
- Body form large plates in mouth to cut
intestine of host and suck blood - Human symptoms
- Anemia (lack of RBCs)
- In children
- Mental retardation
- Stunted growth
- Life cycle
- Eggs feces, hatch in soil
- Larvae feed on bacteria
- Organs affected
- Blood
- Lungs (cough and swallow)
- intestine
- Prevention
- Wear shoes
20Trichina worm a pork infesting parasite
- Life cycle
- Burrows into intestine
- Female produces live young
- Organs affected
- Blood vessels
- Skeletal muscle cyst
- intestine
- Prevention
- Cook pork thoroughly!
- The most common worm infection in the US
- Common in young children
- FYI spread from child to child on clothing,
bedding toys then they put their fingers in
their mouth
- Life cycle
- adults live in large intestine
- Female migrate to outside the anus (at night) to
lay eggs - Symptoms
- Itchiness around anus
- Restless sleep
- Irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Many affected people have no symptoms
- Prevention
- Wash hands frequently
- Keep your child's fingernails trimmed
- Discourage your child from nail-biting and
putting things in his/her mouth - Make sure your child wears clean underwear
24Filiarial worms
- Tropical countries
- Symptoms
- Obstruct lymph vessels
- FYI quick review on the lymphatic system
- The lymphatic system is like the blood
circulation - tubes branch through all parts of the body LIKE
the arteries and veins that carry blood EXCEPT
that the lymphatic system carries a colorless
liquid called 'lymph'. - Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates around the
body tissues. It contains a high number of WBCs.
Plasma leaks out of the capillaries to surround
and bathe the body tissues. This then drains into
the lymph vessels.
25Filarial Worms
- Creates long excessive growth of connective
tissue - Picture Warning
26Filarial Worm - Elephantitis
27(No Transcript)
28Filarial Worms
- Prevention
- Take preventative medications (DEC
diethylcarbamazine) when traveling - Avoid mosquito bites (mosquitoes serve as
vectors) - Live somewhere else!!!!
29Toxacara canis(canine roundworm)
- Life cycle
- Worms in feces or soil (can stay there for years)
- In dog can travel to eye scar, blind, migrate
to liver or spleen - Humans can be infected with this worm
- FYI They are extremely resistant to adverse
- environmental conditions once an area is
- contaminated with eggs (playground, park,
- back yard) it is difficult to sanitize the area
30DUSNDiuffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis
- Carried by raccoons, enters through broken
skin, eating contaminated food - Symptoms attacks retina, ocular migraines
- Prevention avoid raccoons
31Guinea Worm
- Life cycle ( 1 year)
- Juveniles in water
- carried by small crustacean (copeopods)
- ingested when drinking
- Reproduce, male dies
- Female migrates to skin (usually legs, ankles, or
feet) - produces juveniles
- Blister formsJuveniles are liberated to the
water - Symptoms
- large painful water filled blister, worm under
skin - Prevention
- Drink clean water
32Guinea WormPictures
33Guinea worm
34Guinea worm fiery serpent
35Guinea worm