Title: Why Computer Security
1Why Computer Security
- The past decade has seen an explosion in the
concern for the security of information - Malicious codes (viruses, worms, etc.) caused
over 28 billion in economic losses in 2003, and
will grow to over 75 billion by 2007 - Security specialists markets are expanding !
- Full-time information security professionals
will rise almost 14 per year around the world,
going past 2.1 million in 2008 (IDC report)
2Why Computer Security (contd)
- Internet attacks are increasing in frequency,
severity and sophistication - Denial of service (DoS) attacks
- Cost 1.2 billion in 2000
- 1999 CSI/FBI survey 32 of respondents detected
DoS attacks directed to their systems - Thousands of attacks per week in 2001
- Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, White House,
etc., attacked
3Why Computer Security (contd)
- Virus and worms faster and powerful
- Melissa, Nimda, Code Red, Code Red II, Slammer
- Cause over 28 billion in economic losses in
2003, growing to over 75 billion in economic
losses by 2007. - Code Red (2001) 13 hours infected gt360K machines
- 2.4 billion loss - Slammer (2003) 15 minutes infected gt 75K
machines - 1 billion loss - Spams, phishing
- New Internet security landscape emerging BOTNETS
- History of Security and Definitions
- Overview of Cryptography
- Symmetric Cipher
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES and AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
5The History of Computing
- For a long time, security was largely ignored in
the community - The computer industry was in survival mode,
struggling to overcome technological and economic
hurdles - As a result, a lot of comers were cut and many
compromises made - There was lots of theory, and even examples of
systems built with very good security, but were
largely ignored or unsuccessful - E.g., ADA language vs. C (powerful and easy to
6Computing Today is Very Different
- Computers today are far from survival mode
- Performance is abundant and the cost is very
cheap - As a result, computers now ubiquitous at every
facet of society - Internet
- Computers are all connected and interdependent
- This codependency magnifies the effects of any
7Biological Analogy
- Computing today is very homogeneous.
- A single architecture and a handful of OS
dominates - In biology, homogeneous populations are in danger
- A single disease or virus can wipe them out
overnight because they all share the same
weakness - The disease only needs a vector to travel among
hosts - Computers are like the animals, the Internet
provides the vector. - It is like having only one kind of cow in the
world, and having them drink from one single pool
of water!
8The Spread of Sapphire/Slammer Worms
9The Flash Worm
- Slammer worm infected 75,000 machines in lt15
minutes - A properly designed worm, flash worm, can take
less than 1 second to compromise 1 million
vulnerable machines in the Internet - The Top Speed of Flash Worms. S. Staniford, D.
Moore, V. Paxson and N. Weaver, ACM WORM Workshop
2004. - Exploit many vectors such as P2P file sharing,
intelligent scanning, hitlists, etc.
10The Definition of Computer Security
- Security is a state of well-being of information
and infrastructures in which the possibility of
successful yet undetected theft, tampering, and
disruption of information and services is kept
low or tolerable - Security rests on confidentiality, authenticity,
integrity, and availability
11The Basic Components
- Confidentiality is the concealment of information
or resources. - E.g., only sender, intended receiver should
understand message contents - Authenticity is the identification and assurance
of the origin of information. - Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data
or resources in terms of preventing improper and
unauthorized changes. - Availability refers to the ability to use the
information or resource desired.
12Security Threats and Attacks
- A threat/vulnerability is a potential violation
of security. - Flaws in design, implementation, and operation.
- An attack is any action that violates security.
- Active adversary
- An attack has an implicit concept of intent
- Router mis-configuration or server crash can also
cause loss of availability, but they are not
13Friends and enemies Alice, Bob, Trudy
- well-known in network security world
- Bob, Alice (lovers!) want to communicate
securely - Trudy (intruder) may intercept, delete, add
data, control messages
secure sender
secure receiver
14Eavesdropping - Message Interception (Attack on
- Unauthorized access to information
- Packet sniffers and wiretappers
- Illicit copying of files and programs
15Integrity Attack - Tampering With Messages
- Stop the flow of the message
- Delay and optionally modify the message
- Release the message again
16Authenticity Attack - Fabrication
- Unauthorized assumption of others identity
- Generate and distribute objects under this
Masquerader from A
17Attack on Availability
- Destroy hardware (cutting fiber) or software
- Modify software in a subtle way (alias commands)
- Corrupt packets in transit
- Blatant denial of service (DoS)
- Crashing the server
- Overwhelm the server (use up its resource)
18Classify Security Attacks as
- Passive attacks - eavesdropping on, or monitoring
of, transmissions to - obtain message contents, or
- monitor traffic flows
- Active attacks modification of data stream to
- masquerade of one entity as some other
- replay previous messages
- modify messages in transit
- denial of service
- Overview of Cryptography
- Symmetric Cipher
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES and AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
20Basic Terminology
- plaintext - the original message
- ciphertext - the coded message
- cipher - algorithm for transforming plaintext to
ciphertext - key - info used in cipher known only to
sender/receiver - encipher (encrypt) - converting plaintext to
ciphertext - decipher (decrypt) - recovering ciphertext from
plaintext - cryptography - study of encryption
principles/methods - cryptanalysis (codebreaking) - the study of
principles/ methods of deciphering ciphertext
without knowing key - cryptology - the field of both cryptography and
21Classification of Cryptography
- Number of keys used
- Hash functions no key
- Secret key cryptography one key
- Public key cryptography two keys - public,
private - Type of encryption operations used
- substitution / transposition / product
- Way in which plaintext is processed
- block / stream
22Secret Key vs. Secret Algorithm
- Secret algorithm additional hurdle
- Hard to keep secret if used widely
- Reverse engineering, social engineering
- Commercial published
- Wide review, trust
- Military avoid giving enemy good ideas
23Unconditional vs. Computational Security
- Unconditional security
- No matter how much computer power is available,
the cipher cannot be broken - The ciphertext provides insufficient information
to uniquely determine the corresponding plaintext
- Only one-time pad scheme qualifies
- Computational security
- The cost of breaking the cipher exceeds the value
of the encrypted info - The time required to break the cipher exceeds the
useful lifetime of the info
24Brute Force Search
- Always possible to simply try every key
- Most basic attack, proportional to key size
- Assume either know / recognise plaintext
Key Size (bits) Number of Alternative Keys Time required at 1 decryption/µs Time required at 106 decryptions/µs
32 232 4.3 ? 109 231 µs 35.8 minutes 2.15 milliseconds
56 256 7.2 ? 1016 255 µs 1142 years 10.01 hours
128 2128 3.4 ? 1038 2127 µs 5.4 ? 1024 years 5.4 ? 1018 years
168 2168 3.7 ? 1050 2167 µs 5.9 ? 1036 years 5.9 ? 1030 years
26 characters (permutation) 26! 4 ? 1026 2 ? 1026 µs 6.4 ? 1012 years 6.4 ? 106 years
- Overview of Cryptography
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Substitution Cipher
- Transposition Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES and AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
26Symmetric Cipher Model
- Two requirements for secure use of symmetric
encryption - a strong encryption algorithm
- a secret key known only to sender / receiver
- Y EK(X)
- X DK(Y)
- Assume encryption algorithm is known
- Implies a secure channel to distribute key
28Classical Substitution Ciphers
- Letters of plaintext are replaced by other
letters or by numbers or symbols - Plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits, then
substitution replaces plaintext bit patterns with
ciphertext bit patterns
29Caesar Cipher
- Earliest known substitution cipher
- Replaces each letter by 3rd letter on
- Example
- meet me after the toga party
30Caesar Cipher
- Define transformation as
- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y
z - D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B
C - Mathematically give each letter a number
- a b c d e f g h i j k l m
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- n o p q r s t u v w x y Z
- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
- Then have Caesar cipher as
- C E(p) (p k) mod (26)
- p D(C) (C k) mod (26)
31Cryptanalysis of Caesar Cipher
- Only have 25 possible ciphers
- A maps to B,..Z
- Given ciphertext, just try all shifts of letters
- Do need to recognize when have plaintext
- E.g., break ciphertext "GCUA VQ DTGCM
- How to make it harder?
32Monoalphabetic Cipher
- Rather than just shifting the alphabet
- Could shuffle (jumble) the letters arbitrarily
- Each plaintext letter maps to a different random
ciphertext letter - Key is 26 letters long
- Plain abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Plaintext ifwewishtoreplaceletters
33Monoalphabetic Cipher Security
- Now have a total of 26! 4 x 1026 keys
- Is that secure?
- Problem is language characteristics
- Human languages are redundant
- Letters are not equally commonly used
34English Letter Frequencies
Note that all human languages have varying letter
frequencies, though the number of letters and
their frequencies varies.
35Example Cryptanalysis
- Given ciphertext
- Count relative letter frequencies (see text)
- Guess P Z are e and t
- Guess ZW is th and hence ZWP is the
- Proceeding with trial and error finally get
- it was disclosed yesterday that several informal
but - direct contacts have been made with political
- representatives of the viet cong in moscow
36Transposition Ciphers
- Now consider classical transposition or
permutation ciphers - These hide the message by rearranging the letter
order, without altering the actual letters used - Any shortcut for breaking it?
- Can recognise these since have the same frequency
distribution as the original text
37Rail Fence Cipher
- Write message letters out diagonally over a
number of rows - Then read off cipher row by row
- E.g., write message out as
- m e m a t r h t g p r y
- e t e f e t e o a a t
- Giving ciphertext
38Product Ciphers
- Ciphers using substitutions or transpositions are
not secure because of language characteristics - Hence consider using several ciphers in
succession to make harder, but - Two substitutions make another substitution
- Two transpositions make a more complex
transposition - But a substitution followed by a transposition
makes a new much harder cipher - This is bridge from classical to modern ciphers
39Rotor Machines
- Before modern ciphers, rotor machines were most
common complex ciphers in use - Widely used in WW2
- German Enigma, Allied Hagelin, Japanese Purple
- Implemented a very complex, varying substitution
- Overview of Cryptography
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES/AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
41Block vs Stream Ciphers
- Block ciphers process messages in into blocks,
each of which is then en/decrypted - Like a substitution on very big characters
- 64-bits or more
- Stream ciphers process messages a bit or byte at
a time when en/decrypting - Many current ciphers are block ciphers, one of
the most widely used types of cryptographic
42Block Cipher Principles
- Most symmetric block ciphers are based on a
Feistel Cipher Structure - Block ciphers look like an extremely large
substitution - Would need table of 264 entries for a 64-bit
block - Instead create from smaller building blocks
- Using idea of a product cipher
43Ideal Block Cipher
44Substitution-Permutation Ciphers
- Substitution-permutation (S-P) networks Shannon,
1949 - modern substitution-transposition product cipher
- These form the basis of modern block ciphers
- S-P networks are based on the two primitive
cryptographic operations - substitution (S-box)
- permutation (P-box)
- provide confusion and diffusion of message
45Feistel Cipher Structure
- Feistel cipher implements Shannons S-P network
concept - based on invertible product cipher
- Process through multiple rounds which
- partitions input block into two halves
- perform a substitution on left data half
- based on round function of right half subkey
- then have permutation swapping halves
46Feistel Cipher Structure
47Feistel Cipher Decryption
48DES (Data Encryption Standard)
- Published in 1977, standardized in 1979.
- Key 64 bit quantity8-bit parity56-bit key
- Every 8th bit is a parity bit.
- 64 bit input, 64 bit output.
64 bit M
64 bit C
DES Encryption
56 bits
49DES Top View
56-bit Key
64-bit Input
48-bit K1
Generate keys
Initial Permutation
48-bit K1
Round 1
48-bit K2
Round 2
48-bit K16
Round 16
Swap 32-bit halves
Final Permutation
64-bit Output
50DES Summary
- Simple, easy to implement
- Hardware/gigabits/second, software/megabits/second
- 56-bit key DES may be acceptable for non-critical
applications but triple DES (DES3) should be
secure for most applications today - Supports several operation modes (ECB CBC, OFB,
CFB) for different applications
51Avalanche Effect
- Key desirable property of encryption alg
- Where a change of one input or key bit results in
changing more than half output bits - DES exhibits strong avalanche
52Strength of DES Key Size
- 56-bit keys have 256 7.2 x 1016 values
- Brute force search looks hard
- Recent advances have shown is possible
- in 1997 on a huge cluster of computers over the
Internet in a few months - in 1998 on dedicated hardware called DES
cracker by EFF in a few days (220,000) - in 1999 above combined in 22hrs!
- Still must be able to recognize plaintext
- No big flaw for DES algorithms
53DES Replacement
- Triple-DES (3DES)
- 168-bit key, no brute force attacks
- Underlying encryption algorithm the same, no
effective analytic attacks - Drawbacks
- Performance no efficient software codes for
DES/3DES - Efficiency/security bigger block size desirable
- Advanced Encryption Standards (AES)
- US NIST issued call for ciphers in 1997
- Rijndael was selected as the AES in Oct-2000
- Private key symmetric block cipher
- 128-bit data, 128/192/256-bit keys
- Stronger faster than Triple-DES
- Provide full specification design details
- Evaluation criteria
- Security effort to practically cryptanalysis
- Cost computational efficiency and memory
requirement - Algorithm implementation characteristics
flexibility to apps, hardware/software
suitability, simplicity
55AES Shortlist
- After testing and evaluation, shortlist in
Aug-99 - MARS (IBM) - complex, fast, high security margin
- RC6 (USA) - v. simple, v. fast, low security
margin - Rijndael (Belgium) - clean, fast, good security
margin - Serpent (Euro) - slow, clean, v. high security
margin - Twofish (USA) - complex, v. fast, high security
margin - Then subject to further analysis comment
- Symmetric Cipher
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES and AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
57Private-Key Cryptography
- Private/secret/single key cryptography uses one
key - Shared by both sender and receiver
- If this key is disclosed communications are
compromised - Also is symmetric, parties are equal
- Hence does not protect sender from receiver
forging a message claiming is sent by sender
58Public-Key Cryptography
- Probably most significant advance in the 3000
year history of cryptography - Uses two keys a public a private key
- Asymmetric since parties are not equal
- Uses clever application of number theoretic
concepts to function - Complements rather than replaces private key
59Public-Key Cryptography
- Public-key/two-key/asymmetric cryptography
involves the use of two keys - a public-key, which may be known by anybody, and
can be used to encrypt messages, and verify
signatures - a private-key, known only to the recipient, used
to decrypt messages, and sign (create) signatures - Asymmetric because
- those who encrypt messages or verify signatures
cannot decrypt messages or create signatures
60Public-Key Cryptography
61Public-Key Characteristics
- Public-Key algorithms rely on two keys with the
characteristics that it is - computationally infeasible to find decryption key
knowing only algorithm encryption key - computationally easy to en/decrypt messages when
the relevant (en/decrypt) key is known - either of the two related keys can be used for
encryption, with the other used for decryption
(in some schemes) - Analogy to delivery w/ a padlocked box
62Public-Key Cryptosystems
- Two major applications
- encryption/decryption (provide secrecy)
- digital signatures (provide authentication)
63RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman)
- The most popular one.
- Support both public key encryption and digital
signature. - Assumption/theoretical basis
- Factoring a big number is hard.
- Variable key length (usually 512 bits).
- Variable plaintext block size.
- Plaintext must be smaller than the key.
- Ciphertext block size is the same as the key
64What Is RSA?
- To generate key pair
- Pick large primes (gt 256 bits each) p and q
- Let n pq, keep your p and q to yourself!
- For public key, choose e that is relatively
prime to ø(n) (p-1)(q-1), let pub lte,ngt - For private key, find d that is the
multiplicative inverse of e mod ø(n), i.e., ed
1 mod ø(n), let priv ltd,ngt
65RSA Example
- Select primes p17 q11
- Compute n pq 1711187
- Compute ø(n)(p1)(q-1)1610160
- Select e gcd(e,160)1 choose e7
- Determine d de1 mod 160 and d lt 160 Value is
d23 since 237161 101601 - Publish public key KU7,187
- Keep secret private key KR23,17,11
66How Does RSA Work?
- Given pub lte, ngt and priv ltd, ngt
- encryption c me mod n, m lt n
- decryption m cd mod n
- signature s md mod n, m lt n
- verification m se mod n
- given message M 88 (nb. 88lt187)
- encryption
- C 887 mod 187 11
- decryption
- M 1123 mod 187 88
67Is RSA Secure?
- Factoring 512-bit number is very hard!
- But if you can factor big number n then given
public key lte,ngt, you can find d, hence the
private key by - Knowing factors p, q, such that, n pq
- Then ø(n) (p-1)(q-1)
- Then d such that ed 1 mod ø(n)
- Threat
- Moores law
- Refinement of factorizing algorithms
- For the near future, a key of 1024 or 2048 bits
68Symmetric (DES) vs. Public Key (RSA)
- Exponentiation of RSA is expensive !
- AES and DES are much faster
- 100 times faster in software
- 1,000 to 10,000 times faster in hardware
- RSA often used in combination in AES and DES
- Pass the session key with RSA
- History of Security and Definitions
- Overview of Cryptography
- Symmetric Cipher
- Classical Symmetric Cipher
- Modern Symmetric Ciphers (DES and AES)
- Asymmetric Cipher
- One-way Hash Functions and Message Digest
70Confidentiality gt Authenticity ?
- Symmetric cipher ?
- Shared key problem
- Plaintext has to be intelligible/understandable
- Asymmetric cipher?
- Too expensive
- Plaintext has to be intelligible/understandable
- Desirable to cipher on a much smaller size of
data which uniquely represents the long message
71Hash Functions
- Condenses arbitrary message to fixed size
- h H(M)
- Usually assume that the hash function is public
and not keyed - Hash used to detect changes to message
- Can use in various ways with message
- Most often to create a digital signature
72Hash Functions Digital Signatures
73Requirements for Hash Functions
- Can be applied to any sized message M
- Produces fixed-length output h
- Is easy to compute hH(M) for any message M
- Given h is infeasible to find x s.t. H(x)h
- One-way property
- Given x is infeasible to find y s.t. H(y)H(x)
- Weak collision resistance
- Is infeasible to find any x,y s.t. H(y)H(x)
- Strong collision resistance
74Birthday Problem
- How many people do you need so that the
probability of having two of them share the same
birthday is gt 50 ? - Random sample of n birthdays (input) taken from k
(365, output) - kn total number of possibilities
- (k)nk(k-1)(k-n1) possibilities without
duplicate birthday - Probability of no repetition
- p (k)n/kn ? 1 - n(n-1)/2k
- For k366, minimum n 23
- n(n-1)/2 pairs, each pair has a probability 1/k
of having the same output - n(n-1)/2k gt 50 ? ngtk1/2
75How Many Bits for Hash?
- m bits, takes 2m/2 to find two with the same hash
- 64 bits, takes 232 messages to search (doable)
- Need at least 128 bits
76Using Hash for Authentication
- Assuming share a key KAB
- Alice to Bob challenge rA
- Bob to Alice MD(KABrA)
- Bob to Alice rB
- Alice to Bob MD(KABrB)
- Only need to compare MD results
77General Structure of Secure Hash Code
- Iterative compression function
- Each f is collision-resistant, so is the
resulting hashing
78MD5 Message Digest Version 5
input Message
Output 128 bits Digest
- Until recently the most widely used hash
algorithm - in recent times have both brute-force
cryptanalytic concerns - Specified as Internet standard RFC1321
79MD5 Overview
80MD5 Overview
- Pad message so its length is 448 mod 512
- Append a 64-bit original length value to message
- Initialise 4-word (128-bit) MD buffer (A,B,C,D)
- Process message in 16-word (512-bit) blocks
- Using 4 rounds of 16 bit operations on message
block buffer - Add output to buffer input to form new buffer
value - Output hash value is the final buffer value
81Processing of Block mi - 4 Passes
MD i1
82Secure Hash Algorithm
- Developed by NIST, specified in the Secure Hash
Standard (SHS, FIPS Pub 180), 1993 - SHA is specified as the hash algorithm in the
Digital Signature Standard (DSS), NIST
83General Logic
- Input message must be lt 264 bits
- not really a problem
- Message is processed in 512-bit blocks
sequentially - Message digest is 160 bits
- SHA design is similar to MD5, a little slower,
but a lot stronger
84SHA-1 verses MD5
- Brute force attack is harder (160 vs 128 bits for
MD5) - A little slower than MD5 (80 vs 64 steps)
- Both work well on a 32-bit architecture
- Both designed as simple and compact for
implementation - Cryptanalytic attacks
- MD4/5 vulnerability discovered since its design
- SHA-1 no until recent 2005 results raised
concerns on its use in future applications
85Revised Secure Hash Standard
- NIST have issued a revision FIPS 180-2 in 2002
- Adds 3 additional hash algorithms
- SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
- Collectively called SHA-2
- Designed for compatibility with increased
security provided by the AES cipher - Structure detail are similar to SHA-1
- Hence analysis should be similar, but security
levels are rather higher
86Backup Slides
87Cryptanalysis Scheme
- Ciphertext only
- Exhaustive search until recognizable plaintext
- Need enough ciphertext
- Known plaintext
- Secret may be revealed (by spy, time), thus
ltciphertext, plaintextgt pair is obtained - Great for monoalphabetic ciphers
- Chosen plaintext
- Choose text, get encrypted
- Pick patterns to reveal the structure of the key
88One-Time Pad
- If a truly random key as long as the message is
used, the cipher will be secure - One-Time pad - E.g., a random sequence of 0s and 1s XORed to
plaintext, no repetition of keys - Unbreakable since ciphertext bears no statistical
relationship to the plaintext - For any plaintext, it needs a random key of the
same length - Hard to generate large amount of keys
- Have problem of safe distribution of key
89Confusion and Diffusion
- Cipher needs to completely obscure statistical
properties of original message - A one-time pad does this
- More practically Shannon suggested S-P networks
to obtain - Diffusion dissipates statistical structure of
plaintext over bulk of ciphertext - Confusion makes relationship between ciphertext
and key as complex as possible
90Bit Permutation (1-to-1)
1 2 3 4 32
0 0 1 0 1
1 bit
1 0 1 1 1
22 6 13 32 3
91Per-Round Key Generation
Initial Permutation of DES key
C i-1
D i-1
28 bits
28 bits
Circular Left Shift
Circular Left Shift
One round
Round 1,2,9,16 single shift Others two bits
Permutation with Discard
48 bits Ki
C i
D i
28 bits
28 bits
92A DES Round
32 bits Ln
32 bits Rn
One Round Encryption
48 bits
Mangler Function
48 bits Ki
32 bits
32 bits Ln1
32 bits Rn1
93Mangler Function
The permutation produces spread among the
94Bits Expansion (1-to-m)
1 2 3 4 5 32
0 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
95S-Box (Substitute and Shrink)
- 48 bits gt 32 bits. (86 gt 84)
- 2 bits used to select amongst 4 substitutions for
the rest of the 4-bit quantity
96S-Box Examples
Each row and column contain different numbers.
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9. 15
0 14 4 13 1 2
15 11 8 3
1 0 15 7 4 14
2 13 1 10
2 4 1 14 8 13
6 2 11 15
3 15 12 8 2 4
9 1 7 5
Example input 100110 output ???
97Padding Twist
- Given original message M, add padding bits 10
such that resulting length is 64 bits less than a
multiple of 512 bits. - Append (original length in bits mod 264),
represented in 64 bits to the padded message - Final message is chopped 512 bits a block
98Why Does RSA Work?
- Given pub lte, ngt and priv ltd, ngt
- n pq, ø(n) (p-1)(q-1)
- ed 1 mod ø(n)
- xe?d x mod n
- encryption c me mod n
- decryption m cd mod n me?d mod n m mod n
m (since m lt n) - digital signature (similar)
99Using Hash to Encrypt
- One-time pad with KAB
- Compute bit streams using MD, and K
- b1MD(KAB), biMD(KABbi-1),
- ? with message blocks
- Is this a real one-time pad ?
- Add a random 64 bit number (aka IV)
b1MD(KABIV), biMD(KABbi-1),
100MD5 Process
- As many stages as the number of 512-bit blocks in
the final padded message - Digest 4 32-bit words MDABCD
- Every message block contains 16 32-bit words
m0m1m2m15 - Digest MD0 initialized to A01234567,B89abcdef,C
fedcba98, D76543210 - Every stage consists of 4 passes over the message
block, each modifying MD - Each block 4 rounds, each round 16 steps
101Different Passes...
- Each step i (1 lt i lt 64)
- Input
- mi a 32-bit word from the message
- With different shift every round
- Ti int(232 abs(sin(i)))
- Provided a randomized set of 32-bit patterns,
which eliminate any regularities in the input
data - ABCD current MD
- Output
- ABCD new MD
102MD5 Compression Function
- Each round has 16 steps of the form
- a b((ag(b,c,d)XkTi)ltltlts)
- a,b,c,d refer to the 4 words of the buffer, but
used in varying permutations - note this updates 1 word only of the buffer
- after 16 steps each word is updated 4 times
- where g(b,c,d) is a different nonlinear function
in each round (F,G,H,I)
103MD5 Compression Function
104Functions and Random Numbers
- F(x,y,z) (x?y)?(x ? z)
- selection function
- G(x,y,z) (x ? z) ?(y ? z)
- H(x,y,z) x?y? z
- I(x,y,z) y?(x ? z)
105Basic Steps for SHA-1
- Step1 Padding
- Step2 Appending length as 64 bit unsigned
- Step3 Initialize MD buffer 5 32-bit words
- Store in big endian format, most significant bit
in low address - ABCDE
- A 67452301
- B efcdab89
- C 98badcfe
- D 10325476
- E c3d2e1f0
106Basic Steps...
- Step 4 the 80-step processing of 512-bit blocks
4 rounds, 20 steps each. - Each step t (0 lt t lt 79)
- Input
- Wt a 32-bit word from the message
- Kt a constant.
- ABCDE current MD.
- Output
- ABCDE new MD.