Title: Andean Bearcattle Conflicts: a Regional Perspective
1Andean Bear-cattle Conflicts a Regional
2Carnivore-livestock conflicts
Common problem when bears and livestock overlap
Andean Bear Tremarctos ornatus not an exception
3Andean bear diet
Epiphytic and terrestrial Bromeliads
Bamboo shoots
Main component plants
Lauraceae fruits
Moraceae fruits
Livestock only a small fraction of the whole diet
Dependent on location
4Debate about the Andean Bear as opportunistic
carrion eater or occasional predator is an
ongoing one
5Conservation of large carnivores means dealing
with conflicts in such a way that ensures both
the survival of the bear population and the
protection of the property of local people
This will depend on our ability to understand key
issues, such as
1.- Extent of perceive conflicts vs real conflicts
2.- Areas prone to real and perceive conflicts
3.- Number of animals of a bear population
involved in a predation
4.- Area of influence of a problem bear or bears
5.- Livestock management approaches
6.- Other factor involved in livestock mortality
1.- Summarize cattle depredation studies across
the Andean bear distribution
2.- Characterize depredation events and develop
preliminary area profiles
3.- Describe locally used strategies to reduce
cattle depredation in each country
4.- Pinpoint information gaps and key research
priorities required to develop husbandry or
management protocols to avoid or reduce Andean
bear-livestock conflicts
5.- Propose methodological and conceptual models
for conflict research projects
Andean bear conflicts projects
Evidence for predation
Perceive vs real conflicts
Problem bear
Hot spots
Traditional management strategies
Andean bear conflicts projects
Evidence for predation
Perceive vs real conflicts
Problem bear
Hot spots
Traditional management strategies