Title: Career Development:
1Career Development
- Organizational
- and
- Individual
- Approaches
- HR 5110
Online Format
Professor James P. Pappas, Ph.D.
2Models of Career ManagementUnit 2Module 2
3Hall and Associates The Career is Dead Long
Live the Career A Relational Approach to
Career Development
4The term protean is taken from the name of the
Greek god Proteus, who could change shape at
will, from wild boar to fire to tree and so on.
Here is a definition
The protean career is a process which the person,
not the organization, is managing. It consists
of all the persons varied experiences in
education, training, work in several
organizations, changes in occupational field,
etc. The protean career is not what happens to
the person in any one organization.
5Protean (contd)
The protean persons own personal career choices
and search for self-fulfillment are the unifying
or integrative elements in his or her life. The
criterion of success is internal (psychological
success), not external. In short, the protean
career is shaped more by the individual than by
the organization and may be redirected from time
to time to meet the needs of the person Hall,
1976, p. 201.
6The psychological contract between the employee
and the organization has shrunk to what Jack
Welch, CEO of General Electric, has called a
one-day contract, in which all that counts is the
current value that each party contributes to the
7in the past we tended to look more at the
external career, the actual jobs or positions
that a person holds over the course of the
career, what seems to be more important now is
the internal career, the persons perceptions and
self-constructions of career phenomena.
Hall , et. al., 1996
8the subjective career as it is played out in
relation to todays work environment--work
challenges, relationships, and a multitude of
experiences. Although many organizational
resources are vanishing, the primary resources
for career development--work challenges and
relationships with other people--have never been
so plentiful.
Hall, et. al., 1996
9the new worker who will succeed in the
reinvented organization is one who is flexible
and team oriented (Peters, 1990), a continuous
learner who can share knowledge and learn from
others, and a systems thinker who can anticipate
consequences and is empowered to accept ownership
of problems and work to solve them.
Fletcher, 1996
10A Relational Approach to Career Development
11Career Development Options