Career Education - My Future Career - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Career Education - My Future Career


This is a collaboration project created by Ms. 4's Career Education students in the fall of 2011 depicting their future careers. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Career Education - My Future Career

My Future CareerCareer Education
Our Future Careers from A Z!
Auto Mechanic
  • A PowerPoint By Alli Elgas

Auto Mechanic
  • They repair cars, busses, trucks, and other
  • They master mechanics and learn how to fix
    transmission and mechanical parts.
  • What The Auto Mechanic Does
  • What It Looks Like

The Type Of Education You Need, Exams/License
  • In order to be an Auto Mechanic, you would need
    at least 1-2 years of post-secondary education.
  • Most of the time a high-school GED is all that is
    needed to get the job, however more specific
    training is needed to repair newer models.

Transferrable Skills of an Auto Mechanic
  • Be able to follow written work orders
  • Observe/Diagnose mechanical problems
  • Operate computerized diagnostic equipment for
  • Repair mechanical objects
  • Use electrical testing instruments
  • Using mechanical hand and power tools

Auto Mechanic
  • Information About Career
  • They test drive vehicles, repair vehicles,
    diagnose mechanical problems, and uses power and
    hand tools to repair cars, trucks, busses, and
    other vehicles. They also study the mechanics of
  • See it for Yourself

Auto Mechanics
  • High School Education Courses
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Introduction to Transportation, Distribution and
  • Health, Safety and Security in Transportation
  • Technological Systems
  • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Mackenzie Howell
  • Pro Barrel racer

What is Barrel racing?
  • Barrel racing is a sport that takes a lot of
    skill if you want to be good.
  • What you do in barrel racing is you ride a horse
    around barrels in a cloverleaf pattern and what
    ever horse and rider has the fastest time wins.
  • It takes a lot of practice not only do you have
    to ride your horse all the time you have to learn
    how to control the horses speed going to and
    around the barrel and if you knock a barrel down
    it is a no time.

What education is needed?
  • You need to know how to care for a horse so it is
    healthy to ride and that means to make sure you
    feed your horse the right way, to get their feet
    done every 6 weeks , and to love the horse so the
    horse loves and trusts you.
  • Another thing you have to know is how to ride.
    Riding can be easy or hard depending on the
    person. For me it is easy because I have been
    doing it all my life.

Transferrable Skills
  • Money management
  • Horses riding ability
  • Marketing skills
  • Veterinary skills
  • Math skills

Arts A/V Technology Communications
  • The way barrel racing fits in to this career
    cluster is that barrel racing is a type of
    performance because you are riding in front of
    people as a kind of entertainment .

High School Recommendations
  • I would have to do high school rodeo.
  • High school rodeo is like regular shows except
    there are scouts to see if there is anyone good
    enough to do the WPR or Women's Pro Rodeo.

Barrel Racing Going Pro
  • Becoming pro is very hard and takes a lot of
    money and time . Money alone is a big reason a
    lot of good barrel racers dont go pro because
    paying for a show alone can cost from 30 per run
    to 300 per run.
  • You also have to figure traveling from state to
    state is a lot of money because of gas and buying
    a good horse can range from 1,000 to 100,000
  • Feeding them also takes a lot of money.

Fashion Designer
  • By
  • Isabela Fuentes

What is Fashion Design?
  • In my own words fashion design is making pictures
    of clothing in your mind and making them become a
  • Fashion design is designing clothing and
    accessories, then selling them.

What Education Do You Need?
  • There are levels of education for the different
    levels of success in the fashion industry.
  • Most fashion designers have either a two or a
    four year post secondary training.

What Transferrable Skills Are Necessary For This
  • The skills necessary for fashion design are
  • Creating designs
  • Designing and arranging objects
  • Operating computers (to lay out designs and
  • Sketching designs and
  • Working as a member of a design team

Career Cluster
  • Fashion design is a part of the marketing career
  • The marketing cluster is planning, managing and
    marketing activity that relate to the companys
  • In this occupation it is to promote and sell
    clothing and accessories.

What High School Courses Should You Take?
  • There are specific high school courses that are
    recommended regularly to be a fashion designer.
    But I think a regular high school diploma will
    cover most of your basics.
  • You may want to learn how to sew, measure
    properly and, how to sketch visions of clothing
    that are in your head.

Fire Fighter
  • By Brian Press

Fire Fighters
  • Fire fighters respond to car wrecks, fires and
    even medical emergencies.
  • They put out fires to save property and lives.

  • To become a firefighter you need to go through
    two years of college.
  • After that you need to go through two years of
    firefighter and medical school.
  • Once you do those you could be hired as a
  • Once you become a firefighter you still have to
    do training.

Transferable skills
  • To become a firefighter you need to put your life
    at risk to save others.
  • You need to have good teamwork skills to become a
  • You need to have good listening skills.
  • You also need strength to become a firefighter.

Career Cluster
  • Firefighters are in the Law, Public Safety,
    Corrections, and Security career cluster.

  • To help become a firefighter some fire stations
    offer something called Fire Explorer.
  • You can do this while you are in high school and
  • You go to the fire station from 800AM 800PM
    and you go to all of the calls with the

(No Transcript)
Joseph Baker
  • Game Designer

  • As a game maker/developer I will come up with
    ideas for games and basically try to put them
    into development if they are good.
  • If I make a good game I can get a lot of money.
  • I really do like playing videos games because I
    am good at them but it does take a lot of work .
  • You need computer programming skills.

  • To become a game designer you need a bachelor
    degree and a degree in computer engineering or
    computer science which takes 4-5 years to
  • Courses in a Game Design degree program may
    include project management, integrated video
    design and technology, game prototyping and level

Transferable Skills
  • You need to have good listing skills and be
    able to take constructive criticism.
  • You need math skills.
  • Design is a big part when making games. So you
    should have art and graphic design skills.

Career Cluster
  • The career cluster for the game design field is
    technology design and computer engineering

High School Courses
  • You can take computer designing and technology
    courses to help you.
  • Courses in computer programming, game design, Web
    design and image design editing will get you
    off to a good start.
  • You should also take a variety of math courses.

Lyanies AlfonsoLawyer
  • A criminal lawyer has clients that have legal
  • He/she goes to court with them to defend them and
    help them win their case.

Education Needed
  • You need 4 years at an undergraduate college,
  • You need an additional 4 or more years of law
  • You must take and pass the bar exam.

Transferrable skills needed
  • Active listening
  • Reading comprehension
  • Handling detail
  • Problem solving
  • Good verbal communication skills

Career Cluster
  • This career is in the public safety and law
    cluster. This category holds professions in which
    you help people and are a part of the legal
    system as well.

High School Courses that Would Help
  • Speech Public Speaking
  • Debate
  • Writing
  • Critical Thinking

Marine Biology
  • By Zachary Bottoms

Examples of What They Do
  • Marine biologists do many things to save the
    ocean and keep track of what all the life is
    doing underwater.
  • Some marine biologists study for certain jobs
    they can do on the boat.
  • Some study in veterinary school to give shots and
    put tracking numbers on sea life.
  • Other biologists keep track of populations

College Degree
  • College Degrees needed may vary across the U.S.
  • Some companys may only require a minimum of a
    four years, to a maximum of 6 years of college to
    work for them.
  • A major company that use marine biologists is
    Universals Sea World.
  • If a marine biologist wants to work in the field
    (the ocean) he needs a diving license.

Transferrable Skills
  • Five Transferrable skills for this career
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Handling and/or working with groups of people
  • Gathering Information
  • Problem Solving

Career Cluster
  • The Career Cluster for this career is Science,
    Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
  • This shows that to be a Marine Biologist you have
    to be good in science, know how to work
    technology and know math.

High School Courses
  • In most high schools there are courses that are
    focused strictly on marine biology. These courses
    prepare you for your college courses.
  • The courses in high school teach you about
    different marine animals such as sharks and
    exotic reef fish such as damsels, angel fish,
    lion fish, and parrot fish.

Money Outlook
  • Marine biology is a very profitable career. To
    some (like me) this career is fun.
  • The average yearly salary for a more experienced
    biologist is about 130,000 - 150,000.
  • For starters it can be from 90,000-120,000.
  • The student loans from college could easily be
    paid off quickly and this is good starting money.

Nanny 411
  • By Corina Botich

Describing What Nannys Do
  • A nanny provides care for children in the private
  • They provide support and expertise to the parents
    in satisfying their childrens physical,
    emotional, intellectual and social needs.
  • Duties may include meal planning and preparation,
    laundry/clothing care, organizing play
    activities/outings, discipline, intellectual
    stimulation, language activities and

The Education Needed
  • The education needed may very from state to
  • For example, in one state you may only need a
    high-school diploma where in some states you may
    need a college degree.

Transferrable Skills
  • Planning recreation and entertainment activities
  • Following travel directions
  • Collecting and recording medical information
  • Following spoken instructions
  • Preparing food for customers

The Career Cluster
  • Being a nanny is part of the Human Services
  • The Human Services cluster is preparing people
    for employment in a career that relates to
    families and human needs.

High School Courses
  • Some high school courses you could take are as
  • H.O.P.E.
  • Home economics courses
  • Child-care,
  • First-aid
  • Cooking courses.

  • By Kendal Fonda

Whats a Neurosurgeon?
  • Neurosurgery (or neurological surgery) is the
    medical specialty concerned with the prevention,
    diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of
    disorders which affect any portion of the nervous
    system including the brain, spine, spinal cord,
    peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial
    cerebrovascular system.

  • Just like most careers today, becoming a
    neurosurgeon means youll definably have to
    attend college.
  • In the United States, neurologists are
    physicians who have completed postgraduate
    training in neurology after graduation
    from medical school.
  • On average, Neurologists complete at least 1012
    years of college education and clinical training.
    This training includes obtaining a four-year
    undergraduate degree, a medical degree(Another
    4years) and then completing a three or four-year
    residency in neurology.
  • The four-year residency consists of one year of
    internal medicine training followed by three
    years of training in neurology.
  • One and two year fellowships are available
    following completion of the neurology residency
    if desired.
  • Also, many neurologists also have additional
    training after completing their residency in one
    area of neurology such as stroke or vascular
    neurology, interventional neurology, epilepsy,
    neuromuscular, neurorehabilitation, behavioral
    neurology,  sleep medicine, pain management,
    neuroimmunology, clinical neurophysiology, or
    movement disorders.

Career Cluster?
  • The career cluster a neurosurgeon would fall
    under is the Health Science cluster.
  • The Health Science cluster does planning,
    managing and providing therapeutic services,
    diagnostic services, health informatics, support
    services, and biotechnology research and

What skills do I need?
  • Some transferable skills required to be a
    neurosurgeon are
  • Diagnosing diseases and disorders
  • Giving health care instructions
  • Observing and analyzing physical problems
  • Planning health care treatments
  • Treating physical or mental problems
  • Using medical or dental instruments to treat

What about Now?
  • High school classes are very important for any
    career! To become a neurosurgeon, high school
    classes you should take are
  • Oral Communication
  • Sociology
  • Speech
  • Technical Writing
  •  English Composition
  • Algebra
  • Psychology
  • Health Science V Therapeutic Services
  • Chemistry
  • American Government
  • Biological Science

What about salary?
  • Depending on how many surgeries and how hard you
    work, being an neurosurgeon means you will make
    anywhere from 400,000 to over a million a year!
    Now thats a good pay!

What Does A Psychiatrist Do?
  • A psychiatrist will sit down with people
    independently and discusses their thoughts and
  • A psychiatrist will later diagnose them with
    emotional, mental, or behavioral disorders if
  • Also, if needed they will prescribe medical or
    therapeutic treatments. They will keep records
    for government agencies and case files if needed
    once again.

Career Cluster and Educational Requirements
  • The psychiatrist is in the health and science
    cluster, and therapeutic services pathway.
  • A psychiatrist will have to have a high level of
    reading comp., active listing and learning,
    writing, speaking, science, critical thinking,
    and monitoring skills.
  • Math will also be important but not as necessary.
    A psychiatrist will have to be licensed.

Wages and Outlook
  • The average annual wage for a psychiatrist is
    about 179,234 and the hourly wage is 86.76.
  • The job openings in Florida are low, but the
    outlook in Florida is increasing faster than
    usual, by 18.

Why It interests me
  • I want to be a psychiatrist because I would like
    to help people learn about themselves.
  • I want to learn why people do the things they do
    and what made them how they are.
  • I want to learn about the mind and peoples lives
    and hear about others. And I would think this job
    would stay interesting for a long time.

  • By Magdalena Dobinda

What is a surgeon?
  • A surgeon saves lives everyday. A surgeon
    performs surgery to repair injuries to the human
    body. They also perform surgery to improve bodily
    function. They have a lot of pressure on
    themselves everyday and only the professionals
    can take it. This career is in the health science

Educational Requirements
  • For this career you must have
  • High school degree
  • College degree
  • Pre-Medicine school degree
  • Medicine degree

Basic skills you need for this job. (transferable
  • For this job you need to master the following
    skills Reading comprehension
  • Active listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Critical thinking
  • Active learning
  • Learning strategies
  • Monitoring.

Health Science Career Cluster
  • This career cluster is all about
  • Planning, managing and providing therapeutic
  • Diagnostic services
  • Health informatics
  • Support services
  • Biotechnology research and development.
  • It is very difficult but very rewarding

What courses should I take?
  • The courses you should take in high school are
  • 9th Grade- Algebra 1, Civics State History,
    Language Arts I, Health Science I Introduction
    to Health Science.
  • 10th grade U.S. History, Language Arts II,
    Health Science II Health, Safety and Ethics in
    the Health Environment.
  • 11th grade Sociology World History, Language
    Arts III, Health Science III Employment in
    Health Occupations.
  • 12th grade Economics Psychology, Language Arts

Wage and Job Outlook in Florida
  • The average annual wage for this career is
    234,832 in Florida.
  • The job outlook is very good, there is an
    estimated 61 annual job openings.

  • By Ashley Felegi

What is a Veterinarian?
  • A veterinarian is person who is trained and
    qualified to treat injured or sick animals using
    specific medications.

What Education Do You Need?
  • Veterinarians need a lot of education before they
    can qualify for the job.
  • Admission to veterinary school is very
    competitive. While it is unnecessary to get a
    bachelors degree the students without one have a
    lower chance of getting accepted in.
  • All students must have a certain amount of credit
    hours ranging from 45-90 semester hours at an
    undergraduate level.
  • Applicants must submit test scores from the
    Graduate Record Examination, the Veterinary
    College Admission Test, or the Medical College
    Admission Test depending on the liking of the
    college to which they are applying.
  • Veterinarians need a Doctor of Veterinary
    Medicine degree from a 4-year program at a
    college of veterinary medicine.
  • Veterinarians are required to be licensed before
    they can practice. Veterinarians must get a
    passing grade on the North American Veterinary
    Licensing Exam.

Transferrable Skills
  • These are the six transferrable skills needed to
    become a veterinarian
  • Diagnosing diseases and disorders
  • Giving injections, drugs, and other medications
  • Planning health care treatments
  • Researching life sciences
  • Treating physical or mental problems
  • Using medical or dental instruments to treat

The Career Cluster
  • The occupation of a veterinarian is in the career
    cluster Health Science.
  • Jobs in the health science career cluster
    involve planning, managing, and providing
    diagnostic, therapeutic, supportive, and
    information and research services in health
  • http//
  • The Health Science Career Cluster is a cluster
    of study integrating academics, specific health
    science technology courses, along with a variety
    of problembased and work-based learning
  • http//

What Courses Could You Take In High School
  • Veterinary medical colleges typically require
    applicants to have taken classes in chemistry,
    physics, general biology, animal biology, animal
    nutrition, genetics, vertebrate embryology,
    cellular biology, microbiology, zoology, and
    systemic physiology.
  • Some programs require calculus while others
    require only statistics, college algebra and
    trigonometry, or pre-calculus.

The End My Future CareerCareer Education
Our Future Careers from A Z!
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