Title: Diapositive 1
1A Conceptual Approach to Web Image Retrieval
Adrian Popescu Gregory Grefenstette CEA LIST,
OntoImage 2008 Marrakech, Morocco
Contacts adrian.popescu_at_telecom-bretagne.eu
2Some facts
- 60 of Internet image queries include only one
- People are stupid or lazy?
- What are they looking for?
- Common nouns
- Places
- Other (famous) people
- Products
- Sexual content
3Our Image Browsing Strategy
- Introduce conceptual hierarchy into image search
- Expand common words by more specific terms
- Present results reflecting hierarchy
- Dual browsing image or text query
- Exploit conceptual hierarchy and image spidering
to structure image base
4Architecture of OLIVE
Olive picture retrieval framework employing a l
arge scale conceptual hierarchy
to provide a dual access to Web images
5Adapting WordNet
- Concept ranking
- Based on Web counts
- Relevance (C1) webCount(C1, parent)
- Web counts and WordNet structure
- Relevance (C1, C2) webCount(C1, parent)
- Example for dog
- (Web counts) pooch, pug, Newfoundland, basset
- (WebWordNet) collie, basset, german shepherd,
- Query reformulation
- Query concept representative leaf nodes
6Knowledge for dog
7First response page for dog - Google Image
8First response page for dog - Olive
9First response page for Doberman - Olive
10Visual similarity search for image of Doberman
11Evaluation Precision on first two pages
12Precision over ten pages
13Qualitative evaluation
- Experiment setting
- 10 users compared Olive and Google Image
- Questionnaire about results structuring
enriched interaction automatic reformulation
- Positive reactions from the users to the new
features introduced in Olive
- The users also provided useful comments under the
form of free text.
- A semantic retrieval architecture can cover a
significant part of Web picture queries.
- Dual access to picture content, textual and
- Simple but efficient solution to introduce CBIR
in large scale architectures
- With semantic structures, existing image indexes
can be better used than in current applications
- OLIVE outperforms Google Image, qualitatively and
- Future work
- The extension of the hierarchy (e.g. using
15A glimpse of the future
- Website
- http//moromete.net
- I am looking for work
- Starting November 2008