Title: Quality / Conformance
1ASTM Standards and Property Management
Leaders in Asset Management
2ASTM International
What is it? ASTM International is one of the
largest voluntary standards development
organizations in the world. Target
Membership Anyone Founded In 1898 to address
frequent rail breaks in the railroad industry.
3ASTM International
Dues 75.00 / individual, 400
organizational Current Membership 33,000 from
135 countries Committees 141 Product 12,160
standards as a voluntary consensus standards
development organization
4ASTM International
- Complies with
- National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
of 1995 (Public Law 104-119) and OMB Circular
A-119, and - Annex 4 of the Triennial Review of the World
Trade Organizations Technical Barriers to Trade
Agreement (WTO/TBT).
5ASTM International
Mission Statement To be recognized globally as
the premier developer and provider of voluntary
consensus standards, related technical
information, and services that promote public
health and safety, support the protection and
sustainability of the environment, and the
overall quality of life contribute to the
reliability of materials, products, systems and
services and facilitate international, regional,
and national commerce.
6ASTM Committee E53
BAE Boeing Booze Allen Hamilton DAU DCMA
Deloitte DHS DoD DOE General
Dynamics Georgia Tech Research Institute GSA HHS
Honeywell International members Johns
Hopkins APL Lockheed Martin Metalcraft NASA
Northrop Grumman NPMA Raytheon SAIC Stan
ford University State of Illinois US Army
Corps of Engineers Utah St. Univ. Research
Foundation VA
7ASTM Committee E53
- Made up of Property Professionals, 80 are also
NPMA members - Doing good things for Property Professionals
8ASTM Standards
Youve heard the hype- but how does it really
9ASTM Standards
- All you need to start is an idea
- Is there a need?
- Is there an interest?
10ASTM Standards
- Check the ASTM website. Is there something
similar already published or in the works? - (www.astm.org, Technical Committees / Committee
E53/ List of Subcommittees and Standards )
11ASTM Standards
12ASTM Standards
13Committee E53
- If not, which subcommittee would it fall under?
- E53.01 Process Management
- E53.02 Data Management
- E53.03 Financial Management
- E53.04 Reutilization Disposal
- E53.05 Property Management Maturity
- E53.06 Terminology
- E53.10 ISO Asset Management Activity
- E53.90 Executive Subcommittee
14ASTM Standards
- Contact the Subcommittee Chairman, a member of
the Executive Subcommittee or the Staff Manager
for discussion. - If no standards exist, or none are in the works
get ready to form a task group.
15ASTM Standards
- Task Groups
- Do NOT have to be ASTM members
- Ideally between 6-12 people to start (may be
more, may be less) - Choose individuals who are proactive, responsive
and dedicated
16ASTM Standards
- Use the word templates provided by ASTM to help
you follow the required format (Form and Style
for ASTM Intl. Standards) - Register a work item via the ASTM website
- Complete the draft
- Submit for Executive Editorial Task Group review
- Submit to ASTM for Form and Style review
17General Overview of Different Levels of Balloting
The Committee on Standards (COS) (9 Member
Oversight Committee)
Main Committee Ballot / Society
Review (Committee E53 on Property Management
/ All other ASTM members)
Subcommittee Ballot (Subcommittee E53.03
Financial Management)
18Subcommittee Ballot
- Focused group of technical experts
- Ballot Authorized by a Subcommittee Chair
- E-Mail notification sent when subcommittee ballot
is posted to the website - Open for minimum of 30 days
- Requires 60 return of all voting members
19Ballot Results
- When the ballot closes, ASTM posts a ballot
summary to the members only portion of the ASTM
website - Summary includes voting tally and the text of any
negative votes and comments received
20Main Committee Ballots
- Following successful subcommittee ballot or
resolution of subcommittee negative votes - E-Mail notification sent when main committee
ballot is posted to the website - Ballot open for minimum of 30 days
- Simultaneous with Society Review
- Ballot Summary posted to the website
21Consideration of Ballot Results
- ONE negative vote stops the process
- All negative votes must be resolved in accordance
with ASTM Regulations - If any technical changes are made to the ballot
item due to a negative vote, the item must be
re-balloted to the entire committee
22Resolving Negative Votes
- Persuasive- The negative voter has a valid
technical point, the document is revised and must
be reballoted - Withdrawn- The voter can withdraw at any time for
any reason without any changes to the document as
balloted - Withdrawn with Edit Changes- The voter can
suggest alternate wording that does NOT change
the meaning of the sentence (Clarification only)
23Overriding Negative Votes
- Not related
- Requires 2/3 approval by the committee
- Consider as first item of new business at next
meeting of the committee - Not persuasive
- Requires a technical explanation of why the point
raised is not persuasive - Requires 2/3 approval by the committee to
override the negative
24Participation Made Easy
- Made easy through use of the World Wide Web
- No travel restrictions
- No time delays
- Access to information 24 hours per day, 7 days
per week, 365 days per year - For just 75 YOU can participate!
- (and receive a complimentary copy of all Property
Management standards for your personal use)
25E53 Current Standards
- E2131-09 Standard Practice for Assessing Loss,
Damage, or Destruction of Property - E2132-01(2007) Standard Practice for Physical
Inventory of Durable, Moveable Property - E2135-10a Standard Terminology for Property and
Asset Management - E2279-09 Standard Practice for Establishing the
Guiding Principles of Property Management - E2306-03 Standard Practice for Utilization and
Disposal of Personal Property - E2378-05 Standard Practice for the Recognition of
Impaired or Retired Personal Property
26E53 Current Standards
- E2379-04 Standard Practice for Property
Management for Career Development and Training - E2452-10 Standard Practice for Equipment
Management Process Maturity (EMPM) Model - E2453-05 Standard Practice for Determining the
Life-Cycle Cost of Ownership of Personal Property - E2495-07 Standard Practice for Prioritizing Asset
Resources in Acquisition, Utilization, and
Disposition - E2497-06 Standard Practice for Calculation of
Equipment Movement Velocity (EMV) - E2499-06 Standard Practice for Classification of
Equipment Physical Location Information - E2604-09 Standard Practice for Data
Characteristics of Equipment Records - E2605-08 Standard Practice for Receiving Property
27E53 Current Standards
- E2606-08 Standard Practice for Receipt
Notification as a Result of Tangible Property
Movement - E2607-08 Standard Practice for Cannibalization/Rec
lamation of Serviceable Equipment Components to
Support Demand Requirements - E2608-08 Standard Practice for Equipment Control
Matrix (ECM) - E2631-09 Standard Practice for Physical Placement
of an Entity-Controlled Supplemental
Identification Label - E2671-10 Standard Practice for Defining
Movements, Shipments, and Transfers of Tangible
Property - E2672-09 Standard Practice for Identification and
Categorization of Tooling - E2674-09 Standard Practice for Assessment of
Impact of Mobile Data Storage Device (MDSD) Loss
28E53 Current Standards
- E2675-09 Standard Practice for Property
Management System Outcomes - E2676-09 Standard Practice for Tangible Property
Mobility Index (MI) - E2715-09 Standard Practice for Moveable Property
29E53 Work Items
- WK17679 Defining Movements, Shipments, and
Transfers of Assets - WK25451 Management of Low Risk Property (LRP)
- WK27486 Data Characteristics for Asset Catalogs
- WK29521 New Classification for Property Types
- WK32431 New Practice for Sales of Personal
30ASTM Standards
- Thank You!
- Questions?
- Robert.Holcombe_at_GSA.gov
- (202) 501-3828