Title: Natasha J' Mehdiabadi
1Ants as a Model System for the Study of
Behavioral Ecology
- Natasha J. Mehdiabadi
- Section of Integrative Biology Brackenridge
Field Lab - University of Texas at Austin
- make up gt75 of total insect biomass (along with
bees, wasps, termites) - In Amazonian rainforest, 1 hectare of soil
contains gt8 million ants! - make up 10-15 of the entire animal biomass in
most terrestrial environments
3Ant Colony Members
Reproductive caste - queen(s)
Non-reproductuve caste - workers
Short-lived males
Foraging Brood Care Nest Construction
- Task allocation - process that adjusts the
numbers of workers engaged in each task.
5What cues contribute to an individuals decision
about what task to perform?
- Internal cues
- physiology of individual
- External cues
- state of the environment
- Interaction with others (encounters)
7Task Allocation Conclusions
- Probability that a harvester ant performed a
certain task was related to encounters. - Encounter rates may enable ants to respond to
changes in worker numbers even though ants cannot
count or assess total numbers of ants engaged in
a task.
8Fire Ants
9Phorid fly parasitoid attacking red imported fire
ant workers
10National Distribution Map
Source USDA
11Red imported fire ant(Solenopsis invicta)
12Phorid Fly Parasitoids
Pseudacteon tricuspis
Pseudacteon curvatus
Pseudacteon obtusus
13Native fire ant (Solenopsis geminata ) response
to native phorid fly (Pseudacteon browni)
14Blue cheese ant(Forelius mccooki)
- 1) Does parasitism by Pseudacteon tricuspis
affect colony fitness of S. invicta? - 2) Does P. tricuspis influence worker caste
ratios of red imported fire ant colonies? - 3) Does the presence of P. tricuspis alter task
allocation of S. invicta?
16Colony Fitness
- DIRECTLY measured by biomass of reproductives and
brood - INDIRECTLY measured by biomass of workers
17Colony Fitness Methods
- 12 field colonies 48 lab sub-colonies
- 4 treatments
- 1. control
- 2. w/ phorids
- 3. w/ competition
- 4. w/ phorids, w/ competition
18Experimental Set-up
19- Colony Fitness
- Conclusions
- Phorid flies have the potential to control
imported fire ant populations.
20Fungus-growing Ants
214 Players of Ancient Symbiosis
- Ants
- Fungus
- Garden pathogen, Escovopsis
- Antibiotic-producing bacteria
22Proposed Questions
- 1.) Is cultivar preference inborn or learned in
fungus-growing ants? - 2.) Do these ants suffer fitness consequences by
cultivating a new fungus rather than their
original host fungus? - 3.) Is there a quantitative difference in the
actinomycete bacterium present on workers,
depending on the fungus cultivated?
23Science Fair/Classroom Experiments
- Food preference
- Food quality (25 vs. 50 vs. 75 sugar water)
- Recruitment to food source - food coloring
- Queen Pheromone
- Coverslip with queen smell vs. Coverslip with
worker smell vs. control - Forelius mccooki ideal species
- http//www.utexas.edu/research/bfl/antworkshops/
24Photos provided by
- Sharon Bramblett
- Cameron Currie
- Gwen Gage
- Larry Gilbert
- Ulrich Mueller