Title: Natasha Nightingale
1Natasha Nightingale Sings About Nutrition
2Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.
3Natasha Nightingale is a hip little bird. She
sings lots of songs and never misses a word.
Nutrition is the name of her favorite song. A
song about food, she sings all day long.
4Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.
5Join right in with Natasha Nightingale. Open
your mouth and lets hear you wail. Sing this
song about foods we should eat. Get out of your
chair and get on your feet.
6Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.
7So clap your hands and get into the
groove. Natasha Nightingales song will make you
move. Let your body sway from the left to right
. Move your feet until youre out of sight.
8Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.
9Bananas, apples, melons, and figs are fruits
you can eat to make your muscles big. Peaches,
pears, oranges, and kiwi make you strong and
extra healthy.
10Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.
11Broccoli, potatoes, and red beets are
vegetables that help your skin and teeth.
Lettuce, carrots, squash, and peas make you
look good and move with ease.
12Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy
13Drink lots of milk and water. eat chicken and
fish. They will help you look good as you
wish. Take care of your body. watch what you
eat. Youll be happy and healthy and light on
your feet.
14Nutrition, nutrition is the song for me. Ill
eat right and feel right and be healthy.