Title: Biodiesel Alternative Fuel of the Future, Available Today
1Biodiesel - Alternative Fuel of the Future,
Available Today
- William Eastler, Mechanical Engineering
- Joseph Z. Pearson, Chem. Eng.
- Michael S.Briggs, Physics
- Project Advisor Dr. Ihab H. Farag
- Hamel Professor of Innovation and Technology,
Chemical Eng Dept - University of New Hampshire (UNH)
- Durham, NH 03824-3591,USA
- Phone 1-603-862-2313, fax 1-603-862-3747
- emailihab.farag_at_unh.edu
2What is biodiesel?
- Clean Burning Alternative fuel for diesel engines
- Produced from Domestic Renewable Resources any
fat or oil, like vegetable oil, used greases,
animal fat. - Meets health effect testing (CAA)
- Lower emissions
- High flash point (gt300F), Safe
- Biodegradable, Essentially non-toxic.
Vegetable Oil
3Biodiesel Materials Uses
- Oil or Fat
- Used Cooking Oil
- Soybean
- Corn
- Canola
- Cottonseed
- Mustard seed
- Beef Tallow
- Pork Lard
- Alcohol
- Methanol
- Ethanol
- Catalyst
- Lye (sodium hydroxide)
- Potassium hydroxide
- Usage
- Anywhere petroleum diesel is used
4How is Biodiesel Made?For each unit of energy
used to produce biodiesel, about 3.2 units of
energy are gained. Ratio for ethanol is about
5Current and Potential Biodiesel Production, March
6Current and Potential Biodiesel Production, March
- Company City State Status
- Ag Environmental Products Sergeant Bluff IA
Active - Biodiesel Industries Las Vegas NV Active
- Columbus Foods Chicago IL Active
- Corsicana Technologies, Inc. Corsicana TX
Active - Griffin Industries Cold Spring KY Active
- Huish Detergents Pasadena TX Active
- Imperial Western Products Coachella CA Active
- Iowa Lakes Processing Milford IA Active
- Ocean Air Environmental Lakeland FL Active
- Pacific Biodiesel Honolulu HI Active
- Pacific Biodiesel Kahului HI Active
- Peter Cremer NA Cincinnati OH Active
- Procter and Gamble Sacramento CA Active
- Stepan Company Millsdale IL Active
- West Central Soy Ralston IA Active
- American Bio-Fuels LLC Bonita CA Planned
- Blue Sun Fuels Commerce City CO Planned
- Filter Specialty Bioenergy LLC Autryville NC
7Retail Fueling Sites (March 2003)
Recent Data from National Biodiesel Board Website
8Biodiesel can be used in existing Diesel Engines
- Pure Biodiesel (B100) or blended with petroleum
diesel (B20). - Rudolf Diesel peanut oil
- Little or no engine modifications
- Use existing fuel distribution network.
- Available now
9Why should I care?
- Environmental
- reduces greenhouse gases, renewable.
- Health
- Pleasant exhaust, non-toxic, biodegrades quickly,
safe to handle. - Energy Security
- US Petroleum imports 100 B/yr
- primarily for transportation
- Biodiesel domestic
- Burning fossil fuels increases atmospheric levels
of carbon dioxide - Fossil fuels are a finite resource
- Heating Value, Btu/gal
- Biodiesel 120,000
- Diesel 130,000
Biodiesels Closed Carbon Cycle
30 Increase
Graph taken from USF Oceanography webpage
11NOx Emissions from Diesel and Biodiesel
- The most significant emissions from heavy-duty
diesel vehicles are NOx and particulate matter - NOx has a major role in ground-level ozone
(smog). This continues to be a significant air
quality problem in NH and the Northeast - Ozone is a lung and respiratory irritant (chest
pain, coughing, and shortness of breath) - B100 with NOx adsorbing catalyst on vehicle
reduces the NOx emissions by 95 - Heating Value, Btu/gal Biodiesel 120,000
(highest of all alternative fuels), Diesel 130,000
12Petroleum diesel exhaust and children
- Diesel particulates are a probable carcinogen
- School buses and other heavy diesel vehicles
expose everyone to particulates - Biodiesel can reduce particulates by up to 99,
far more than with Compressed natural gas (CNG).
Biodiesel alone reduces particulates from
30-90. Since it contains no sulfur, it also
allows the use of better particulate traps in the
exhaust systems of vehicles, which can reduce the
particulates even further.
13Relative Greenhouse Gas Emissions
B100 100 Biodiesel B20 20 BD 80 PD
Diesel Hybrid
Ethanol 85
Data from A Fresh Look at CNG A Comparison of
Alternative Fuels, Alternative Fuel Vehicle
Program, 8/13/2001
14Relative emissions diesel and biodiesel B100
Particulate Matter
Total Unburned HCs
B100 (100 biodiesel) with NOx adsorbing
catalyst on vehicle
15Federal State
Biodiesel Legislation
- On March 15, 2002, Minnesota passed legislation
creating a new law requiring a majority of the
state's diesel to include 2 percent soy
biodiesel, starting no later than June 30 of
2005. - Missouri 50 of state Vehicles to use B20 in
2004, 75 in2005, and 100 in 2006.
- The U.S. Senate approved Energy Bill, S. 517 on
April 25, 2002, which contain a biodiesel excise
tax incentive, renewable fuels standard, blenders
tax credit, amendment of the EPAct, and federal
fleet use requirement. - The Biodiesel Excise Tax Incentive provides
blenders of biodiesel with a 1-cent reduction in
diesel excise tax for every percentage of
biodiesel made from virgin vegetable oil, up to a
20 percent content. - A Blender's Tax Credit also offers a 1/2-cent per
percent up to a 20 percent tax credit for
biodiesel made from recycled oils and animal
fats. - The Renewable Fuels Standard specifies biodiesel
as an eligible fuel that can help meet a 5
billion-gallon fuels standard. The EPAct
amendment removes the 50 percent limit on
biodiesel use for government fleets. Finally, the
legislation requires the federal government to
use biodiesel when cost competitive (Biodiesel
Bulletin, May 1, 2002).
16UNH Biodiesel and NH Farmers
- Alert NH farmers to the benefits of growing
biodiesel suitable crops - Initiate a feasibility study of potential value
added Biodiesel crop - Valuable waste products from vegetable oil
extraction and biodiesel production - Help set up biodiesel processors
- Usage of biodiesel in farm equipment
- Fuel cost savings
- Environmental benefits
- Biodiesel is a clean, renewable alternative fuel,
which can be used in existing diesel vehicles - Can be domestically produced in NH in large
quantities, reducing foreign oil dependence - UNH can play an important role in furthering the
implementation of this clean alternative fuel,
and reducing foreign oil dependence
18(No Transcript)
19Comparison of Biodiesel and Hydrogen as Fuels of
the Future
20Value-Added Activity
- Must show
- Expanded customer base for the product
- Result in a greater portion of the revenues
derived from the value-added activity going to
the producers - Value-Added Activity processing of crop into
biodiesel (and possibly organic pesticide). - Project Title Evaluation of the economic
benefits of alternative cropping for biodiesel
production in NH (tentative)
21VADG03 Applicant Eligibility Activity
- Independent Producers (or steering committee of
producers) - Farmer or rancher Cooperative
- Agriculture Producer Group
- Majority-controlled producer based business
venture - Can NOT be publicly-owned corporation
- Value-Added Activity processing of crop into
biodiesel (and possibly organic pesticide).
22Value-Added Agricultural Product Market
Development Grants VADG03
- Program is to help develop business plans for
viable marketing opportunities and develop
strategies to create marketing opportunities. - Help farmers expand their customer base
- Benefit as many producers as possible
- Requires 11 matching
- Types Planning Grant Working Capital Plant
- Planning Grants feasibility Study, business
operations plans, business marketing plans.
- Why we are here? VADG-03 grant, feasibility
study - Biodiesel
- NH Application
- Brainstorming
- Why we are here? VADG-03 grant, feasibility
study - Biodiesel
- NH Application
- Brainstorming
25Possible energy crops for New Hampshire farmers
- Canola
- Winter Rapeseed
- Fumigant from meal (hybrid)
- Yellow Mustard Seed
- high oil yield
- non-edible oil characteristic
- pesticide from meal possibility.
- Soybeans
- protein content
All can be grown for sale or for biodiesel
production and use on the farm
26Yellow Mustard Seed
- Hybrids with meal better suited as organic
pesticide fertilizer developed (US DOE,
U-Idaho) - Drought tolerant
- gt2 tons per acre-year yield
- Can be rotated with other crops
27Biodiesel Production Information
- Biodiesel yield per acre-year) Mustard
(60-120 gal.), Rapeseed (110-150 gal.) - Meal yield per acre-year
Mustard (1,000-4,000 lbs) - Estimated value of meal - 0.15/lb or higher
(cost competitive with non-organic pesticides,
and equally effective) - Rotation with other crops
- Biodiesel is a clean, renewable alternative fuel,
which can be used in existing diesel vehicles - Can be domestically produced in NH in large
quantities, reducing foreign oil dependence - UNH can play an important role in furthering the
implementation of this clean alternative fuel,
and reducing foreign oil dependence - VADG03 is a funding opportunity for all of us
- Why we are here? VADG-03 grant, feasibility
study - Biodiesel
- NH Application
- Brainstorming
30Questions.. Brainstorming
- Interest?
- Personal use of biodiesel and other products, or
for marketing? - How to make this biodiesel production
cost-effective? - How much profit you would like to see per acre?
- Why we are here? VADG-03 grant, feasibility
study - Biodiesel
- NH Application
- Brainstorming
32US Energy Production and Consumption
Gap Oil Imports
Petroleum Oil provides 40 of US Energy
requirements Transportation fuels are 67 of the
US Oil consumption
33Biodiesel Plant Layout
34(No Transcript)
35Specification of B100
Property ASTM Method Limits Units Flash Point
D93 100.0 min. Degrees C WaterSediment D2709
0.050 max. vol. Kinematic Viscosity, 40 C
D445 1.9 - 6.0 mm2/sec. Sulfated Ash D874
0.020 max. mass Sulfur D2622 0.05 max.
mass Copper Strip Corrosion D130 No. 3
max. Cetane D613 40 min. Cloud Point D2500
Report to Customer Degrees C Carbon Residue
100 sample D4530 0.050 max. mass Acid
Number D664 0.80 max. mg KOH/gm Free Glycerin
GC 0.020 max. mass Total Glycerin GC 0.240
max. mass
36Who else is working with Biodiesel?
- University of Colorado
- University of Idaho
- North Carolina State University
- University of Missouri
- . . .
37(No Transcript)
38How is UNH involved? (The UNH Biodiesel Group)
- Build a Biodiesel Processor
- On-campus use (NH DOT)
- Education
- Work with NH Farmers
- Further research (Algae, Methanol production)