Purposes of a constitution

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Purposes of a constitution


Title: Texas Constitution Color Slides Author: Richard Millsap Last modified by: Richard Created Date: 7/28/2000 11:55:42 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Purposes of a constitution

Purposes of a constitution
  1. A brief charter that outlines basics of the
    political game in society.
  2. It authorizes government gives legitimacy
  3. It outlines structure of government.
  4. It outlines political affairs.
  5. It defines limit powers of government.
  6. It establishes legal contract identifies the
    civil rights of the people.

State Constitution Principles
  • 1). The state Constitution created a republic
    form of government.
  • 2). The state Constitution created separation of
  • 3).The state Constitution created checks and
  • 4). The state Constitution accepted federalism.
  • 5). Bill of Rights for the people

Seven Constitutions of Texas
  • Types of governments unitary, confederation,
  • All Texas Constitutions found on line at the
    University of Texas law library
  • 1827, Coahuila y Tejas
  • 1836, Republic of Texas.
  • 1845, joined the USA federation

Texas Constitutions
  • 1861, seceded from USA
  • 1866, forced reinstatement in the USA federation.
  • 1869, forced compliance with Radical Republican
    reconstruction program.

1876 Constitution
  • Reaction against the United States, and its
    Radical Republican Reconstruction plan.
  • None who wrote 1869 permitted.
  • Reaction to Union general EJ Davis
  • Severely restrict governor. Many elected instead
    of appointed. Legislature dominate power. Central
    schools abolished for local control. Poll tax.

1876 Bill of rights
  • Included things like
  • No suspend writ of habeas corpus
  • All trials by jury
  • Cant be imprisoned for debt.
  • Cant be outlawed to another state.
  • Citizen right to arms but Legislature has right
    to regulate wearing prevent crime.

Amending U.S. Constitution
  • Article V. Propose amendments by 2/3
    House/Senate, or by state conventions on
    application by 2/3 (33) of the state
    legislatures. Over 11,000 attempts
  • Ratify in either of two ways and Congress has the
    right to decide the method
  • ¾ (38) of state legislatures (to do this Texas
    would need to pass a joint resolution by 2/3), or
  • ¾ (38) state conventions
  • 27 ratified

Amending Texas Constitution
  • Proposal requires 2/3 vote in Texas House (100 of
    150) and in Senate (21 of 31).
  • Ratification by a simple majority who show up at
    the election polls.
  • Low voter turnout uninformed voters are
    problems. Most amendments pass.
  • As little as 1.5 of Texas voting age
    population! Disgraceful. Shameful. We are
    supposedly the greatest democracy in the world!
    Ha! Too many just do not care.
  • http//www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/70

How get information?
  • http//www.csg.org/policy/publications/bookofthest
  • Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments.
  • Texas Legislatures Legislative Council

State Constitution Problems
  • The following have been identified as problems in
    general with most of the 50 state constitutions.
  • 1. Too long
  • U. S. Constitution brief but OK to govern whole

Amending Texas Constitution
  • Texas Constitution is huge book with 484
    amendments as of 11/2013.
  • Average state constitution is 19,300 words. US
    Constitution 6500.
  • Alaska model constitution http//ltgov.alaska.gov/
  • Long constitutions are caused by weak amending
    methods and strong special interest groups.

Consider the following ---
  • http//www.brb.state.tx.us/bfo/bfo.aspx As of
    August 31, 2010 Texas had a total of 37.71
    billion in state debt outstanding. It has more
    than doubled under Perry and the fiscally
    conservative Republican legislature and will cost
    more than 75 million for someone else to pay
    back in 30 years - YOU! They will add to it this
    year with additional vaguely worded amendment
    proposals on the ballot.
  • Remember the Analyses of Proposed Constitutional
    Amendments - Texas Legislatures Legislative
    Council publishes this at http//www.tlc.state.t
    x.us/pubsconamend/pubsconamend.html where you can
    find the truth about these amendments before have
    to vote. Most do not understand and WILL pass
    these amendments to let our leaders off the hook
    so they SEEM fiscally conservative
  • http//www.texaswatchdog.org/2011/02/texas-taxpaye
  •  http//www.texasbudgetsource.com/2011/03/voters-c

2. Too detailed.
  • Excessive details should be left to lesser
    statutory laws only needing to be passed by
    legislature and signed by the governor!
  • Too many provisions fail to meet fundamental
    standards of law!

Too detailed
  • Texas Constitution Article 6 prohibits 18, 19,
    and 20 year olds, idiots, lunatics, and poor
    people the right to vote.
  • Mississippi requires a religious test for office
  • Georgia has a 250,000 reward for 1st person to
    strike oil!

Too detailed
  • Alabama Constitution, sec. 102 forbids the
    legislature from legalizing inter-racial
  • Constitution of 1901 decrees "The legislature
    shall never pass any law to authorize or legalize
    any marriage between any white person and a
    negro, or descendant of a negro.
  • Repealed 2000 in public referendum by vote of 59
    for and 41 against (41 AGAINST!)

Too detailed
  • Texas Constitution has details like college
    student loan req, public financial statements,
    admin of water boards, water bond sales, parks
    administration, building commission req,
    municipal retirement systems, roads construction,
    tax rates, interest rates on bonds, where gov
    must live, how clerks appointed, sheriff
    elections, selling of school lands, creation of
    hospital districts, railroad operation, seawalls,
    deductions from state salaries, retirement
    systems, AND dueling!

3. Poorly written
  • Most state constitutions were written in language
    of 1800s not commonly used today
  • Reforming with modern language makes them more
    easily understood

4. Too restrictive on the legislative branch
  • Inability to call itself into session when need
    to work.
  • Constitutional requirement to read bills 3 times
    in each house before can become law. Originally
    because too many could not read.
  • 1 to 7 million pages a session should be read to
    meet the law

Too restrictive
  • Ear-marking revenue to be spent only on activity
    authorized by Constitution
  • Also known as dedicated funding, like gasoline
    tax is dedicated to
  • 2001 .20 gal2.8 billion comptroller takes 1
    for her admin then divides 75 highways, 25
    education. Republican Legislature proposes 10
    cent increase1 billion/year.
  • http//www.texasbudgetsource.com/2011/03/voters-co
  • Most live in cities but most of money spent on
    rural roads with few people because most used to
    live in the country!
  • http//www.texaswatchdog.org/2011/02/texas-taxpaye

Too restrictive
  • Dedicated fund problems are
  • 1) Legislatures lack control of up to 65 of the
    state budget locked up in dedicated funds
  • 2) Dedicated funds prevent the legislature from
    controlling individual agency funding

Too restrictive
  • 3) Dedicated funds prevent the legislature from
    controlling the overall state budget
  • 4) Legislature has no power to use surplus in one
    account to fund another account in the red to
    avoid a tax increase.

Too restrictive
  • Amendments specifying low legislative pay that
    causes too many conflicts of interest
  • New Hampshire pay is 100/year gross Texas
    600/month gross Art. III, sec. 24.

5. Fragmentation of the executive branch
  • Having many state agencies headed by their own
    elected officials who are not in the governors
    chain of command. Texas Railroad Commissioners,
    attorney general, agriculture commissioner, land
    commissioner, comptroller.

  • Governor near powerless to direct other agency
    heads, unlike in a business or in a cabinet style
    of government.
  • Reaction to corrupt governors, like EJ Davis.
    Dispersal of power so that no one governor could
    ever hurt citizens too badly.

  • Fragmentation causes a long ballot with many
    candidates/names unfamiliar to the voters.
  • Election too often depends on money and name
    identification and slick advertising.

6. State Court System
  • Constitutions create, structure, empower
  • http//www.courts.state.tx.us/oca/pdf/Court_Struct
  • EJ Davis appoints unpopular cronies democrats
    get power back elect.
  • Should majority rule courts or the LAW? Federal

State Court System
  • 254 partisan elected county judges and hundreds
    of elected justices of the peace do not have to
    be lawyers or have any legal training (just be
  • Too many have little education come from
    unrelated occupations like truck drivers, high
    school students, laborers. Like an airline pilot
    flying with no training. Basic fairness demands
    that litigants accused have a judge trained to
    understand the complexity of law. What good are
    judges if they cant even understand legal
  • Partisan elected state local judges whose
    decisions can reflect local politics rather than
    uniform application of law (civil rights),
    straight ticket voting, uninformed electorate.

State Court System
  • Too many elected courts, denounced, reviled,
    described as unprofessional amateurs,
    incompetent, a farce, outworn, feeble,
    respected by few. They keep few records
    operate without supervision since accountable
    only to electorate.
  • They are too closely associated with those who
    bring cases to court (police prosecutors
    interest groups). Often interest groups with
    cases before the courts find a favorable person
    to its cause, sometimes one of its employees, and
    run that person as a candidate for the courts and
    spend millions to get him elected --- in effect
    to buy a favorable outcome to a court decision.
    Just imagine if this was the way it worked at the
    federal level that an Exxon could buy favorable
    candidates election to the U.S. Supreme Court to
    get a favorable decision on Exxon Valdez case.

State Court System
  • Many judges former police officers often
    prejudiced against accused. Towns fight for them
    because elected judges raise revenue (such as
    speed traps). Such courts often found in odd
    places like gas stations, sometimes pubic not
    admitted, witnesses not sworn to tell truth, no
    word for word record of proceedings. Leave long
    trail of injustice and mangled rulings, abuses of
    power and law. Often elected in low turn out

State Court System
  • Raise money from lawyers litigants with issues
    before the courts wined dined vacationed by
    the same. Coroners in most state counties are not
    physicians, but JPs see http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pa
    ges/frontline/post-mortem/ which will scare you
    how ignorant elected officials decide wrongly how
    your family member died. It is a scandal that
    must be changed immediately.
  • Texas has a dual court system that is only used
    by one other state ... Oklahoma. Supreme Court
    is highest civil court. Court of Criminal
    Appeals is highest criminal supreme court.
    Inefficient ineffective as some judges are busy
    and others not who waste tax money. Financially
    mismanage millions of dollars in fines each year.

  • How do you best prevent corruption in the courts?
    Is it OK when parties and lawyers involved in
    legal actions legally contribute enormous sums of
    money to the very judges deciding their cases?
    First I want you to watch this PBS video "Is
    Justice for Sale" that summarizes the issue.
  • Look at these interviews with experts on the
    subject at http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline
    /shows/justice/howshould/ and http//www.pbs.org/w
  • and see this story at http//www.slate.com/id/2201
  • The NYU School of Law has some good information
    to help you understand judicial elections issues
    ory/state_judicial_elections and
    provides information on fair and impartial courts.

  • Did you see the 2011 news http//www.nytimes.com/2
    009/02/13/us/13judge.html?_r1 how 2 Pennsylvania
    elected state judges were convicted in a kickback
    scheme to convict kids and send them to private
    detention juvenile centers
  • See this great story about buying (electing) the
    right judges on a court to get the decision you
  • http//www.brennancenter.org/content/resource/cape
    rton_v_massey/ and http//www.wvrecord.com/news/2
    and http//www.nytimes.com/2012/01/30/opinion/a-re
  • See this March 2012 article on the problem of
    electing judges http//www.nytimes.com/2012/03/16/

NML Model State Constitution
  • Deals only with fundamental principles of
    government rather than specific legislative
    details better left to statutory laws.

NML Model State Constitution
  • Permit only the governor and lt. governor to be
    elected in the executive and judicial branches.
  • Allow the governor to nominate agency head and
    judicial appointees confirmed by the legislative

NML Model State Constitution
  • Cabinet style government.
  • Grant considerable authority and flexibility to
    the legislative branch as the chief policy making
    and taxing body in the state, like Congress.
  • This is in contrast to the part-time legislatures
    lacking adequate staff and resources.

NML Model State Constitution
  • Even though the 14th Amendment of the U. S.
    Constitution guarantees U.S. Bill of Rights
    protection to the states, the model state
    constitution should also protect the civil
    liberties of its citizens.
  • In short, this model constitution is the exact
    opposite of the typical state constitution.

Constitutional Reform Efforts
  • 1974 in Texas was the last reform effort.
    Legislature sat as convention (181 delegates).
  • Right to work killed it. Vote 118 to 62 (2/3s
    or 121 needed to pass).
  • Rep. Craig Washington Galveston district

Constitutional Reform Efforts
  • 1975 Legislature passed 8 amendments to
    accomplish much of the failed constitutional
    convention proposals.
  • Failed 11/4/75 in a constitutional amendment
  • Interest group opposition spent millions on media
    advertising to kill it. Only 23 of voters went
    to polls.
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