Title: Coping In Sport
1Coping In Sport
- Ailsa Anderson
- 3 November 2005
2Individual differences e.g., Trait anxiety e.g.,
coping style
- Response
- Arousal ?
- Behaviour
- Emotions (incl Anxiety)
Cognitive Appraisal Primary Appraisal Is this
important Secondary appraisal Can I cope
- Situation
- (e.g., World cup qualifier)
- Demands
The Stress Process (from Lazarus Folkman, 1984)
3Completing the WOCS
- What do your results tell you about you?
- Could you change the stressful situation?
- How did this influence your coping behaviour?
- What are strengths weaknesses of the WOCS
4Do we have a coping style?
- An alternative approach to viewing coping
- a preferred set of coping strategies that remain
relatively fixed across time and circumstances
(Carver, et al., 1989 p. 270) - Viewed as a disposition and links with
personality traits
5A coping style dichotomy
- Avoidance
- Consists of turning away from the stressor
physically or psychologically - E.G., Ignoring/ discounting/ distancing
- (Roth Cohen, 1986)
- Approach
- Initiate direct action or increase ones efforts
to resolve the problem - E.G., Arguing/ seeking information
6Problem Focused Coping
- Involves efforts to alter or manage the problem
that is causing the stress for the individual
involved - If you can do something about the stressor then
do it!
7Emotion-Focused Coping
- Involves regulating the emotional responses that
result from the problem that causes the stress
for the individual without changing the realities
of the situation - If cant do anything about the stressor then seek
to reduce the symptoms
- Others have distinguished between emotion focused
and appraisal-focused coping (Cox Ferguson,
1991) - Evident in Poczwardowski Conroy (2002) paper
9How do athletes cope with stress?
- E.G., Poczwardowski Conroy (2002) qualitative
study with elite athletes and performing artists - Identified 4 categories of coping
103. Appraisal-focused coping
- Looking into the future
- Moving on
- Keep things in perspective
- Know how to handle criticism and failure
- Control the controllables!
- If you can do something about it then ACT
- If you cant do anything about it then dont bang
your head against a brick wall just REACT
appropriately - ACTION or REACTION?
- Importance of coping
- How coping fits with Lazarus and Folkman (1984)
- Types of coping
- Coping strategies used by athletes
- Role of SP