Title: Coping%20with%20Change
1Chapter 23
- Coping with Change
- 1920-1929
- In many ways modern America began in the Roaring
Twenties - It was a time of rapid economic growth,
technological advances, and changing social and
cultural values - With millions of cars coming off Detroits
assembly lines, Americans took to the roads - They were entertained by movies and radio
programs - They bought an array of new consumer products
- All of these new developments in society
stimulated great artistic creativity, but also
contributed to social tensions, fears, and
culture wars
3Introduction (cont.)
- 1.) Why was the economy so prosperous in the
1920s and how were different social groups
affected by the economic boom? - 2.) What were the dominant political values of
the 1920s, and how did Republican presidents of
the period represent them? - 3.) What was the new popular culture of the
decade, and which Americans did it barely touch?
4Introduction (cont.)
- 4.) What developments in the period contributed
to both the social tensions and the artistic
5A New Economic Order
- Booming Business, Ailing Agriculture
- Demobilization following WWI disrupted the
economy - Caused a sharp recession
- By 1922, recovery had set in
- For the rest of the decade the economy grew
rapidly and prospered - Development of electric appliances
- Refrigerators
- Washing machines
- Vacuum cleaners
- Development of the automobile industries
6Booming Business, Ailing Agriculture (cont.)
- Mass production of cars
- created hundreds of thousands of jobs
- Stimulated a host of related industries
- Rubber
- Oil
- Steel
- Highway construction
- American business also invested heavily abroad
and loaned to European nations to help them
repay war debts - High protective tariffs in the 1920s tended to
suppress international trade
7Booming Business, Ailing Agriculture (cont.)
- Wages rose overall during the decade
- But not all workers shared in the pay increases
- Southern workers
- African-Americans
- Mexican-Americans
- Recent immigrants
- Female workers
8Booming Business, Ailing Agriculture (cont.)
- American farmers did well during WWI
- After the armistice European and domestic markets
contracted - Prices plunged
- Farmers need to repay loans and mortgages
- Farmers tried to compensate by growing more
- This created a surpluses that drown down produce
prices further - Agriculture remained a depressed sector of the
economy throughout the 1920s
9New Modes of Producing, Managing, and Selling
- Introduction of the assembly line and other
technological advances brought more than 40
increase in productivity between 1919 and 1929 - History Channel video--assembly line
- This led to bigger profits
- A wave of corporate merges
- By 1930, 100 corporations controlled almost 1/2
of the business done in the U.S.A. - Competition disappeared
- Corporations joined together in trade
associations - Fixed prices
- Divide markets
10New Modes of Producing, Managing, and Selling
- A network of chain stores developed
- Displaced small, independently owned retail
stores - Big business successfully boosted sales and
profits - Introduced credit
- Relied heavily on advertising
- Business influence and values pervaded all areas
of American life in the 1920s - Big businessmen became the new cultural heroes
- Politicians vied to serve business
- Organized religion tired to copy its selling
11Women in the New Economic Era
- The proportion of women working outside the home
stayed at about 24 - Working women earned less than men holding
similar jobs - The growth of large corporation increased the
need for - Secretaries
- Typists
- Filing clerks
- Few women broke into management positions
- Teaching and nursing were typical female
12Struggling Labor Unions in a Business Age
- The 1920s were an unsuccessful time for
organized labor - Union membership fell from 5 million in 1920 to
3.4 million in 1929 - Management discouraged the growth of unions
- Intimidation
- Violence
- Insistence on the open shop
- Use of scab labor during strikes
- Introduction by some companies of benefits such
as stock purchase plans - Employers often charged that unions and strikes
were Communist led
13The Harding and Coolidge Administrations
- Stand Pat Politics in a Decade of Change
- 1920 election
- Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding
- Democrats nominated James Cox
- Harding easily won
- Harding admin. was riddled with corruption
- He put friends in high positions which they
14Stand Pat Politics in a Decade of Change (cont.)
- Charles Forbes
- Veterans Bureau chief
- Stole bureau funds
- Harry Daugherty
- Attorney General of the Justice Department
- Sold influence and immunity from prosecution
- Albert Fall
- Sec. of the Interior
- Leased govt. oil reserves at Teapot Dome, WY and
other locations to favored businessmen in
exchange for bribes
15Stand Pat Politics in a Decade of Change (cont.)
- In the fall of 1923, Harding had a heart attack
and died - Calvin Coolidge assumed the presidency
16Republican Policy Making in a Probusiness Era
- In the Coolidge administration corruption
lessened - The probusiness attitudes continued
- High tariffs protected domestic manufacturers
from foreign competition - trickle down theory
- Supported by Sec. of Treasury Andrew Mellon
- Congress lowered federal taxes for the wealthy
17Republican Policy Making in a Probusiness Era
- Supreme Court declared the federal child labor
law unconstitutional - Under Chief Justice William Howard Taft
- Appointed by Harding
18Republican Policy Making in a Probusiness Era
- Even though Coolidge promoted govt. assistance to
business, he opposed federal aid to all other
groups - He refused to extend relief to 1927 flood victims
- Twice vetoed the McNary-Haugen bill
- Which proposed to have Washington buy up surplus
farm commodities at good prices
19Independent Internationalism
- The U.S.A. followed an independent
internationalism - Protected what it saw as U.S. global interests
only - Did not join the League of Nations or the World
Court - International naval arms conference
- 1921
- In Washington D.C.
- Called by Hardings Sec. of State, Charles E.
Hughes - Treaties that imposed a 10-year moratorium on
battleship construction - Pledged the major powers to respect each others
territorial possessions in the Pacific
20Independent Internationalism (cont.)
- The 1920s Republican administrations also
insisted that the WWI allies repay a portion of
their war debts to the U.S. - Then they made it difficult for them to do so
- Curtailed their sales of goods in the U.S. with
high protective tariffs
21Progressive Stirrings, Democratic Party Divisions
- Progressive reform sentiment did not completely
disappear in the 1920s - A coalition of labor and farm groups in 1924
revived the Progressive Party - Nominated Robert LaFollette for president
- Democrats nominated John W. Davis
- The party was split between urban and rural wings
- Republicans nominated Coolidge
- Coolidge easily won
22Women and Politics in the 1920s A Dream
- Ratification of the 19th amendment had less
impact on politics in the 1920s than many
womens rights advocates predicted - The womens movement splintered
- Some feminists backed an equal rights amendment
- Other feared it would undermine laws protecting
female workers
23Mass Society, Mass Culture
- Cities, Cars, Consumer Goods
- This was the 1st decade in which the majority of
Americans lived in cities - City life-styles and values spread to more and
more of the population - The new consumer goods were most readily
available to city dwellers - New electric appliances transformed household
duties - Supermarkets
- Commercial bakeries
24Cities, Cars, Consumer Goods (cont.)
- Automobiles had the biggest impact on American
culture - Traffic jams
- Parking problems
- Mounting accidental deaths
- Reduced parental supervision of young adults
- The spread of suburbs
- History Channel video--car
25Soaring Energy Consumption and a Threatened
- The mass production and sales of cars and
electric appliances took a heavy toll on the
environment and natural resources - Generating enough electricity to power the new
appliances consumed millions of tons of coal - The biggest users of oil and gasoline were the
millions of automobiles
26Soaring Energy Consumption and a Threatened
Environment (cont.)
- The nation wasted and needlessly depleted fossil
fuels - Pollution of the atmosphere all came from the
cars, power plants, steel mills, and other
industries - Cars also made it easier for people to visit
wilderness areas - Tourists demands for good roads, hotels, and
other amenities in pristine areas soon threatened
to ruin them - A few groups protested
- Americans on the whole were indifferent to the
environmental threat
27Mass-Produced Entertainment
- Americans increasingly turned to mass-produced
entertainment - Assembly line production made work less
fulfilling and less time consuming - Popular magazines built massive circulations
- Readers Digest
- All over the U.S. people listened to the same
radio programs and watched the same movies - Produced a more homogeneous national culture
28Mass-Produced Entertainment (cont.)
- The new standardized culture did not permeate all
segments - In rural areas, evangelical Christians denounced
much of the mass entertainment as godless - Mexican-Americans and African-Americans
maintained most of their own vibrant ethnic
29Celebrity Culture
- Mass communication made possible by radio and
film created nationwide heroes and media events - Sports celebrities
- Babe Ruth
- Ty Cobb
- Jack Dempsey
- Charles Lindbergh
- Solo flight across the Atlantic
- History Channel video--flight
- History Channel speech--Coolidge on Lindbergh
30Cultural Ferment and Creativity
- The Jazz Age and the Postwar Crisis of Values
- In the so-called Jazz Age,some young people
rejected the values of their elders on sexual
matters, dress, and decorum - The ideas of Sigmund Freud became popular
- psychoanalysis
- Women asserted their freedom by discussing sex
openly, wearing makeup, smoking, and shortening
their skirts, and their hair
31The Jazz Age and the Postwar Crisis of Values
- This upheaval in manners and morals primarily
affected the urban middle class - Most farmers, African-Americans, industrial
workers, and recent immigrants were more
concerned with economic survival than
experimenting with new life-styles
32Alienated Writers
- The 1920s saw the emergence of many talented
writers writers - Sinclair Lewis, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott
Fitzgerald - They were often critical of
- the narrow-minded, small-town values of prewar
America - the materialistic business culture of the
twenties - Some felt so uncomfortable with the 1920s
America that they spent much of the decade abroad - They did care deeply about finding and creating
an authentic American culture through their
33Lewis, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald
34Alienated Writers (cont.)
- In his American Mercury magazines, Henry L.
Mencken championed the works of these new writers - He also kept up a steady barrage of ridicule of
American politics and society
35Architects, Painters, and Musicians Confront
Modern America
- architecture
- American cities in the 1920s were filled with
skyscrapers - Painters
- American artists painted the American scene
- Urban and rural
- Past and present
- Thomas Hart Benton
- Edward Hopper
- Joseph Stella
- Georgia OKeeffe
36Architects, Painters, and Musicians Confront
Modern America (cont.)
- Musicians
- New classical composers appeared
- Aaron Copland
- The unique contribution of America to the musical
world was jazz - George Gershwin
- Jelly Roll Morton
- Louis Armstrong
- Duke Ellington
37The Harlem Renaissance
- Led by the growing African-American population in
the northern cities - Harlem in New York City
- New York City had a concentration of
- Recording companies
- Book and magazine publishers
- Theater productions
- African-American civil-rights organizations
- NAACP headquarters
- These drew African-American artists, writers,
composers, musicians, and intellectuals - Most of the U.S.A. and the West Indies
38The Harlem Renaissance (cont.)
- Whites flocked to Harlems jazz clubs to hear
these musicians - All-black stage shows played on Broadway
- White-owned publishing houses printed the novels
and short stories - Langston Hughes
- Claude McKay
- Explored the African-American experience in their
39The Harlem Renaissance (cont.)
- Some sympathetic whites also produced works
portraying African-American life - George Gershwins musical Porgy and Bess
- Many whites though held romanticized and
stereotyped views of Harlem and African-Americans
40A Society in Conflict
- Immigration Restriction
- In 1924 and 1929, the U.S. govt. passed
restrictive laws that drastically cut the total
of immigrants permitted to enter the U.S.A. - They also established quotas for each nationality
- Laws excluded Chinese and Japanese entirely and
eastern and southern Europeans received small
quotas - Reflected the fears and intolerance of the time
- Total immigration fell to 280,000 in 1929
- It averaged 1 million a year between 1900-1914
- This discriminatory, national-origins quota
system remained in U.S. law until 1965
41Needed Workers/Unwelcome Aliens Hispanic
- The 1920s, National Origins Act did not curtail
immigration from Western Hemisphere countries - By 1930, about 2 million Mexicans had arrived in
the U.S.A. - Most lived in the Southwest
- Most worked in agriculture
- Agribusiness wanted the cheap labor
- Mexicans experienced bitter resentment from
nativist Americans
42Nativism, Anti-Radicalism, and the Sacco-Vanzetti
- The Sacco-Vanzetti case further illustrated the
intolerance and divisions in society in the
1920s - Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian
immigrants - They were convicted of robbery and murder
Vanzetti (on left) Sacco (on right)
43Nativism, Anti-Radicalism, and the Sacco-Vanzetti
Case (cont.)
- The evidence against them was circumstantial
- The prosecution probably prejudiced the jury by
stressing their ethnic origin and political
radicalism - They were found guilty of the crimes and were
executed in 1927
44Fundamentalism and the Scopes Trial
- Several states passed laws prohibiting the
teaching of any scientific theory that
contradicted the account of human origin given in
the Bible - John T. Scopes
- High school teacher in Dayton, TN
- Challenged the states law by teaching Charles
Darwins theory of evolution
45Fundamentalism and the Scopes Trial (cont.)
- The American Civil Liberties Union hired a team
of distinguished lawyers headed by Clarence
Darrow to defend Scopes - William Jennings Bryan assisted the prosecution
- Scopes was convicted
46Fundamentalism and the Scopes Trial (cont.)
- The fundamental religious position was ridiculed
in the courtroom and in the national press - But states still passed anti-evolution laws
- Textbook publishers deleted mention of Darwins
theories to appease local school boards - History Channel video--Scopes trial
47The Ku Klux Klan
- Another indication of social conflict and
intolerance was the rise of the KKK - Preached hatred toward blacks, Jews, Catholics,
immigrants, and the new urban values - Membership grew to an estimated 5 million
- For a short time it exerted real political power
in a few states - OR, OK, IN
- It threatened, intimidated, beat, and murdered
those it considered to be dangerous to a
purified America
48The Garvey Movement
- Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
- Led by Marcus Garvey
- Mostly poor urban African-Americans
- Preached black pride
- Black economic solidarity
- A return to Africa
- At its peak the UNIA had 80,000 members
- The first mass movement among African-Americans
49Prohibition Cultures in Conflict
- Prohibition split Americans
- Supporters
- Native-born
- Fundamentalist Protestants
- Rural areas
- Opponents
- Liberals
- Intellectuals
- Rebellious youths
- Big-city immigrants
50Prohibition Cultures in Conflict (cont.)
- Enforcement of prohibition broke down almost
immediately - Many Americans did not believe in it
- Organized crime was busy supplying the demand for
illegal liquor - Prohibition became a big issue in the 1928
election - History Channel video--prohibition raid
51Hoover at the Helm
- The Election of 1928
- Democrats nominated Alfred Smith
- Republicans nominated Herbert Hoover
- Hoover easily won
- Many fundamentalist Protestants would not vote
for Smith because he was a Catholic, did not
support Prohibition, and came from NYC - The biggest reason for Hoovers victory was
economic prosperity and Republican promises that
things would get even better
52Herbert Hoovers Social Thought
- Hoover encouraged voluntary cooperation among
corporate leaders - Raise wages
- Plan production and marketing
- Standardize products
53Herbert Hoovers Social Thought (cont.)
- He believed in self-regulation by business would
ensure economic growth and a better life for all - He did not believe in govt. intervention
- After the Great Depression set in, he clung to
voluntarism and was reluctant to use govt. power - This greatly handicapped his ability to deal with
a sick economy
- In the 1920s Americans tried to adjust to the
mass production, mass culture, and urban society
that had emerged - The decades political leadership was for the
most part conservative and backward looking - Those who found this new world unfamiliar and
threatening often reacted with repression and
hate - Supporters of prohibition, fundamentalists, KKK
55Conclusion (cont.)
- Others embraced the new life-styles made possible
by radios, cars, movies, and electric appliances - The social ferment also produced an outpouring of
creative energy - Harlem Renaissance
- Jazz
- American literature